Thursday, November 30, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Christmas Thoughts With Happy Endings"

Jean's Comment's: "Christmas Thoughts With Happy Endings": Angela telling Dobie how sorry she was to have to leave her at the Kennel for 36 hours. Dobie came home all out of sorts. 11-30-2017 Perry...

"Christmas Thoughts With Happy Endings"

Angela telling Dobie how sorry she was to have to leave her at the Kennel for 36 hours. Dobie came home all out of sorts. 11-30-2017 Perryton, TX.

My son and daughter-in-law had to take their little Chihuahua dog, Dobie, to the Kennel when they came to get me for Thanksgiving. Given the fact they traveled to Lubbock and spent the day watching TCU and Texas Tech play the game no one wanted to miss. They came on to Perryton, and spent the night with me before leaving the next day for home. Dobie had to spend 48 hours in the kennel. She was a little up set when she got home. We all had to tell her how sorry we were to have to leave her. I stayed a week at my son’s house, and Dobie was doing mush better when I left to come home. I just had to post a picture of her while she was receiving sympathy from her best friend, Angela. Dobie was served a nice warm helping of turkey, but she was not feeling her best to enjoy it like she normally would. She had plenty of left-over’s  put in the fridge for when she gets back to normal.

The temperature has dropped today to 46 degree and some wind. I will be staying inside, and fighting the urge to eat. I have now lost three of the five pounds I gained through Thanksgiving. I am having trouble refusing to make the traditional, delicious, fruit cake that puts 10 pounds on me every Christmas. I love it to the moon and back. I will just have to eat the fruit in a salad form without the dough. I have also given up the assorted candy goodies, and all other rich, delicious foods I make every Christmas. I just won’t trade my new wardrobe for good foods. I have learned how to substitute those high carb foods with low carb that are also delicious. It’s such fun to shuffle my diet from day to day, trying to satisfy my taste while staying within my carb range.

I am still deeply involved in politics. I believe our President’s tax bill is going to pass tonight. I am so excited about all the good changes this President has made to happen. No one can defeat him with his policies, because he has been appointed by God. The sooner people realize this the sooner they will be at peace with their souls. One just cannot continue to do bad things, and expect to be blessed by God. They finally have to pay for their sinful debt. God don’t just write it off like the credit card companies do. You owe it, and will always suffer the consequences even though you may get forgiveness from God. So many people ask for forgiveness, but continue the same old sinful life they have lived for so long. God can, and does use the repented sinner many times, but never forget He is the one calling the shots. He knows when we go back on our promises to him. President Trump learned this important fact, and is determined to keep his promises in spite of the opposition he gets daily. He knows God is still calling the shots. Lay it down now before the load gets any heavier.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "My loving Family Shadows"

Jean's Comment's: "My loving Family Shadows": The photographer turned on me, and took my picture. Granddaughter, son-in-law behind her, son in front, and daughter-in-law posing for a s...

"My loving Family Shadows"

The photographer turned on me, and took my picture. Granddaughter, son-in-law behind her, son in front, and daughter-in-law posing for a shot. 11-29-2017 Perryton, TX

I wanted to post one more picture of my family taken on Thanksgiving Day 2017. I was trying to get my granddaughter’s picture as she was the photographer taking all the pics, but she turned around and took my picture. It was such a fun time, and I have a lot of pictures with which to remember this special day. I will not let time take these memories away from me.

I met a good friend at the Citizen’s Center today. We had just finished eating and was visiting when a family member came in and told my friend that they had just taken her daughter to the emergency room with a heart attack. A helicopter had been called to air lift her to Amarillo because of the seriousness of her condition. It was totally unexpected, and the mother jumped up to rush to the hospital. When I left the Center, after telling a few people about the emergency, I went by the hospital. The helicopter had not arrived yet, and I still don’t know what the outcome will be. Ironically the wife of one of my friends employees had fallen and broken her neck, so both patients were being air lifter to Amarillo. The electric company that my friend owns with her two sons and daughter will have to be closed for awhile. How quickly, and seriously, some things happen sometimes.

We all live each day not knowing if we will live through the day. I have had several friends this past year who have died within hours of being attacked by something they had no idea was brewing in their life. Most of them were several years younger than I. I am thankful for every day that I live, and enjoy myself, knowing it is a blessing indeed. Job 8:9, says, For we are but of yesterday, and know nothing, because our days upon earth are a shadow. That sounds to me like our bodies are just a shadow, and not a real human being. For that reason we know nothing about our next breath. I pray I will never have to suffer like Job did, but who knows, our lives are like a shadow here on earth. Job was a very righteous man, yet God let the demon attack him to prove his faith in God would never cease. Job chose to die because of his suffering, but because he was a shadow, he could not die. I doubt that anyone can explain this book of the bible, but many have tried. If I ever get to the place I want to die, but can’t I will think of Job, and his perseverance. God had a reason for Job’s suffering, just like He had a reason for His Son’s suffering. Let us accept that fact without any question. Let us be strong in our suffering, knowing that those before us were strong, and never gave up. I have used this reason for taking pain without complaining to others if it is a necessary cause.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "A Part Of God's Family"

Jean's Comment's: "A Part Of God's Family": My son, Kent, myself, Jean, my daughter, Rhonda, taken on Thanksgiving Day, 2017. A happy time together. 11-28-2017 Perryton, TX I am st...

"A Part Of God's Family"

My son, Kent, myself, Jean, my daughter, Rhonda, taken on Thanksgiving Day, 2017. A happy time together. 11-28-2017 Perryton, TX

I am still missing my family after such a wonderful Thanksgiving get-to-together. My children, and grandchildren are my most cherished assets. My thoughts are mainly upon making them more happy, as if that were possible. I must say they all have a happy, and blessed life, but good can always be better, I believe. I want to see them excess in the jobs they are doing, and are happily, contented with. I think they all deserve even more than they now control. I lift them up in prayer every day, asking God to make them shouting angels to His band. This world is not our home, we are just passing through. I might add, none of us are looking forward to leaving our earthly homes, but we know Heaven is the destination. I can barely stay put, because I want to dance, dance, dance. “The joy of the Lord is my salvation.” He is my Sheppard and, “ I shall not want.” Give me earthly tools, I will build you an earthly house. Give me a Holy Bible, and I will build you a Heavenly Mansion. Reach out today, take someone’s hand, and let your blessings be felt by them. The Spirit of God is waiting to be invited into each and every heart. No one could be more honored than to receive an invitation like that. Wipe that smirk from off your face, and replace it with a big smile. Start counting your blessings as they start to mount up. You must remember to count.

