Sunday, November 26, 2017

"My Childhood Days Made Real Again"

Kent was walking so fast till I cut off his head. He was picking cotton for a souvenir. 11-26-2017 Perryton, TX

On our way to Abilene from Perryton, we passed many fields of white cotton ready to harvest. Kent stopped once to go pick a few bolls to take home with him. I wanted to take his picture, but he was walking so fast till I cut off his head. He is a stranger to cotton fields, unlike his mother who was raised on a cotton farm. When I was growing up we had to pull long sacks behind us pulling off the cotton bolls and putting them in our sack. Many times we were pulling 100 pound sacks before we made it to the end of the row and weighed it, then emptied it in a large trailer. Now-a-days a huge cotton-picker piece of machinery strips the cotton from the stalks, and dumps it into a large bin as it travels down the rows. Kent thought the two limbs of cotton he picked would add an attraction to the nice center piece his wife had on the table, but she had a different opinion. A disappointed Kent tried to agree, but he is hard to convince when he gets certain ideas. His patient wife usually makes him understand why some of his ideas are not so good. I love these two love birds so much. It takes both of them working together to do the stressful jobs they both are paid to do. Together they are very successful.

Seldom does a day go by that I don’t wonder why God has been so good to me and my family. We have made many mistakes, and have had to pay the consequences there of, but never have we been left alone to struggle with the disadvantage some of these mistakes left us with. God is always there to guide us through, and always gives us a bonus when we finish the difficult tasks that follows our mistakes. Sometimes it may not be a mistake, but just a failure to follow God’s calling. This Almighty God we serve is not an image of magic. He is a true, just, power of high authority, and uses disciplinary measures to keep His children in perfect obedience to Him. So at 84 years old I have my aches and pains, many of them because of my own mistakes, but in spite of it all, I am very active, happy, enjoy living the good life, and look forward to more great blessings every day. It’s just that way in spite of my inability to understand. God is so good, but we must always let Him be in control of our lives. The saying goes like this, “When God closes one door He opens another.” Sometimes it takes us a long time to get out of the way so God can close that door, but It finally will happen even though God may have to force it on us. If we ever feel left without a hope, think again. “God will never leave us nor forsake us.” Those words are His, and they are in His Holy Bible.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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