Wednesday, November 15, 2017

"A Thanksgiving Day Of Joy"

Rosa and family showed up today smiling. They are so welcome. 11-15-2017 Perrryton, TX

I am thankful for a beautiful, fall day today. Even had a rose family to show up. How I love these nice days. The next one we have I have promised to pull up all the dead flower stalks, and put them in the dumpster. They will almost fill the dumpster, but I can’t stand to look at them any longer. I will be leaving this Saturday to go visit my son for a week, so hope I can get the yard cleaned before I leave.

I enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner today at the Center. The food was scrumptious, with turkey and dressing the best ever. The large dinning area was filled with people, and it was so nice to see all the faces that I hadn’t seen in awhile. It is times like this that I thank God from the bottom of my heart. With the carry-outs, there must have been over 150 dinners served. We give thanks for a nice couple who paid for all the dinners, and except for a donation jar, it cost us nothing. God bless this couple. The Center is strictly supported by donations, and a small meal charge, after a meager, yearly, membership fee. Non-members are welcome, but have to pay a little more than members. Everything about this place is nice, and I’ve seen very few nicer. A spirit of love is always present. This Center certainly is a blessing to this community.

My trip to Liberal, Kansas yesterday was a real hit. I found several nice items of clothing and jewelry, and felt extremely pleased to fit into each one. The dress shop I chose to browse in was loaded with lovely, fashionable, styles, and there were a lot of it marked down. I have been shopping at this place for over twenty-five years. Surely the angels design these cloths. I am anxious to go back, and take more time to look around.

I just gave the last of the green tomatoes to a friend. She had asked me for my recipe for chow-chow, but didn’t have any green tomatoes. I was glad to find someone to give them to. I saved a few small ones to make pickled tomatoes. I always loved my mother’s pickled tomatoes. I will be looking for just the right recipe. Hopefully I can get a few more small tomatoes off the vines before we have a hard freeze. I know my kids will be asking for some to take home with them. The friend stayed and visited for awhile. She had a few minutes before church started. It’s always nice to have friends come and visit. I’m not sure, but think maybe God had a hand in all of this, because she got me interested in start coming to the bible study each week. I quit going to that study fifteen years ago, but this friend assured me it was really an interesting hour to be a part of now. It’s always hard to start a new, regular meeting event one day a week, but I think I will try. Our pastor is the leader of the study, and I have billions of question I would like to ask. I was told today that I could feel free to do that in this study.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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