Yesterday, after being home three days from a week’s vacation, I still had a few good fresh tomatoes that hadn’t spoiled while I was gone. I chopped them up, added green bell peppers, onions, jalapeno pepper, garlic, salt, lime juice, and made the best salsa I ever tasted. I had a quart and a pint. Chuck, and I have already eaten the pint. I had not made salsa before, and I am excited on how well it turned out. I didn’t use a recipe. I just tried to remember what I had seen in salsa when someone else had made it. I guessed at the measurements, and I think my guess was better than the previous measurements. I used some of the salsa on some shredded lettuce instead of salad dressing. It made for a perfect mixture of other salad ingredients, and the liquid made the perfect dressing. That same salad is on my lunch menu today along with left-over baked chicken, a spoonful of dressing, and a spoonful of white beans. The pounds have already started coming off. That makes me happy also. The five pounds I gained over Thanksgiving caused me to miss a step or two with my dancing. I could not allow that to continue.

The temperature is warming up, and I will be going out and finish cleaning up the old dead flowers in the flower garden. I did get the asparagus cut back, and covered for the winter freezing. I am almost through with the yard work till next spring. I hope it comes soon. I will now start planning for Christmas. Another holiday I love. I plan to shout all the way through the season. Merry Christmas to all.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, November 27, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Sometimes Stupidity Pays Off"

Jean's Comment's: "Sometimes Stupidity Pays Off": This fire place at my son, and daughter-in-law's home supplied me with sweet peace for the whole week I was there for Thanksgiving, 20...

"Sometimes Stupidity Pays Off"

This fire place at my son, and daughter-in-law's home supplied me with sweet peace for the whole week I was there for Thanksgiving, 2017. A wonderful week of enjoyment visiting with family. 11-27-2017 Perryton, TX

This, the third day of being home after a Thanksgiving vacation, is still giving me pleasant thoughts from all the excitement that occurred during my visit with my youngest son, and family. Also my daughter, and son-in-law, added to the laughter that left us with sore tummies. A new game was introduced to us by my college granddaughter, and we couldn’t laugh normally because of a mouth-piece placed in our mouths. It was the most hilarious invention that’s ever been created. I can see why the inventor cashed in on over a million dollars on the bright idea. Our facial expressions didn’t change because we were muzzled, but we all but rolled on the floor with funny gestures. Our funny bones had to be free to keep us from dying with laughter, that we couldn’t make. It was a “once-in-a-lifetime” evening of fun, and body exercise. Leave it to the new generation to make the older ones live longer. God bless them.

I still need a few days to get back in the groove of being alone, and nothing at home seems interesting. However, I would not be anywhere else, except but for a few days at a time. I do normally enjoy my home, and the space it gives me. It certainly is my comfort zone. No one, nor nobody can interfere with my visits with Jesus each night before I go to bed. Although He already knows everything I’ve done that day, I still tell Him again what He already knows. I think He expects that from us. It’s called “closeness,” and we need to stay close to our Heavenly Father, who gives us our daily bread, and protects us from all harm. It is times like these when we kneel beside our bed, and unload all our joys, and concerns, that God refills us with faith, and peace to face a new day. I am thinking of going to the Citizen’s Center next Wednesday. I haven’t been in any hurry to go anywhere since I’ve been back home, but have started to think about it. Once I make that move, I believe I will even enjoy my time with friends more than ever before. I just can’t explain the uplifting I brought home with me. I’m spending a lot of time now in concentration on what I want to change in my future, or might I say, do I want to change anything? I truly believe the change will come automatically if I will be patient, and let God have His way in my life. Until then I will be content to do the things I’ve been doing for the past five years since I became a widow. I didn’t want for any good comments while I was gone. I am so thankful for true friends, and family. Surly I am pleasing God, or I would have a different feeling than I have now. I pray I can continue to do so. May God bless all my readers.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "My Childhood Days Made Real Again"

Jean's Comment's: "My Childhood Days Made Real Again": Kent was walking so fast till I cut off his head. He was picking cotton for a souvenir. 11-26-2017 Perryton, TX On our way to Abilene fr...

"My Childhood Days Made Real Again"

Kent was walking so fast till I cut off his head. He was picking cotton for a souvenir. 11-26-2017 Perryton, TX

On our way to Abilene from Perryton, we passed many fields of white cotton ready to harvest. Kent stopped once to go pick a few bolls to take home with him. I wanted to take his picture, but he was walking so fast till I cut off his head. He is a stranger to cotton fields, unlike his mother who was raised on a cotton farm. When I was growing up we had to pull long sacks behind us pulling off the cotton bolls and putting them in our sack. Many times we were pulling 100 pound sacks before we made it to the end of the row and weighed it, then emptied it in a large trailer. Now-a-days a huge cotton-picker piece of machinery strips the cotton from the stalks, and dumps it into a large bin as it travels down the rows. Kent thought the two limbs of cotton he picked would add an attraction to the nice center piece his wife had on the table, but she had a different opinion. A disappointed Kent tried to agree, but he is hard to convince when he gets certain ideas. His patient wife usually makes him understand why some of his ideas are not so good. I love these two love birds so much. It takes both of them working together to do the stressful jobs they both are paid to do. Together they are very successful.

Seldom does a day go by that I don’t wonder why God has been so good to me and my family. We have made many mistakes, and have had to pay the consequences there of, but never have we been left alone to struggle with the disadvantage some of these mistakes left us with. God is always there to guide us through, and always gives us a bonus when we finish the difficult tasks that follows our mistakes. Sometimes it may not be a mistake, but just a failure to follow God’s calling. This Almighty God we serve is not an image of magic. He is a true, just, power of high authority, and uses disciplinary measures to keep His children in perfect obedience to Him. So at 84 years old I have my aches and pains, many of them because of my own mistakes, but in spite of it all, I am very active, happy, enjoy living the good life, and look forward to more great blessings every day. It’s just that way in spite of my inability to understand. God is so good, but we must always let Him be in control of our lives. The saying goes like this, “When God closes one door He opens another.” Sometimes it takes us a long time to get out of the way so God can close that door, but It finally will happen even though God may have to force it on us. If we ever feel left without a hope, think again. “God will never leave us nor forsake us.” Those words are His, and they are in His Holy Bible.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "A Fireplace For A peaceful Thanksgiving"

Jean's Comment's: "A Fireplace For A peaceful Thanksgiving": Such happy, thankful, blessings we shared around my son, and daughter-in-law's fireplace this Thanksgiving. 11-25-2017 Perryton, TX ...

