Thursday, November 30, 2017

"Christmas Thoughts With Happy Endings"

Angela telling Dobie how sorry she was to have to leave her at the Kennel for 36 hours. Dobie came home all out of sorts. 11-30-2017 Perryton, TX.

My son and daughter-in-law had to take their little Chihuahua dog, Dobie, to the Kennel when they came to get me for Thanksgiving. Given the fact they traveled to Lubbock and spent the day watching TCU and Texas Tech play the game no one wanted to miss. They came on to Perryton, and spent the night with me before leaving the next day for home. Dobie had to spend 48 hours in the kennel. She was a little up set when she got home. We all had to tell her how sorry we were to have to leave her. I stayed a week at my son’s house, and Dobie was doing mush better when I left to come home. I just had to post a picture of her while she was receiving sympathy from her best friend, Angela. Dobie was served a nice warm helping of turkey, but she was not feeling her best to enjoy it like she normally would. She had plenty of left-over’s  put in the fridge for when she gets back to normal.

The temperature has dropped today to 46 degree and some wind. I will be staying inside, and fighting the urge to eat. I have now lost three of the five pounds I gained through Thanksgiving. I am having trouble refusing to make the traditional, delicious, fruit cake that puts 10 pounds on me every Christmas. I love it to the moon and back. I will just have to eat the fruit in a salad form without the dough. I have also given up the assorted candy goodies, and all other rich, delicious foods I make every Christmas. I just won’t trade my new wardrobe for good foods. I have learned how to substitute those high carb foods with low carb that are also delicious. It’s such fun to shuffle my diet from day to day, trying to satisfy my taste while staying within my carb range.

I am still deeply involved in politics. I believe our President’s tax bill is going to pass tonight. I am so excited about all the good changes this President has made to happen. No one can defeat him with his policies, because he has been appointed by God. The sooner people realize this the sooner they will be at peace with their souls. One just cannot continue to do bad things, and expect to be blessed by God. They finally have to pay for their sinful debt. God don’t just write it off like the credit card companies do. You owe it, and will always suffer the consequences even though you may get forgiveness from God. So many people ask for forgiveness, but continue the same old sinful life they have lived for so long. God can, and does use the repented sinner many times, but never forget He is the one calling the shots. He knows when we go back on our promises to him. President Trump learned this important fact, and is determined to keep his promises in spite of the opposition he gets daily. He knows God is still calling the shots. Lay it down now before the load gets any heavier.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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