Tuesday, November 28, 2017

"A Part Of God's Family"

My son, Kent, myself, Jean, my daughter, Rhonda, taken on Thanksgiving Day, 2017. A happy time together. 11-28-2017 Perryton, TX

I am still missing my family after such a wonderful Thanksgiving get-to-together. My children, and grandchildren are my most cherished assets. My thoughts are mainly upon making them more happy, as if that were possible. I must say they all have a happy, and blessed life, but good can always be better, I believe. I want to see them excess in the jobs they are doing, and are happily, contented with. I think they all deserve even more than they now control. I lift them up in prayer every day, asking God to make them shouting angels to His band. This world is not our home, we are just passing through. I might add, none of us are looking forward to leaving our earthly homes, but we know Heaven is the destination. I can barely stay put, because I want to dance, dance, dance. “The joy of the Lord is my salvation.” He is my Sheppard and, “ I shall not want.” Give me earthly tools, I will build you an earthly house. Give me a Holy Bible, and I will build you a Heavenly Mansion. Reach out today, take someone’s hand, and let your blessings be felt by them. The Spirit of God is waiting to be invited into each and every heart. No one could be more honored than to receive an invitation like that. Wipe that smirk from off your face, and replace it with a big smile. Start counting your blessings as they start to mount up. You must remember to count.

Yesterday, after being home three days from a week’s vacation, I still had a few good fresh tomatoes that hadn’t spoiled while I was gone. I chopped them up, added green bell peppers, onions, jalapeno pepper, garlic, salt, lime juice, and made the best salsa I ever tasted. I had a quart and a pint. Chuck, and I have already eaten the pint. I had not made salsa before, and I am excited on how well it turned out. I didn’t use a recipe. I just tried to remember what I had seen in salsa when someone else had made it. I guessed at the measurements, and I think my guess was better than the previous measurements. I used some of the salsa on some shredded lettuce instead of salad dressing. It made for a perfect mixture of other salad ingredients, and the liquid made the perfect dressing. That same salad is on my lunch menu today along with left-over baked chicken, a spoonful of dressing, and a spoonful of white beans. The pounds have already started coming off. That makes me happy also. The five pounds I gained over Thanksgiving caused me to miss a step or two with my dancing. I could not allow that to continue.

The temperature is warming up, and I will be going out and finish cleaning up the old dead flowers in the flower garden. I did get the asparagus cut back, and covered for the winter freezing. I am almost through with the yard work till next spring. I hope it comes soon. I will now start planning for Christmas. Another holiday I love. I plan to shout all the way through the season. Merry Christmas to all.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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