Saturday, November 11, 2017

"Hundred Pound Pumpkins"

The outside Thanksgiving setting for the Senior Citizen's Center. The sign reads, "Together We Give Thanks." 11-11-2017 Perryton TX

I feel joy when I enter the yard of our Senior Citizen’s Center and see so much love expressed in so many different ways. The same love is also expressed inside the lovely building. Christian love, and American heritage will never die from our elder members. The only thing that will stop this thankful, enthusiastic, spirit in our seniors, is the grave. How blessed, and thankful we are. We will be having our Thanksgiving dinner this next Wednesday, November 15th. Everyone is welcome, and we promise a great turkey, and dressing meal will be the best. The cooks always put out delicious food. The picture I posted this morning has a little sign among the pumpkins that reads, “Together We Give Thanks.” I just wanted to share with you how much my city, and community, show thanksgiving for all our blessings. Out aches and pains seems much less when we meet together and chat. I think everyone should have a calendar with as many events as possible that you could attend just to be socially involved. Retirement was not meant to stay home and do nothing. It means a chance to do all the things you didn’t used to have time to do. Our home can become a hospital if we allow it. “Where two or three are gathered together in my name there am I in their midst.” Matthew 18:20. This does not especially mean an religious meeting. It means anywhere, and anyone, who have Christ in their hearts. This is a lesson that also needs to be learned by many.

The rest of my day will be spent making picante sauce, and chow-chow. Chuck brought over a lot of ripe, and green, tomatoes to fill several quart jars. I thought my canning was over for the summer, but we do like the chow-chow, and picante sauce.

I had to miss the Senior Citizen’s dance last night because my friend, who had asked me to go, had to obey the doctor’s request to have another treatment on her neck. I had already made 75 mini buns, and marinated 100 little smokies to take to the meeting. Today I will be sharing those with my neighbors. They are too much for my resistance level if I keep them around. I could gain back in one day what it took me a week to lose. I thought I could manage three or four with the Senior group, but not a hundred. It was still fun making all this good stuff to share, but those lucky people were not so lucky after all. I also have two loaves of bread left from the yeast dough, that I will have to be tempted with. Why can’t we eat what we want, and still stay slender? I suppose it is because God gave us a body to eat what He has ordained, and a mind to know the difference. I just don’t understand why He gave me such a great appetite. Even though, I have always been healthy except for a weight problem. He does give me a sense to balance things out.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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