Tuesday, November 14, 2017

"A Wicked Part Of Congress"

Attorney General, Jeff Sessions before House Judicary Committee. 11-14-2017 Perryton, TX
My house is filled with excitement this morning as I run back and forth from the computer to the television to watch the hearing on Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, before the House Judiciary Committee. I simply cannot miss a word of this important hearing. I had no choice but to cancel a meeting I definitely intended to attend. The meeting was Happy Timers, a community gathering at my church, which I was very interested in hearing the speaker today. He is the new Ochiltree County Game Warden, and was going to speak on “Hurricane Harvey.” I regretfully have to say I put politics, or concern for country, before my Christian meeting this morning. I feel so connected to the effort of our President to restore peace and justice to America. The Jucicary Committee hearing is getting almost out of control. I  see no let-up in the fierce fighting going on in our corrupt nation any way soon. This trusted government leadership has been invaded so broadly, and wickedly, until it may, or may not, ever be restored to trust and respect. One thing we know for sure, it will take everyone with any will at all to fight against this evil if we every win. It’s far bigger than most people know. I don’t know how long it will take before the sleeping giant wakes up, but a lot of us are trying hard to awaken him. I have now turned on the television behind me in my computer room. Please excuse me if I start writing senselessly, as if I may already be doing. I would like so much to appear at this hearing and yell, “listen to me.” I have to just tell it to God, and He will deliver for me. All my life I have been a competitor, and seek to win, especially for my God and country. I believe this is a normal ambition that everyone should covet. Every since the beginning of time this world has been divided against good, and evil. “God and Satan.”  I know, without a doubt, which side I am on, and who is my commander. I am fully committed to give all I have to win this war against evil.

Of all days I do have to make a trip to Liberal, Kansas to keep a commitment that can’t be changed again. I will have a lot of catching up to do, but I will not fail. I may cut my shopping spree short, but I am sure I will find something I just can’t live without, pretty quick. My favorite clothing store is there, and I need a new outfit to wear tomorrow. It looks like I am in a contest of using I’s,  but sometimes it’s just all about I. I need to change that ideology. I just hesitate to use us, or we, when making declarations I believe in, especially when I am in a hurry. This person promises to do better tomorrow.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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