"A Fireplace For A peaceful Thanksgiving"

Such happy, thankful, blessings we shared around my son, and daughter-in-law's fireplace this Thanksgiving. 11-25-2017 Perryton, TX

Two days after a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner at my son, and daughter-in-law’s house, I am back home from a weeks vacation. My daughter and son-in-law brought me home yesterday and spent the night. They left for their home in Odessa, Texas this morning. As you can see from the picture I have posted of the cheerful burning fireplace, we all had a great time. It was a small family get-together at Abilene, Texas with my son, daughter-in-law, granddaughter, daughter, and son-in-law. I can never tell them “thanks” enough for all the love they showed me. It was a week of blessed events to say the least. The weather was nice, and we took a lot of pictures outside in their beautiful yard. It was all worth the five pounds I gained, but it must now come off. I think I will skip Christmas this year. I’ve had enough rich, good food to last a long time, unless I’m tempted to the hilt. I must say we have some good cooks in our family including the guys. My son-in-law made a lot of delicious fudge, and a cheese ball spread. My son made the wonderful dressing, and I made a pecan pie. My daughter-in-law made pumpkin pie, and we all together made yeast rolls. The ham and turkey was cooked to perfection. There was no lack for anything good to eat.

I am glad to be back home, but feel a bit forsaken right now. It is always awhile before I can adjust back to the old routine of being home alone after a week of excitement. It’s all to quite, and nothing seems interesting. I have already decided to skip the Widowed Group meeting this evening. Just too much age difference between where I’ve been  this past week, and where I would be tonight. Maybe my age feeling will come back to me by next Saturday night. If not I will just be a loner. I will bounce back for sure. There are too many things I must do in order to continue to survive the struggling life that I am faced with daily. Home, and vehicle upkeep. Bills kept paid (a long list of those,) with some calling for new contracts, and others requiring threats from me if they don’t meet my bookkeeping figures. Every once in awhile my son has to intervene on theses matters for me. Another asset I have that I’m thankful for. I think I just want to be too retired. I like to have fun, and enjoy myself all the time, but there is no retirement from responsibilities, unless you are wealthy, or want to give up all your independence, and go rest with the other old people who have turned in the towel. I don’t ever plan to do that. I really could not be more happy than I am now with just what I have. I feel extremely blessed, and I will forever be giving thanks to my Lord. I think I hear an echo that most of you had the same blessed Thanksgiving that I had. Aren’t we all so  thankful? Yes, indeed.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Not Pretty But A Fact"

Jean's Comment's: "Not Pretty But A Fact": What happened to my beautiful flower garden? They said good-bye till next year. 11-16-2017 Perryton, TX I was able to work outside today...

"Not Pretty But A Fact"

What happened to my beautiful flower garden? They said good-bye till next year. 11-16-2017 Perryton, TX

I was able to work outside today, and pull up a lot of dead flowers. 
The heavy pulling left me very tired about the time I was half finished. I will need another day or two to finish. It’s always nice to sit back and view all the accomplishments you have made in just one, and one-half, hours. That’s about all the hard work this body will take in one day anymore. I do love yard work, and will be beating my tail off every chance I get. I have no desire to live in an apartment. This old body must have a yard. That’s probably because I was raised on a farm, and I learned at a very young age to work with the soil. I have not lived in the country since I was married, but I have always missed the cattle, and other livestock that was part of our farm  life. The only thing I hated about the country was the snakes I had to deal with. We didn’t  have many poisonous snakes, but to me they were all poison. Just give me some paint, a brush, a canvas, a computer, a television, and I will be satisfied until next spring when the flowers start to pop through the ground. My phone with the unlimited minutes is the million dollar bonus I love the most. I have friends, and family scattered all over the world. Some I don’t contact much, but just knowing I can makes me happy.

As I sat here this morning writing about the trivial matters it may seem to some that I have no interest, nor knowledge about the condition of our world. Let me be clear, I spend much more time commuting with political persons on the enter net than I do in my yard, or painting. I feel like the little I can offer to help keep America safe, and boost the confidence of our President is doing something worth while.  I truly believe that myself, and everyone else, has a part in bringing our country back to God, if we just make an honest effort to contribute all, or any, we possible can, in anyway we can to reach that goal is a positive help. Every straw in a haystack is part of it. All the straws stacked together make a mountain of littlies that if continued to pile on, would reach the heavens. It’s not always the size, but the weight that something carries, that makes a difference. That weight does not necessarily mean pounds. When I have watched so much of corrupt straws,(rotten,) piling up against our democracy, I have to go to the yard awhile, or find some place to go and laugh awhile. Yes, even the tiny rotten straws do make a mountain of corruption. I pray that more good, clean, straws will keep piling up and reach the heavens quicker than the rotten ones. Please don’t throw in the towel, but throw in a straw to make a miraculous stack.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp          

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "A Thanksgiving Day Of Joy"

Jean's Comment's: "A Thanksgiving Day Of Joy": Rosa and family showed up today smiling. They are so welcome. 11-15-2017 Perrryton, TX I am thankful for a beautiful, fall day today. Ev...

"A Thanksgiving Day Of Joy"

Rosa and family showed up today smiling. They are so welcome. 11-15-2017 Perrryton, TX

I am thankful for a beautiful, fall day today. Even had a rose family to show up. How I love these nice days. The next one we have I have promised to pull up all the dead flower stalks, and put them in the dumpster. They will almost fill the dumpster, but I can’t stand to look at them any longer. I will be leaving this Saturday to go visit my son for a week, so hope I can get the yard cleaned before I leave.

I enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner today at the Center. The food was scrumptious, with turkey and dressing the best ever. The large dinning area was filled with people, and it was so nice to see all the faces that I hadn’t seen in awhile. It is times like this that I thank God from the bottom of my heart. With the carry-outs, there must have been over 150 dinners served. We give thanks for a nice couple who paid for all the dinners, and except for a donation jar, it cost us nothing. God bless this couple. The Center is strictly supported by donations, and a small meal charge, after a meager, yearly, membership fee. Non-members are welcome, but have to pay a little more than members. Everything about this place is nice, and I’ve seen very few nicer. A spirit of love is always present. This Center certainly is a blessing to this community.

My trip to Liberal, Kansas yesterday was a real hit. I found several nice items of clothing and jewelry, and felt extremely pleased to fit into each one. The dress shop I chose to browse in was loaded with lovely, fashionable, styles, and there were a lot of it marked down. I have been shopping at this place for over twenty-five years. Surely the angels design these cloths. I am anxious to go back, and take more time to look around.

