Wednesday, November 8, 2017

"Thanksgiving Excitement Here"

                                      The table of Thanksgiving. 11-8-2017 Perryton, TX

I had to give thanks this morning to the Pilgrims who landed the Mayflower at Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1620. While I decorated my table for Thanksgiving I prayed that the brave Pilgrims who labored so long and hard to reach this place we now call America, would never be forgotten by “We The people.” The American heritage must never be forgotten. Our freedom didn’t come easy, and we must now fight to keep it’s “Old Glory” waving. The Pilgrims continued to labor, and was successful in making this new place a rich, and blessed land for which to live. They didn’t forget to thank God, the One who helped them achieve this great success. They celebrated their blessing by creating a special day of thanks, and prepared food from their bountiful supply of crops. Turkeys were a native fowl, so they became the symbol of the special day called, “Thanksgiving.” As time progressed the Pilgrims gained knowledge and wisdom, and built the great Nation we live in today. A giant whale has now landed on our waters, and is trying to swallow us up. The first 100 Pilgrims who so successfully founded this nation, can easily now be numbered among the millions. That includes you and I. We all must be brave, and fight to keep our freedom, and our God given faith, which our forefathers  proved to be powerful. I am more determined this Thanksgiving to shout out God’s Glory, and blessing like never before.

I will be sharing with one of my son’s, and his family a big Thanksgiving dinner. My daughter and family will join us also. This alone is one of the greatest blessing I could ask for. The turkey and dressing gets better every year. The candied yams are good enough to eat alone. The mashed potatoes have now been flavored with so may different spices, till they too could be made a meal all of their own. Vegetables with all different seasonings are always scrumptious. There is usually no room left in the tummy to eat the best of the designed menu. Pumpkin pies, cherry, apple, coconut cream, sitting nest to carrot cake, chocolate, and other delicious home-made desserts, have to be put on hold. The sad part is taking off the extra pounds this good food puts on you, when you get home.

I do not think it’s a sin to enjoy this great life our ancestors made possible for us. The sin is when we allow the enemy to steal it from us. It’s everyone’s responsibility to fight for what was passed down to us by our forefathers. I am fighting it by standing firm behind our President Trump. With God’s help he will restore our constitution, and keep it the way our Founding Fathers wrote it with the help of James Madison who was the architect of it. James Madison was the fourth U S president, and I think his wisdom is now being tested as to his great worth. We as American citizens will not bow to other religion’s, or powers, Amen. Happy Thanksgiving.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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