Friday, November 3, 2017

"The Best Thing About Waking Up Is Coffee In Your Cup"

                                  Jean waking up at 6 o'clock a m. 11-3-2017 Perryton, TX
             I have been awake since 5 a. m. but too early to get up. 11-3-2017 Perryton, TX

I went to bed early last night so I woke up early. Not good for my regular habit. Hope to knock it off soon, because I have a lot to do today. Company is coming this evening for the week-end. I have a little food preparation to finish, plus all the things you do for guest. It’s really unnecessary, but I love making the best comfortable, enjoyable, and relaxing atmosphere possible. It’s more for me than for my company. I get to live in a clean, tidy house for a few days. Then it’s back to my twelve hour-a-day job of trying to work out all the world’s problems setting in my recliner watching the news. I waste no time getting to the computer to tell a few people what I think. I wonder a lot what heaven is going to be like. I still believe until I get there that I have to trod this wicked world with deep sincerity. Some rest, and a little fun is an absolute must, but it must not trump our duty card. Every since the first sin was committed, God demanded that man would work all their lives as a result. This sinful world is a twenty-four, seven, work place. The process never shuts down. I believe that is why the bible tells us that to die is gain. Philippians 1:21. Of course this is for the Christians. I don’t know about the unbelievers of Christ. I am made to think another scripture is more accurate for them.

I just watched President Trump, and First Lady being welcomed by some Hawaiian dignitaries. I am so proud of this gifted President and his beautify wife, who is almost always at his side. I feel so confident that God is pleased with the way our President is bringing this country back to it’s beginnings. “Freedom and Justice for all,” with God being the main focus of   setting up the order designed, and established for a Constitution which would always be the main law of our land. Part of the Constitution has been trashed, and  our President Trump is determined to restore, and strengthen the remaining part that is now under danger of being removed from the United States library of Congress. A multitude of American haters, (both legal, and illegal,) are in constant combat to destroy everything our forefathers were able to accomplish. The following leaders have kept it safe for over two hundred years, but it is now  under siege by these evil traitors. I am a firm believer that God will furnish our President with wisdom and guidance to destroy all the wickedness that has infiltrated our country. It will never be destroyed permanently, but we can be made to feel safe again, and know our children will not be taught the evil law of  some other country. President Trump is at this time on foreign soil risking his life to try and bring about unity within places that used to be,(like America,) safe and respectful of America. So much has changed till it may take an awful act of God to bring these enemies of anything good, under subjection. Let us keep out President, and First Lady in our sincere prayers.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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