Sunday, November 5, 2017

"Preach It Pastor"

          Myself, Myrtle Jean, in the center with two good friends. 11-5-2017 Perryton, TX

Yesterday was such a full, busy day for me till I missed putting on a blog. I attended an all day meeting, of women only, with an out-of-town speaker, and was almost late to the Widowed Group meeting the same evening. The picture I have posted was taken of me with two of my good friends at the “A Day For You,” conference at the Community Worship Church, Perryton, Texas. It was such a blessing to be gathered with over three hundred women from all over the Panhandle, and hearing an inspirational speaker in three different sessions. I took lots of pictures of the lovely decorated dinning tables, but cannot put them all on a blog. The friendly atmosphere was overwhelming. A lady from Tyrone, Oklahoma  sat next to me at the dinning table, and I enjoyed her interesting, relaxed, get acquainted talk. I feel as though I have another friend now whom I can depend on if I ever need her. The food was good, and the male servers put the ladies to shame. They were fast, efficient, and entertaining as they darted in and out of crowded  tables.

I attended church this morning, and had planned to comment on the Pastor’s sermon, on my blog. But after having a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner at the Catholic Church, I came home to hear news about a terrible mass shooting in a small Texas town church. Every bit of my blessed feeling disappeared, and I began the horrible animalization of the continued killings of our Christian population. It is quite a coincidence that the Pastor’s sermon, and the mass shooting were so closely connected. I am in awe as to why I am hearing things that seem to be prophet fulfillment, and we are far from realizing it. It’s so easy, like the Pastor said, to dismiss things as, “Oh they will get better.“  I believe that day by day things are progressively getting worse. Some of our ex presidents are doing great harm to our country by trashing our now, Commander-in-chief, with disgraceful, disrespectful words. Presidents from our own GOP are voting for the opposite, and helping to raise money to over throw our God-given President, Donald Trump. These evil traitors thought they would never get caught up with, and are now hollering foul. Their butt is fixing to be cast into the bottomless pit prepared for such as they. Deceivers, and believers of their own worth, are soon to be read to them. God don’t need the majority to win this war against evil. He is the Majority. They may sit among us even at church, but their names are written in God’s damnation book. The battle is God’s and not ours. He declares that in his Word. If we will but call upon His name He will rescue us. He has rescued me many times. We are living in dangerous times, so let us keep our lungs strong and God will hear us when we cry out to him.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp.  

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