I just gave the last of the green tomatoes to a friend. She had asked me for my recipe for chow-chow, but didn’t have any green tomatoes. I was glad to find someone to give them to. I saved a few small ones to make pickled tomatoes. I always loved my mother’s pickled tomatoes. I will be looking for just the right recipe. Hopefully I can get a few more small tomatoes off the vines before we have a hard freeze. I know my kids will be asking for some to take home with them. The friend stayed and visited for awhile. She had a few minutes before church started. It’s always nice to have friends come and visit. I’m not sure, but think maybe God had a hand in all of this, because she got me interested in start coming to the bible study each week. I quit going to that study fifteen years ago, but this friend assured me it was really an interesting hour to be a part of now. It’s always hard to start a new, regular meeting event one day a week, but I think I will try. Our pastor is the leader of the study, and I have billions of question I would like to ask. I was told today that I could feel free to do that in this study.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "A Wicked Part Of Congress"

Jean's Comment's: "A Wicked Part Of Congress": Attorney General, Jeff Sessions before House Judicary Committee. 11-14-2017 Perryton, TX My house is filled with excitement this morning a...

"A Wicked Part Of Congress"

Attorney General, Jeff Sessions before House Judicary Committee. 11-14-2017 Perryton, TX
My house is filled with excitement this morning as I run back and forth from the computer to the television to watch the hearing on Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, before the House Judiciary Committee. I simply cannot miss a word of this important hearing. I had no choice but to cancel a meeting I definitely intended to attend. The meeting was Happy Timers, a community gathering at my church, which I was very interested in hearing the speaker today. He is the new Ochiltree County Game Warden, and was going to speak on “Hurricane Harvey.” I regretfully have to say I put politics, or concern for country, before my Christian meeting this morning. I feel so connected to the effort of our President to restore peace and justice to America. The Jucicary Committee hearing is getting almost out of control. I  see no let-up in the fierce fighting going on in our corrupt nation any way soon. This trusted government leadership has been invaded so broadly, and wickedly, until it may, or may not, ever be restored to trust and respect. One thing we know for sure, it will take everyone with any will at all to fight against this evil if we every win. It’s far bigger than most people know. I don’t know how long it will take before the sleeping giant wakes up, but a lot of us are trying hard to awaken him. I have now turned on the television behind me in my computer room. Please excuse me if I start writing senselessly, as if I may already be doing. I would like so much to appear at this hearing and yell, “listen to me.” I have to just tell it to God, and He will deliver for me. All my life I have been a competitor, and seek to win, especially for my God and country. I believe this is a normal ambition that everyone should covet. Every since the beginning of time this world has been divided against good, and evil. “God and Satan.”  I know, without a doubt, which side I am on, and who is my commander. I am fully committed to give all I have to win this war against evil.

Of all days I do have to make a trip to Liberal, Kansas to keep a commitment that can’t be changed again. I will have a lot of catching up to do, but I will not fail. I may cut my shopping spree short, but I am sure I will find something I just can’t live without, pretty quick. My favorite clothing store is there, and I need a new outfit to wear tomorrow. It looks like I am in a contest of using I’s,  but sometimes it’s just all about I. I need to change that ideology. I just hesitate to use us, or we, when making declarations I believe in, especially when I am in a hurry. This person promises to do better tomorrow.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, November 13, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Flowers Of Blessings"

Jean's Comment's: "Flowers Of Blessings": After a hard freeze my fall flowers are still pretty. Makes me happy, they refuse to die. 11-13-2017 Perryton, TX I was so happy this mo...

"Flowers Of Blessings"

After a hard freeze my fall flowers are still pretty. Makes me happy, they refuse to die. 11-13-2017 Perryton, TX

I was so happy this morning to walk out in the back yard and see these pretty flowers still smiling at me after a heavy freeze. Every day they live makes my winter a day shorter. The shorter the winter, the happier I am. The asparagus is almost all dead, and I will be cutting them back in a few days. I have to make myself believe that very soon I will have fresh asparagus to eat, and a yard full of beautiful flowers, and roses. Oh! I forgot about all the hard work involved. That’s o k I can do it. Just give me pretty things in life.

I cannot comprehend a lot of the new technology being introduced to us every day. I am now receiving a check from an individual every month without any signature on it. The envelope reads from, Bill Payment Center. I thought it was a refund until I read further, payment enclosed. The check says signature on file, but no name. The first time I got a check from this place, I was trying to think who I could go to and try to find out if it was a gimmick, or what. Then in a couple of days the secret sender called me and said be expecting this every month. I just can’t believe all the sophisticated ways our world is being changed to. But as long as I can receive, and not have to send, I will be o k. I do appreciate all the blessings God gives me, and I never forget to tell Him so, daily. I do feel like sometimes I am using my brain to work a jigsaw puzzle more than anything else. Happy future to all senior citizens.

Oh! How I love these modern times. I no longer have to mow my lawn. My son has hired a yard man to take care of it. The other day I needed to send back some television equipment to the company whom I had canceled. They sent me a box and instructions how to wrap, and mail it. I knew I couldn’t follow those instructions, so thinking it was a UPS label I took it to the place that handles that service. A young lady asked if she could help me. I said yes I need you to help me get this equipment ready to send. She so willingly took the things I gave her, and within minutes she had it ready to mail. I asked her if there was any charge, she said no the freight is prepaid. Then I asked if I needed a receipt. She said your post office clerk will help you with that. I said, do you mean I have to take this to the post office? She said yes, it is USPS. I was so embarrassed, and told the young lady I was sorry for her trouble. She said that’s o k, don’t worry about it. How good is God? Too good, sometimes, to an ignorant person like me.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Chow-Chow To Galore"

Jean's Comment's: "Chow-Chow To Galore":        The six quarts of chow-chow is canned and waiting on the beans. 11-12-2017 Perryton, TX My busy day yesterday turned out good. I...

"Chow-Chow To Galore"

       The six quarts of chow-chow is canned and waiting on the beans. 11-12-2017 Perryton, TX

My busy day yesterday turned out good. I canned six quarts of chow-chow and am ready to can picante sauce tomorrow. I chopped for hours to get all the stuff ready for the chow-chow, then had to let it set for four hours before processing it. I finished about nine o’clock last night. I was tired when I went to bed, but went to sleep quickly. I took some of my back-breaking chow-chow to church today for the dinner, and got several good compliments on it. One lady said her husband liked it so well she asked for the recipe. When I was growing up our family thought they had to have chow-chow with beans or they were no good. I still like that Idea. Cornbread was most often served with the beans, but my mother liked to make big, delicious, home made yeast, buns to eat with beans. That was the most delightful meal we could ever ask for. I might add nobody could match her mouth-watering beans. To this day I cannot make them like my mother did. The good ole days are not fading in my memory. I live with them daily.

