Sunday, November 12, 2017

"Chow-Chow To Galore"

       The six quarts of chow-chow is canned and waiting on the beans. 11-12-2017 Perryton, TX

My busy day yesterday turned out good. I canned six quarts of chow-chow and am ready to can picante sauce tomorrow. I chopped for hours to get all the stuff ready for the chow-chow, then had to let it set for four hours before processing it. I finished about nine o’clock last night. I was tired when I went to bed, but went to sleep quickly. I took some of my back-breaking chow-chow to church today for the dinner, and got several good compliments on it. One lady said her husband liked it so well she asked for the recipe. When I was growing up our family thought they had to have chow-chow with beans or they were no good. I still like that Idea. Cornbread was most often served with the beans, but my mother liked to make big, delicious, home made yeast, buns to eat with beans. That was the most delightful meal we could ever ask for. I might add nobody could match her mouth-watering beans. To this day I cannot make them like my mother did. The good ole days are not fading in my memory. I live with them daily.

I did control my appetite today at church. I ate a small serving of several foods, but had a tiny piece of angle food cake, no icing. The few weeks I indulged with eating has caused me to have to cut away back on carbs. I have lost the extra three ponds, but I decided to take off another three pounds before I let up. I liked the way my cloths fit this morning. And, after a week of fighting food, it becomes quite easy to resist. I feel 100 percent better when I’m not over weight. Besides I have to be prepared to put them back on at Thanksgiving. Being with a lot of family, and a lot of good food, to go with it, is too much to push away from.

The best thing about church today was when I gave a lady two of my books. She had asked some time ago if she could borrow one to read, so I assumed she was not able to buy them. A lady she was taking care of was suppose to let her read hers, so I just assumed the request was taken care off. This morning while getting ready for church it crossed my mind to ask the lady if she ever got to read my books. If not I was going to give her two. When I asked her, and she said no, I went to my car and got the books. I never have seen anyone more appreciative than this person was. She thanked me several times before the meal was over. She said she was going straight home and start reading. How could I have taken so long to get this message form God? Something is wrong with me when I wait that long to give a gift of love to a person who asked for it. If nothing else in this world we do let us be sure to listen to that Holy voice telling us to offer a little more love to those who deserve it, whether we think so or not. After all my books were not written for money, but for a testimony of how Great God Is.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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