Wednesday, November 29, 2017

"My loving Family Shadows"

The photographer turned on me, and took my picture. Granddaughter, son-in-law behind her, son in front, and daughter-in-law posing for a shot. 11-29-2017 Perryton, TX

I wanted to post one more picture of my family taken on Thanksgiving Day 2017. I was trying to get my granddaughter’s picture as she was the photographer taking all the pics, but she turned around and took my picture. It was such a fun time, and I have a lot of pictures with which to remember this special day. I will not let time take these memories away from me.

I met a good friend at the Citizen’s Center today. We had just finished eating and was visiting when a family member came in and told my friend that they had just taken her daughter to the emergency room with a heart attack. A helicopter had been called to air lift her to Amarillo because of the seriousness of her condition. It was totally unexpected, and the mother jumped up to rush to the hospital. When I left the Center, after telling a few people about the emergency, I went by the hospital. The helicopter had not arrived yet, and I still don’t know what the outcome will be. Ironically the wife of one of my friends employees had fallen and broken her neck, so both patients were being air lifter to Amarillo. The electric company that my friend owns with her two sons and daughter will have to be closed for awhile. How quickly, and seriously, some things happen sometimes.

We all live each day not knowing if we will live through the day. I have had several friends this past year who have died within hours of being attacked by something they had no idea was brewing in their life. Most of them were several years younger than I. I am thankful for every day that I live, and enjoy myself, knowing it is a blessing indeed. Job 8:9, says, For we are but of yesterday, and know nothing, because our days upon earth are a shadow. That sounds to me like our bodies are just a shadow, and not a real human being. For that reason we know nothing about our next breath. I pray I will never have to suffer like Job did, but who knows, our lives are like a shadow here on earth. Job was a very righteous man, yet God let the demon attack him to prove his faith in God would never cease. Job chose to die because of his suffering, but because he was a shadow, he could not die. I doubt that anyone can explain this book of the bible, but many have tried. If I ever get to the place I want to die, but can’t I will think of Job, and his perseverance. God had a reason for Job’s suffering, just like He had a reason for His Son’s suffering. Let us accept that fact without any question. Let us be strong in our suffering, knowing that those before us were strong, and never gave up. I have used this reason for taking pain without complaining to others if it is a necessary cause.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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