I did control my appetite today at church. I ate a small serving of several foods, but had a tiny piece of angle food cake, no icing. The few weeks I indulged with eating has caused me to have to cut away back on carbs. I have lost the extra three ponds, but I decided to take off another three pounds before I let up. I liked the way my cloths fit this morning. And, after a week of fighting food, it becomes quite easy to resist. I feel 100 percent better when I’m not over weight. Besides I have to be prepared to put them back on at Thanksgiving. Being with a lot of family, and a lot of good food, to go with it, is too much to push away from.

The best thing about church today was when I gave a lady two of my books. She had asked some time ago if she could borrow one to read, so I assumed she was not able to buy them. A lady she was taking care of was suppose to let her read hers, so I just assumed the request was taken care off. This morning while getting ready for church it crossed my mind to ask the lady if she ever got to read my books. If not I was going to give her two. When I asked her, and she said no, I went to my car and got the books. I never have seen anyone more appreciative than this person was. She thanked me several times before the meal was over. She said she was going straight home and start reading. How could I have taken so long to get this message form God? Something is wrong with me when I wait that long to give a gift of love to a person who asked for it. If nothing else in this world we do let us be sure to listen to that Holy voice telling us to offer a little more love to those who deserve it, whether we think so or not. After all my books were not written for money, but for a testimony of how Great God Is.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Hundred Pound Pumpkins"

Jean's Comment's: "Hundred Pound Pumpkins": The outside Thanksgiving setting for the Senior Citizen's Center. The sign reads, "Together We Give Thanks." 11-11-2017 ...

"Hundred Pound Pumpkins"

The outside Thanksgiving setting for the Senior Citizen's Center. The sign reads, "Together We Give Thanks." 11-11-2017 Perryton TX

I feel joy when I enter the yard of our Senior Citizen’s Center and see so much love expressed in so many different ways. The same love is also expressed inside the lovely building. Christian love, and American heritage will never die from our elder members. The only thing that will stop this thankful, enthusiastic, spirit in our seniors, is the grave. How blessed, and thankful we are. We will be having our Thanksgiving dinner this next Wednesday, November 15th. Everyone is welcome, and we promise a great turkey, and dressing meal will be the best. The cooks always put out delicious food. The picture I posted this morning has a little sign among the pumpkins that reads, “Together We Give Thanks.” I just wanted to share with you how much my city, and community, show thanksgiving for all our blessings. Out aches and pains seems much less when we meet together and chat. I think everyone should have a calendar with as many events as possible that you could attend just to be socially involved. Retirement was not meant to stay home and do nothing. It means a chance to do all the things you didn’t used to have time to do. Our home can become a hospital if we allow it. “Where two or three are gathered together in my name there am I in their midst.” Matthew 18:20. This does not especially mean an religious meeting. It means anywhere, and anyone, who have Christ in their hearts. This is a lesson that also needs to be learned by many.

The rest of my day will be spent making picante sauce, and chow-chow. Chuck brought over a lot of ripe, and green, tomatoes to fill several quart jars. I thought my canning was over for the summer, but we do like the chow-chow, and picante sauce.

I had to miss the Senior Citizen’s dance last night because my friend, who had asked me to go, had to obey the doctor’s request to have another treatment on her neck. I had already made 75 mini buns, and marinated 100 little smokies to take to the meeting. Today I will be sharing those with my neighbors. They are too much for my resistance level if I keep them around. I could gain back in one day what it took me a week to lose. I thought I could manage three or four with the Senior group, but not a hundred. It was still fun making all this good stuff to share, but those lucky people were not so lucky after all. I also have two loaves of bread left from the yeast dough, that I will have to be tempted with. Why can’t we eat what we want, and still stay slender? I suppose it is because God gave us a body to eat what He has ordained, and a mind to know the difference. I just don’t understand why He gave me such a great appetite. Even though, I have always been healthy except for a weight problem. He does give me a sense to balance things out.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, November 10, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Revelation's chapter 6.

Jean's Comment's: "Revelation's chapter 6.: The painting to the right is a depiction of my interpretation to John's vision as described in Revelation's chapter 6. I said on m...

"Revelation's chapter 6.

The painting to the right is a depiction of my interpretation to John's vision as described in Revelation's chapter 6. I said on my blog this morning that I would post this painting. The four horses mentioned in the scripture are all visible with each having a rider. The Lamb of God in the sky to the left is also described in the scripture. It may be hard to see, but to left about center of pic is the alter with the martyr's spoken of after they were given white robs. One third of the pic to the right is fire and blood which the Word said would be brought about by the fourth rider. I have tried to depict this story in a way that would be impressive, and yes, put fear into hearts. It is certainly going to happen, and people need to wake up. This particular scripture is being preached, and talked about a lot now. I pray I can help impress just how much this bit of prophecy is really going to happen. Set your house in order for it could happen any day.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Jean's Comment's: "Pumpkin Pie Please"

Jean's Comment's: "Pumpkin Pie Please":           Welcome to our church Thanksgiving service and dinner. 11-10-2017 Perryton, TX I am so thankful for my church this Thanksgivin...

"Pumpkin Pie Please"

          Welcome to our church Thanksgiving service and dinner. 11-10-2017 Perryton, TX

I am so thankful for my church this Thanksgiving. The past year I have worried that my church might be attacked for it’s great belief in Christianity. Out young Pastor never slacked off of his deep belief in God, and Jesus  Christ, His Son. He has preached it harder than ever before. As a result the church has grown, especially in younger attendance. I believe the Christian warriors are getting ready for combat against our enemy. I look around at this group of young men, and women, and think, they look strong enough to tackle a lion. It’s evident now that Satan is attacking the churches with deadly force, but we can’t stay home because of fear. We must face the storm regardless of the risk. Those who die for Christ are called martyrs, but God has said in His Word they will be rewarded in the end. Many martyrs have already died  for God, and the Word tells us in John’s vision, Revelation chapter 6: verse 9.

And when he had opened the fifth seal, I, John,  saw under the alter the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for their testimony which they held: V.10 And they cried with a loud voice, saying How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on earth? V, 11. And white robes were given unto everyone of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellow-servants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled.

