Thursday, November 9, 2017

"The Biggest Turkey On The Block"

                 largest turkey on the block. Ready for Thanksgiving. 11-9-2017 Perryton, TX

The first Pilgrim turkey is waiting to be butchered for Thanksgiving dinner. His ancestors are from 1620. He is proud to still be keeping the tradition. This neighbor’s yard has to excite you, and make you anxious for Thanksgiving. I went to the store after seeing this yard full of Thanksgiving memories, and bought a few things that I will be needing to fix a dinner for my son, Chuck. I won’t be here, but I always cook for him, so he won’t feel left out. Hopefully he will invite someone to eat with him. I have already had two turkey and dressing dinners, but I still anxiously wait for another. I do love the old fashion cornbread, and sage, dressing. I always make sure the turkey has lots of rich broth to make the dressing and giblet gravy. I miss having all my family around my own table at Thanksgiving and Christmas, but time does change everything. I still am blessed with the same home-cooked food, but I eat at my children’s table now. I am served now, and not the server. I have to say this is a great privilege. I have so much to be thankful for. I can still dance and be merry. What more could I ask?

Speaking of dancing, I am making home-made yeast, mini rolls today. They will be cut open and little smokes’ will be placed inside to be eaten at the Senor Citizen’s dance tomorrow night at Liberal, Kansas. I’m making enough for about 75 people. Lots of other goodies will be brought to eat with them. The drinks will be strictly, water, coffee, or tea. This is a great time to share our blessing, and get extra exercise. I always make a new friend or two. I also love this part of it. There just isn’t any time to get old. I deny it with everything I’ve got. I have a good friend who helps me to keep that attitude.

I won’t comment much today on politics, but will say I am a stronger believer in our President now, than ever before. That’s what partly makes me want to dance. I feel safe, and feel like celebrating the great change he has made in my life. (from fear to victorious.)God has blown the evil forces all to pieces. Some are still giving their lives, but that too will soon stop under this President. He had a world of changes to make before he could get this country back to originality. (The days of Pilgrims, and turkey with dressing.) May he always be vigilant, and led by God’s own Spirit. This little speck of dust I am, will act as a mountain if needs be. I am ready to kick butt where ever I need to. This world is my home until I have passed though. I have a right to help make it a place of paradise until them. Glory to His name. Let’s go dancing.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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