Thursday, November 16, 2017

"Not Pretty But A Fact"

What happened to my beautiful flower garden? They said good-bye till next year. 11-16-2017 Perryton, TX

I was able to work outside today, and pull up a lot of dead flowers. 
The heavy pulling left me very tired about the time I was half finished. I will need another day or two to finish. It’s always nice to sit back and view all the accomplishments you have made in just one, and one-half, hours. That’s about all the hard work this body will take in one day anymore. I do love yard work, and will be beating my tail off every chance I get. I have no desire to live in an apartment. This old body must have a yard. That’s probably because I was raised on a farm, and I learned at a very young age to work with the soil. I have not lived in the country since I was married, but I have always missed the cattle, and other livestock that was part of our farm  life. The only thing I hated about the country was the snakes I had to deal with. We didn’t  have many poisonous snakes, but to me they were all poison. Just give me some paint, a brush, a canvas, a computer, a television, and I will be satisfied until next spring when the flowers start to pop through the ground. My phone with the unlimited minutes is the million dollar bonus I love the most. I have friends, and family scattered all over the world. Some I don’t contact much, but just knowing I can makes me happy.

As I sat here this morning writing about the trivial matters it may seem to some that I have no interest, nor knowledge about the condition of our world. Let me be clear, I spend much more time commuting with political persons on the enter net than I do in my yard, or painting. I feel like the little I can offer to help keep America safe, and boost the confidence of our President is doing something worth while.  I truly believe that myself, and everyone else, has a part in bringing our country back to God, if we just make an honest effort to contribute all, or any, we possible can, in anyway we can to reach that goal is a positive help. Every straw in a haystack is part of it. All the straws stacked together make a mountain of littlies that if continued to pile on, would reach the heavens. It’s not always the size, but the weight that something carries, that makes a difference. That weight does not necessarily mean pounds. When I have watched so much of corrupt straws,(rotten,) piling up against our democracy, I have to go to the yard awhile, or find some place to go and laugh awhile. Yes, even the tiny rotten straws do make a mountain of corruption. I pray that more good, clean, straws will keep piling up and reach the heavens quicker than the rotten ones. Please don’t throw in the towel, but throw in a straw to make a miraculous stack.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp          

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