The lamb of God is saying in this verse of scripture that many more would be martyred and they, the already martyred, should rest until such time the evil war against Christ would end. I have painted an oil translation of my interpretation of the 6th chapter of Revelations. Not because of my artistic  skill, but I believe anyone can look at this painting, and be moved upon in a very fearful way. I will post this painting again in another blog post.
This 6th chapter of Revelations is the reference our Pastor used last Sunday for his sermon. Revelations is getting more attention now than in years. Do you wonder why? Because the prophecy it contains is happening right now, it’s obvious to see. I believe those who still don’t pay attention to this last book in the bible has had their conscience seared. I urge everyone who are denying this book as a reason of not understanding it, to get a hold of God and ask Him to help you understand it. It is a warning to all people that God is real, and He will do what His Word says He will do.

Trust Him, Trust Him, is my plea to you. He will never fail you. Clean all the trash out of your lives, and start a new life for God.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp  

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "The Biggest Turkey On The Block"

Jean's Comment's: "The Biggest Turkey On The Block":                  largest turkey on the block. Ready for Thanksgiving. 11-9-2017 Perryton, TX The first Pilgrim turkey is waiting t...

"The Biggest Turkey On The Block"

                 largest turkey on the block. Ready for Thanksgiving. 11-9-2017 Perryton, TX

The first Pilgrim turkey is waiting to be butchered for Thanksgiving dinner. His ancestors are from 1620. He is proud to still be keeping the tradition. This neighbor’s yard has to excite you, and make you anxious for Thanksgiving. I went to the store after seeing this yard full of Thanksgiving memories, and bought a few things that I will be needing to fix a dinner for my son, Chuck. I won’t be here, but I always cook for him, so he won’t feel left out. Hopefully he will invite someone to eat with him. I have already had two turkey and dressing dinners, but I still anxiously wait for another. I do love the old fashion cornbread, and sage, dressing. I always make sure the turkey has lots of rich broth to make the dressing and giblet gravy. I miss having all my family around my own table at Thanksgiving and Christmas, but time does change everything. I still am blessed with the same home-cooked food, but I eat at my children’s table now. I am served now, and not the server. I have to say this is a great privilege. I have so much to be thankful for. I can still dance and be merry. What more could I ask?

Speaking of dancing, I am making home-made yeast, mini rolls today. They will be cut open and little smokes’ will be placed inside to be eaten at the Senor Citizen’s dance tomorrow night at Liberal, Kansas. I’m making enough for about 75 people. Lots of other goodies will be brought to eat with them. The drinks will be strictly, water, coffee, or tea. This is a great time to share our blessing, and get extra exercise. I always make a new friend or two. I also love this part of it. There just isn’t any time to get old. I deny it with everything I’ve got. I have a good friend who helps me to keep that attitude.

I won’t comment much today on politics, but will say I am a stronger believer in our President now, than ever before. That’s what partly makes me want to dance. I feel safe, and feel like celebrating the great change he has made in my life. (from fear to victorious.)God has blown the evil forces all to pieces. Some are still giving their lives, but that too will soon stop under this President. He had a world of changes to make before he could get this country back to originality. (The days of Pilgrims, and turkey with dressing.) May he always be vigilant, and led by God’s own Spirit. This little speck of dust I am, will act as a mountain if needs be. I am ready to kick butt where ever I need to. This world is my home until I have passed though. I have a right to help make it a place of paradise until them. Glory to His name. Let’s go dancing.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Thanksgiving Excitement Here"

Jean's Comment's: "Thanksgiving Excitement Here":                                       The table of Thanksgiving. 11-8-2017 Perryton, TX I had to give thanks this morning to the Pilgrim...

"Thanksgiving Excitement Here"

                                      The table of Thanksgiving. 11-8-2017 Perryton, TX

I had to give thanks this morning to the Pilgrims who landed the Mayflower at Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1620. While I decorated my table for Thanksgiving I prayed that the brave Pilgrims who labored so long and hard to reach this place we now call America, would never be forgotten by “We The people.” The American heritage must never be forgotten. Our freedom didn’t come easy, and we must now fight to keep it’s “Old Glory” waving. The Pilgrims continued to labor, and was successful in making this new place a rich, and blessed land for which to live. They didn’t forget to thank God, the One who helped them achieve this great success. They celebrated their blessing by creating a special day of thanks, and prepared food from their bountiful supply of crops. Turkeys were a native fowl, so they became the symbol of the special day called, “Thanksgiving.” As time progressed the Pilgrims gained knowledge and wisdom, and built the great Nation we live in today. A giant whale has now landed on our waters, and is trying to swallow us up. The first 100 Pilgrims who so successfully founded this nation, can easily now be numbered among the millions. That includes you and I. We all must be brave, and fight to keep our freedom, and our God given faith, which our forefathers  proved to be powerful. I am more determined this Thanksgiving to shout out God’s Glory, and blessing like never before.

I will be sharing with one of my son’s, and his family a big Thanksgiving dinner. My daughter and family will join us also. This alone is one of the greatest blessing I could ask for. The turkey and dressing gets better every year. The candied yams are good enough to eat alone. The mashed potatoes have now been flavored with so may different spices, till they too could be made a meal all of their own. Vegetables with all different seasonings are always scrumptious. There is usually no room left in the tummy to eat the best of the designed menu. Pumpkin pies, cherry, apple, coconut cream, sitting nest to carrot cake, chocolate, and other delicious home-made desserts, have to be put on hold. The sad part is taking off the extra pounds this good food puts on you, when you get home.

I do not think it’s a sin to enjoy this great life our ancestors made possible for us. The sin is when we allow the enemy to steal it from us. It’s everyone’s responsibility to fight for what was passed down to us by our forefathers. I am fighting it by standing firm behind our President Trump. With God’s help he will restore our constitution, and keep it the way our Founding Fathers wrote it with the help of James Madison who was the architect of it. James Madison was the fourth U S president, and I think his wisdom is now being tested as to his great worth. We as American citizens will not bow to other religion’s, or powers, Amen. Happy Thanksgiving.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "The End Of A Wonderful Week"

Jean's Comment's: "The End Of A Wonderful Week": Sorry that the picture of Jolena Watson is blurry. I didn't get a better one, she was so far from the camera. 11-7-2017 Perryton, TX ...

"The End Of A Wonderful Week"

Sorry that the picture of Jolena Watson is blurry. I didn't get a better one, she was so far from the camera. 11-7-2017 Perryton, TX

I saved till last the picture of the speaker, Jolena Watson, who was the best part of the “A Day For You” all day meeting that I attended last Saturday, November 4, 2017.

