Saturday, November 25, 2017

"A Fireplace For A peaceful Thanksgiving"

Such happy, thankful, blessings we shared around my son, and daughter-in-law's fireplace this Thanksgiving. 11-25-2017 Perryton, TX

Two days after a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner at my son, and daughter-in-law’s house, I am back home from a weeks vacation. My daughter and son-in-law brought me home yesterday and spent the night. They left for their home in Odessa, Texas this morning. As you can see from the picture I have posted of the cheerful burning fireplace, we all had a great time. It was a small family get-together at Abilene, Texas with my son, daughter-in-law, granddaughter, daughter, and son-in-law. I can never tell them “thanks” enough for all the love they showed me. It was a week of blessed events to say the least. The weather was nice, and we took a lot of pictures outside in their beautiful yard. It was all worth the five pounds I gained, but it must now come off. I think I will skip Christmas this year. I’ve had enough rich, good food to last a long time, unless I’m tempted to the hilt. I must say we have some good cooks in our family including the guys. My son-in-law made a lot of delicious fudge, and a cheese ball spread. My son made the wonderful dressing, and I made a pecan pie. My daughter-in-law made pumpkin pie, and we all together made yeast rolls. The ham and turkey was cooked to perfection. There was no lack for anything good to eat.

I am glad to be back home, but feel a bit forsaken right now. It is always awhile before I can adjust back to the old routine of being home alone after a week of excitement. It’s all to quite, and nothing seems interesting. I have already decided to skip the Widowed Group meeting this evening. Just too much age difference between where I’ve been  this past week, and where I would be tonight. Maybe my age feeling will come back to me by next Saturday night. If not I will just be a loner. I will bounce back for sure. There are too many things I must do in order to continue to survive the struggling life that I am faced with daily. Home, and vehicle upkeep. Bills kept paid (a long list of those,) with some calling for new contracts, and others requiring threats from me if they don’t meet my bookkeeping figures. Every once in awhile my son has to intervene on theses matters for me. Another asset I have that I’m thankful for. I think I just want to be too retired. I like to have fun, and enjoy myself all the time, but there is no retirement from responsibilities, unless you are wealthy, or want to give up all your independence, and go rest with the other old people who have turned in the towel. I don’t ever plan to do that. I really could not be more happy than I am now with just what I have. I feel extremely blessed, and I will forever be giving thanks to my Lord. I think I hear an echo that most of you had the same blessed Thanksgiving that I had. Aren’t we all so  thankful? Yes, indeed.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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