About Jolena Watson

Jolena Watson can see the greatness that God has designed in others. She believes that everyone has a great calling, and lives to encourage them to say “Yes to the Lord.”

She is a motivated, evangelist, inspirational speaker, wife, mother, grandmother, hair stylist, and a devoted teacher of the Word Of God.
She is an ordinary woman living an extraordinary life! Called by dreams from the Lord, to over 20 countries to bring the Good News.

She is the founder and executive  director of “Believe in His Name,” a faith based nonprofit organization. If you want to live the extraordinary life and make a difference in this world for the Lord, come and let her “in-courage” you!

She can be contacted at “Believe in His Name” at Amarillo, Texas. I personally am inviting you to call her for more information if you will be needing a great speaker for a women’s all day conference. Sorry, I don’t have her phone number at this time, but she is on the internet.

I just heard so many good comments about this young speaker’s message till
I wanted to share it with you. This is a time when we need to be promoting God’s Word in any way we can. Time is running out, and I want to be included in the “award program,” when I enter my eternal resting place. I mentioned at the Widowed club that the speaker held us late before recessing us for lunch. I had not eaten breakfast, and after 12 o’clock my stomach was growling. My friend replied, “oh! I was enjoying her so much till I didn’t think about food.” I was more than ready to go back in after I had eaten. It was an awesome day, and I will use the motivation I received to reach out to others.

I have a shouting spirit this morning even though it’s cold outside. It must be the inspirational touch I received at this meeting I have been speaking about, holding onto my coat tail. If so I hope it doesn’t turn lose for a long time. I am planning for company again this week-end, and I need to get ready for that. I will be making yeast, mini buns for the little smokie’s  that I will be taking to the Senior’s dance. I will be doing at least 50. I just wanted to do something special for the nice group we eat and dance with. You have to taste my home-made bread to know how good it is. It is the best blessing my mother left to me.  She was known for her great-tasting yeast bread. When I decided to lose weight I had to stop making yeast bread. It is not possible to have both.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, November 6, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "The Last Of The Best"

Jean's Comment's: "The Last Of The Best": My youngest child, Kent. I just wanted to show you what a sweet little boy God gave us. He is 48 now. 11-6-2017 Perryton. TX Sometimes w...

"The Last Of The Best"

My youngest child, Kent. I just wanted to show you what a sweet little boy God gave us. He is 48 now. 11-6-2017 Perryton. TX

Sometimes we have to brag a little on our children. This picture I posted is my youngest child, Kent. He was two years old. This picture hangs over my bed, and I am so blessed to have this 48 year old son still with me. He lives in Abilene, and has a wonderful family. I will be spending Thanksgiving with them this year.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Jean's Comment's: "The Least On Earth Is The Greatest In God's Kingd...

Jean's Comment's: "The Least On Earth Is The Greatest In God's Kingd...: The huge lobby of the Christian Worship Center Perryton, TX, where I attended the all day conference called. "A Day For You." Th...

"The Least On Earth Is The Greatest In God's Kingdom"

The huge lobby of the Christian Worship Center Perryton, TX, where I attended the all day conference called. "A Day For You." Three hundred women attended. 11-6-2017 Perryton, TX

As I start to write my blog this morning I am thinking about the terrible mass shooting that happened in a Sutherland, Texas Baptist church yesterday. Twenty six members were shot and killed with twenty more being injured. These were people worshiping God on a Sunday morning declaring their faith in Him. For some unknown reason their faith was tested. There is no doubt in my mind, that God used this small congregation to prove that His true believers are ready to die at whatever time He calls them. I heard the prayer given at a news conference this morning. I believe the man was a member of that church. He reiterated the faith of the victims of this shooting. He emotionally declared to God that the few members left in this church would continue to worship Him, and not be swayed by the horrible loss of most of their members.

I had to be touched by this prayer, and was even more thankful that the large crowd in the church meeting I attended last Saturday didn’t experience any bad thing. Approximately 400 people, including the workers, could have all been taken in a flash of lightening. The latest news reports, no terrorism, with this latest massacre, but that could change just like the New York shooting changed. Then there is the ever-so-huge investigation still going on with the Las Vegas massacre. After over a month very little information on this case has been let out. I believe it is a way to big for our FBI to began to explain. Being that so many that we used to trust with the law, has now become part of America’s destruction force. I can’t begin to tell you how much I, regretfully have to say, I think the worst is still to come. I also believe that the Sutherland shooter had connections with ISIS. I know it has been reported that his ex mother-in-law attended that church, and he was angry with her, but He did not have to take out the entire church to kill his mother-in-law. I take this as a warning that even small communities is on the terrorists list to attack. They have a way of fooling smart people, and that may be their best weapon. I’m not going to try to out smart them. Like the little church group in Sutherland, Texas, I will trust God even when death is possible. Everyone needs to put on their armor of God, and live with joy, and peace, till the enemy attacks. If it’s our time to die as martyrs, I  know God will give us strength to face it. I am not especially going to be picking my places to go if it’s something I enjoy doing. Fear will not keep me from trusting the Lord. He is my refuge, and my strength. “Trust and obey for there is no other way to be happy in Jesus but to trust and obey.” Let us keep praying for the grieving hearts of these martyrs.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Preach It Pastor"

Jean's Comment's: "Preach It Pastor":           Myself, Myrtle Jean, in the center with two good friends. 11-5-2017 Perryton, TX Yesterday was such a full, busy day for me ti...

"Preach It Pastor"

          Myself, Myrtle Jean, in the center with two good friends. 11-5-2017 Perryton, TX

Yesterday was such a full, busy day for me till I missed putting on a blog. I attended an all day meeting, of women only, with an out-of-town speaker, and was almost late to the Widowed Group meeting the same evening. The picture I have posted was taken of me with two of my good friends at the “A Day For You,” conference at the Community Worship Church, Perryton, Texas. It was such a blessing to be gathered with over three hundred women from all over the Panhandle, and hearing an inspirational speaker in three different sessions. I took lots of pictures of the lovely decorated dinning tables, but cannot put them all on a blog. The friendly atmosphere was overwhelming. A lady from Tyrone, Oklahoma  sat next to me at the dinning table, and I enjoyed her interesting, relaxed, get acquainted talk. I feel as though I have another friend now whom I can depend on if I ever need her. The food was good, and the male servers put the ladies to shame. They were fast, efficient, and entertaining as they darted in and out of crowded  tables.

I attended church this morning, and had planned to comment on the Pastor’s sermon, on my blog. But after having a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner at the Catholic Church, I came home to hear news about a terrible mass shooting in a small Texas town church. Every bit of my blessed feeling disappeared, and I began the horrible animalization of the continued killings of our Christian population. It is quite a coincidence that the Pastor’s sermon, and the mass shooting were so closely connected. I am in awe as to why I am hearing things that seem to be prophet fulfillment, and we are far from realizing it. It’s so easy, like the Pastor said, to dismiss things as, “Oh they will get better.“  I believe that day by day things are progressively getting worse. Some of our ex presidents are doing great harm to our country by trashing our now, Commander-in-chief, with disgraceful, disrespectful words. Presidents from our own GOP are voting for the opposite, and helping to raise money to over throw our God-given President, Donald Trump. These evil traitors thought they would never get caught up with, and are now hollering foul. Their butt is fixing to be cast into the bottomless pit prepared for such as they. Deceivers, and believers of their own worth, are soon to be read to them. God don’t need the majority to win this war against evil. He is the Majority. They may sit among us even at church, but their names are written in God’s damnation book. The battle is God’s and not ours. He declares that in his Word. If we will but call upon His name He will rescue us. He has rescued me many times. We are living in dangerous times, so let us keep our lungs strong and God will hear us when we cry out to him.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp.  

Friday, November 3, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "The Best Thing About Waking Up Is Coffee In Your ...

Jean's Comment's: "The Best Thing About Waking Up Is Coffee In Your ...:                                   Jean waking up at 6 o'clock a m. 11-3-2017 Perryton, TX              I have been awake since 5 a. ...

"The Best Thing About Waking Up Is Coffee In Your Cup"

                                  Jean waking up at 6 o'clock a m. 11-3-2017 Perryton, TX
             I have been awake since 5 a. m. but too early to get up. 11-3-2017 Perryton, TX

I went to bed early last night so I woke up early. Not good for my regular habit. Hope to knock it off soon, because I have a lot to do today. Company is coming this evening for the week-end. I have a little food preparation to finish, plus all the things you do for guest. It’s really unnecessary, but I love making the best comfortable, enjoyable, and relaxing atmosphere possible. It’s more for me than for my company. I get to live in a clean, tidy house for a few days. Then it’s back to my twelve hour-a-day job of trying to work out all the world’s problems setting in my recliner watching the news. I waste no time getting to the computer to tell a few people what I think. I wonder a lot what heaven is going to be like. I still believe until I get there that I have to trod this wicked world with deep sincerity. Some rest, and a little fun is an absolute must, but it must not trump our duty card. Every since the first sin was committed, God demanded that man would work all their lives as a result. This sinful world is a twenty-four, seven, work place. The process never shuts down. I believe that is why the bible tells us that to die is gain. Philippians 1:21. Of course this is for the Christians. I don’t know about the unbelievers of Christ. I am made to think another scripture is more accurate for them.

I just watched President Trump, and First Lady being welcomed by some Hawaiian dignitaries. I am so proud of this gifted President and his beautify wife, who is almost always at his side. I feel so confident that God is pleased with the way our President is bringing this country back to it’s beginnings. “Freedom and Justice for all,” with God being the main focus of   setting up the order designed, and established for a Constitution which would always be the main law of our land. Part of the Constitution has been trashed, and  our President Trump is determined to restore, and strengthen the remaining part that is now under danger of being removed from the United States library of Congress. A multitude of American haters, (both legal, and illegal,) are in constant combat to destroy everything our forefathers were able to accomplish. The following leaders have kept it safe for over two hundred years, but it is now  under siege by these evil traitors. I am a firm believer that God will furnish our President with wisdom and guidance to destroy all the wickedness that has infiltrated our country. It will never be destroyed permanently, but we can be made to feel safe again, and know our children will not be taught the evil law of  some other country. President Trump is at this time on foreign soil risking his life to try and bring about unity within places that used to be,(like America,) safe and respectful of America. So much has changed till it may take an awful act of God to bring these enemies of anything good, under subjection. Let us keep out President, and First Lady in our sincere prayers.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Party Time With Jesus"

Jean's Comment's: "Party Time With Jesus": Unless I change my mind this is what I chose to wear to the event Saturday. 11-1-2017 Perryton, TX At this time I have picked the outfi...

"Party Time With Jesus"

Unless I change my mind this is what I chose to wear to the event Saturday. 11-1-2017 Perryton, TX

At this time I have picked the outfit I’m posting to wear to the event I will be attending this Saturday. Without the accessories being added, I do have them picked out to wear with this outfit. The lace top may be changed to a low cut body-style tank, with a long, open front, tunic. I may post the outfit I chose when it actually gets put on my body. Don’t be surprised if nothing looks familiar. I have to be in the mood to keep my intentions. I want to be comfortable, and these high heel boots don’t look too assuring. I may change to a grey pair that is more safe to walk in. I hate to disappoint the beige ones that I debated on purchasing for several days, but I may have to make them wait awhile. The large church sanctuary where we will be meeting requires many steps to enter and be seated. Then the dinning area is at the end of a very long, wide hallway, and I am not quite confident enough to risk the long walk in those high heel boots. In my younger years I wouldn’t have given it a second thought. I wore high heels to work all the time. But now something keeps reminding me that I am not as young as I used to be. Just how brave I will be Saturday, I have to wait and see.

I will be doing a lot of house cleaning today. I changed all my sheets yesterday, because I don’t know how much company I will have for the week-end. I have three beds, and they’re all ready to crawl into. I have the entire week-end scheduled for eating out, so I won’t be doing much cooking, except for snacks in between events. All day Saturday we will be at the church event. Then Saturday night we will attend the Widowed Club dinner. Sunday we will be taking in the annual Thanksgiving, turkey dinner at the Catholic church. Then my friends will be leaving. The following week I will be on a low carb diet, which I possible will feel sorry for myself after gorging on delicious foods all week-end. I can’t party every day, although I would like to.

I have been able, through all this excitement, to dismiss myself from a lot of worry about the condition of our world. I really needed a break from the awful, escalating murders taking place all over the world. America seems to be the most risky, dangerous place now for killings in places never thought possible. We are finding out more every day just who our worst enemies are, and it isn’t someone overseas. That’s what’s so scary about the whole thing. It looks like at least one half of the American citizens  are proving out to be her worst enemies. “Back stabbers,” they are called. What do we do now? Our only hope is in God. He will never leave us nor forsake us. Just tighten your seatbelts.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp