Friday, May 31, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "I Don't Say Scat Anymore"

Jean's Comment's: "I Don't Say Scat Anymore": I've never seen this cat before nor have I seen a cat in my front yard for years. I am not cat friendly. They are too quick to take ad...

"I Don't Say Scat Anymore"

I've never seen this cat before nor have I seen a cat in my front yard for years. I am not cat friendly. They are too quick to take advantage of you. 5-31-2019 Perryton, TX
Well, can you believe it, a cat likes my roses too. I took this picture through the window or I couldn't have gotten it otherwise. Cats know I don't allow them hanging around my house. I have had too many baby kittens born under my shed, and think this is their home. I finally was able to make them understand that they were not wanted here. I know that sounds mean, but I cannot manage a yard full of cats. I do like cats, but I want someone else to own them. I have no house pets, because I don't want to be tied down with them. My birds are enough company for me. They are no trouble, and always sing when I sit out. Sometimes they call each other, but I can't understand bird talk. I love to watch them eat bugs, and seeds from my front lawn. Most of the time they can find water there also. I have two bird houses hanging in a tree, and hopefully they will move in soon.

We did get another ½ inch of rain last night, but the yard man called and said he could mow this evening. We are thankful for all the rain we have had this spring. The yard is much prettier than when we water it from the hose. It's hard to keep the cars clean, but that's alright. The air is fresh, and the breeze is wonderful, even with the sun shinning. A lot of people are taking advantage of the cool weather, and are out walking. My area of residence is great for walkers so it stays busy most of the time. Also there are a lot of joggers, and people walking their dogs. I can see the sun rise almost from the ground, and see it set almost to the ground from my house. I see jets crisscrossing across the skies all day long when the weather is good. How fortunate we are to be blessed with this location. I pray it will remain that way for a long time yet.

I have started back to painting. I was recessed from it for almost a year, but am in full force now. Sometimes it takes a special person to regain our interest. That person has appeared, and I am happy to be back to smelling turpentine, and wearing paint spotted cloths. I don't need to put out scented candles because they do not trump the turpentine. I have no place to paint but in my house. As long as I'm contented what difference does it make? Right now I am finding it hard to wait for the paint to dry a bit so I can keep the brush going. My brain also tells me I need to rest it before I keep going. My art instructor taught me to do these things, but I still like to do things my way. I wish I could still have him around to get me through some of the problems I have. He has been deceased for many years. A great instructor he was. He had been an art teacher in college. I never learned all the problems that he assigned us, because it would have taken too long so he let us paint by using what we did learn. What he taught me, and what I taught myself has gotten me by for many years. It's fun, and is great pastime.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Think Upon Good Things"

Jean's Comment's: "Think Upon Good Things":          Roses are blooming nicely. They make my house look alive. 5-30-2019 Perryton, TX   The roses at my house withstood a lot of...

"Think Upon Good Things"

         Roses are blooming nicely. They make my house look alive. 5-30-2019 Perryton, TX

The roses at my house withstood a lot of hard rain, and some hail, but they are still pretty. More are coming on every day. The ground is white with rose petals, but the bushes are still very pretty. They need some trimming, and I will be doing that tomorrow. Will also be sitting out some plants in my empty planters. That is if it doesn't rain again tonight. We do have a 10 percent chance of rain, and my yard is supposed to get mowed tomorrow.

It's been lonesome since my children left to go home. They spent three nights with me, and it was so nice being with them. I still hear their echo. When I wake up at night I have to remember they are not still here. How hard it is to get old, and have to live alone. But I am so thankful that all my children have their own families, and are very happy. I had mine for quite some time. I can still see them often, and enjoy their sweet presence. I talked with my daughter today. She is excited about one of her sons joining us when we go to visit one of my sons in two weeks. This will be a great time for all of us. We will be grilling steaks, and sitting around the pool catching up on all the family news. In the evening we will be taking a few hours and going to a gaming place. It is a very nice place, and so relaxing.

I have been at work today and have missed out on the news. Politics just won't go away so I'm looking forward to going away from them for awhile. I trust God to keep everything under control since I will not be here to do my part. I think He can manage just fine without me. Seriously we are in very troubling times, and it seems to get worse every day. Fraud is growing by leaps and bounds daily. We dare trust anyone any more if we don't know them personally. We wonder how much longer will God allow this evil to keep growing. I am so tired of telephone calls that I am positive are nothing but scammers. I hang up right away, but it still makes me angry which I do not need to deal with. Some days I have five or six of such calls. Many times I can't even understand what they are saying. How much the world has changed since I was a child is unbelievable. I have to believe we are on the outskirts of hell. I certainly do not want to get any closer to that everlasting, tor mental, cave. Only by faith will we be able to stay far from that reality. We must stay close to God, and keep our minds clear. Too many drugs that doctors are freely giving now, will block our minds from thinking clearly. I have seen it happen to many of my friends although they are not aware of it. We must hold onto the Word of God, and refuse to let doctors tell us we need nerve pills, and sleeping aids. I choose to tough it out without those kind of drugs. I don't have too much longer to go, and I will keep the faith as long as I have a mind.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Birds Of A Feather Flock Together"

Jean's Comment's: "Birds Of A Feather Flock Together": My bird houses are finally mounted. Kent is so sweet to me. 5-29-2019 Perryton. TX  A year ago last Mother's Day I received th...

"Birds Of A Feather Flock Together"

My bird houses are finally mounted. Kent is so sweet to me. 5-29-2019 Perryton. TX 

A year ago last Mother's Day I received these two lovely birdhouses. My son, Kent, came to see me, and I finally got them mounted last Monday. I am going to enjoy them a lot as they are in a little tree a few feet from my front porch. I have a bird feeder a short distance from the houses. My kiddos really got me fixed up this trip. They did so much for me, and I thank them again, and again. I will be starting a painting of the four of them that was captured on camera while they were on the Beleive Island. They requested I do this painting since everyone loves the hypothetical expressions of who they think they are. I plan to make them more real while at the same time not changing their original first impressions. Out family was gifted with what we call humor, but others may call it lack of sense. Whatever the case, we are a bunch of happy soul-mates. We are Christians, and American Patriots. We welcome your company any time you feel like joining us.

I stayed glued to the television all morning while the news keeps getting more, and more complicated. I watched Robert Mueller make a short speech about his Special Council report, and everyone including me is trying to understand where he is coming from. My own opinion is he is trying to dodge bullets from both the right, and the left. In other words he is in some deep trouble, since the investigation is now focusing on the investigators. I truly believe he was attempting a coup against President Trump, but was not able to make it work. I also believe he is fighting for his life. If he is found guilty of that charge that will be the end of his worth in America. I'm sure several other countries would welcome him to their troubled governments. The Democrats are fighting to keep their dirt covered up, but I am confident they will be exposed big time before it's over with. To sum it all up I believe God has had enough, and He is calling them to justice. I can't believe this will be over in a short time, because there are too many defendants that have to be questioned however, God has slaughtered thousands by His own power according to bible records. It could be done again if He wills. I'm thinking along those same lines, because my sense of understanding the bible tells me that God's people are again being threatened. This war the whole world is involved with is much more deadly than most people think. The wicked beast always fights till death when he knows he is in danger. I have never known of any who voluntarily gives up. They may be trapped or sprayed with sleeping gas, but one of the other has to be used to take them alive. Judgment day is not far off. It's too late for many who would not believe in God. What now?

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Memorial Day Blessings"

Jean's Comment's: "Memorial Day Blessings": Kent and I are about to get the flag holder installed. Memorial Day celebration. 5-28-2019 Perryton, TX Had a great past week-end. My...

"Memorial Day Blessings"

Kent and I are about to get the flag holder installed. Memorial Day celebration. 5-28-2019 Perryton, TX

Had a great past week-end. My children from Sherman were here, and we enjoyed working, and grilling good food, and just visiting till late at night. It rained a lot while they were here, and we were under a tornado alert every evening. No bad storms, but lots of high wind. The children stayed three nights, and those were the best nights I've had in a long time. I got lifted sky-high, and am still up there. I will be going to spend a week with them in two more weeks. My daughter and husband will be joining us there. They are looking forward to that visit as much as I. We are going to have a great time while we are there, and we all certainly need as much pleasure time as possible. All of us has been working hard repairing our houses, and Kent, and Angela have been overworked, from moving and selling their house in Abilene, and buying one in Sherman. None of us are as young as we used to be, but God has been extra good to us all. Family is the most valuable thing God created. He is not pleased when even one leaves the fold for selfish reasons. Only death will God accept as a reason for any family member to leave His blessed union. Sometimes this is very hard to accept, but God asked in His Word. “how can you say you love God if you love not your brother?”

I am debating whether to attend the family reunion this year. This reunion involves a large number of family members of mixed intelligence. Some of which are birth marked with defects that cause them, as well as others, much distress. They are members of the family, and the parents, and grand parents, are determined they attend the meeting. Sometimes those with higher birth intelligence just can't be content to mix with the lesser intelligent. I realize the disadvantageous feeling this causes the rest of the members, but the Word of God also says “let no one think of himself better than anyone else. I do believe some control could be better administered than what we have seen many times. For those who have been disowned because of past mistakes, the unforgiving servant will also be unforgiven by God. No family is perfect, but every family is important to God. I am praying for a new forgiving spirit, and at the same time a new repentant spirit to sweep through our family members. Life is too short, and eternity is too real for anything less. Of course there are other reasons part of the family have disappeared from the fold, but a little discomfort will not kill anyone, and there is always a reason to pray for better resources next year. This year the family will be gathering at Lake Murray State Park near the Texas/ Oklahoma line. The Cope Family Reunion web site can be viewed on line. Many of us who are not planning on attending need to make this a matter of prayer. God will not deny any of us a welcome to attend. He is all that matters.

This blog may seem too personal for some, but remember every family has the same problems as ours. Someone in other families may be encouraged to make amends in their family.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "A Hair Cut For The Bunny"

Jean's Comment's: "A Hair Cut For The Bunny": Chuck's best friend, bunny, met me at the door when I got to his house today. 5-23-2019 Perryton, TX   This young bunny rabbit was ...

"A Hair Cut For The Bunny"

Chuck's best friend, bunny, met me at the door when I got to his house today. 5-23-2019 Perryton, TX
  This young bunny rabbit was so friendly this morning when I got to Chuck's house. She sat still while I took several pictures of her. She was not grown, but seemed so gentle, and relaxed. The rabbits in my yard run like a streak of lightening every time I open the door if one is in sight. When I went on in the house this little bunny was still sitting in the same place. I knew there was nothing wrong with her because she did move away from the door when I first saw her. Chuck, and his animal friends are amazing.

We are again in a tornado watch here in Perryton, TX. Dark clouds cover the skies, and we are told to be cautious all through tomorrow. I sympathize with the people at Jefferson City, Missouri. They had a very bad tornado to hit last night doing lots of damage, and killing several. There has been many tornadoes hit all through Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri, and Kansas just recently. It looks to be a bad year for tornadoes. Oklahoma also has had bad flooding s. I am nervous about my trip to Oklahoma in about two weeks. I will just trust God to keep me safe.

I'm looking forward to company coming tomorrow. My son, and daughter-in-law will be here for a couple of days. They are such a blessing to me as well as to a lot of other people. They are some of God's special children. I'm glad He chose me to be their mother. They will be driving 500 miles through the hazardous weather. Help me pray for their safety. I know we will have a fun time while they are here in spite of all the work they will be doing for me. This is the same couple I will be spending a week with in about two and one-half weeks. We're have a double jamboree.

It's hard for me to write with all the thunder, and lightening happening. I think I should stop, and watch the clouds more closely. It's just not wise to ignore such threatening weather. I should be listening for the sirens that may go off any time. Until tomorrow be careful, and pay close attention.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

P S I just got a call on the iPhone saying take shelter now. Good-bye

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "A View And A Sound Of Excitement"

Jean's Comment's: "A View And A Sound Of Excitement": The sun shines and the Jeters dines. Many planes in the sky today. 5-22-2019 Perryton, TX   A lovely day today. After a rain downpou...

"A View And A Sound Of Excitement"

The sun shines and the Jeters dines. Many planes in the sky today. 5-22-2019 Perryton, TX 

A lovely day today. After a rain downpour, and some hail, today is bringing us peace, and some excitement. While I watched so many jets flying all directions I got the “get up and go” fever. I do have a short trip planned in three weeks, but I was made ready to go now. At least I got a boost, and hopefully I can get some things accomplished that I've been putting off. I must do something to occupy me or I can't keep my feet on the ground. I am pumped up to the limit. When it rains it pours, and when the blessing come they flood. I am thankful for a loving God who always comes when I need Him most.

One of my blessings is My son just called me and said he and my daughter-in-law were coming to see me this Friday, I am so excited. Nothing could have made me happier although, I will be going to spend a week with them in three weeks. But my home is my son's home, and he needs to check things out. He will be getting some things done that I have been needing for awhile. This is the son, and daughter-in-law that any mom would be proud of. I can never thank God enough for them.

The circus continues to perform in our government. The clowns keep finding new ways to put on an act. The problem is they are losing the interest of the crowd more every day. It's not even funny anymore, but the desperate so-called democrats have nothing else to talk about but impeaching the President. They have made up their minds that they are not going to help keep America safe. They are against America, and therefore they will do anything they can to help the ex-president, Barack Obama. who set out to give America away, and is still working behind the scenes to get the job done. This war against evil is much bigger than the average person can imagine. It is growing more fierce every day to the point that the patient President we have, is losing all patience. The majority of the people have been trying to get him to crack the whip for a long time. He is almost to that point. The fact is he is using all wisdom given him daily by the Almighty. He has to wait for the right time. The sad thing about it all is the ignorant liberals do not know they are not fighting President Trump, but they are fighting the Almighty God who's universe we all are part of. Anyone who goes against His Word including both the Old, and the New Testament, are in the loosing minority. God has ways of taking out thousands of evil doers in a twinkle of an eye. He has done it many of times. We are not fighting against flesh and blood, but by the Spirit of God. The battle is mine, sayeth the Lord. I will fight for you. Pray for our President, please.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "A Rose Of Color Is Beautiful"

Jean's Comment's: "A Rose Of Color Is Beautiful": One of my three pink rose bushes just starting to bloom. 5-21-2019 Perryton, TX In the beginning there was one pink rose bush bloom...

"A Rose Of Color Is Beautiful"

One of my three pink rose bushes just starting to bloom. 5-21-2019 Perryton, TX

In the beginning there was one pink rose bush blooming nicely then two more followed. This is a rosy time of the year for me. With all the rain we've had I will have lots of beautiful roses this summer. I could not be happier. I'm having to fight for the peace I feel now, but fight I will do. Every day brings discouragements my way, but I am learning to sweep them aside. Those are the prayer request presented to me in an unusual way. I am thankful for everyone of them. Peace is mine to keep if I will refuse to let it go. I don't know what tomorrow holds, but I know who holds tomorrow. Today is mine, and I will live it to the fullest.

All things work together for the good to them that love God. Romans 8:28. If only we could believe this scripture we would all be better off. I believe, and will always claim it for what it says. My mind will tell me when I need to look for someone to share my burdens with, and that person will always be available. It usually comes to us by chance. Maybe we did not intend to share with that person at all, but we follow our mind whether it be intended or not. If I do what I felt like God asked me to, and I didn't seem to get any results, I will not question God. I fulfilled my duty. The rest is in God's hands. I can keep my peace even if I wasn't pleased with what I was hoping for. Some things were just not supposed to be.

I am still focused on the security of our country. Unless I stay tuned into the news I will not know how to pray for the most important need America has. Is one prayer out of millions going to help? Absolutely. The Word teaches the prayer of faith shall heal the sick. Who's faith? The prayer of faith which no one but God knows. Any single person's prayer could be that prayer of faith. I don't mean any single person that's not married. I mean one person, anyone. I will never accept the insults of those who try to make me feel like my Prayer doesn't matter. I learned better than that at my first encounter with Jesus. Money, fame, or the chief of all devils cannot ever take that assurance away from me. I may never use my prayer in public as I believe Jesus said pray in your closet, but I will never refuse to pray publicly if I am asked. It's a matter of identifying with the elite of God's chosen ones. It is not a matter of being honored or being payed back for an insult that had previously been made, or shown. If that were the case I would prefer to be passed up. My spirit beareth witness with your spirit. So says the Word of God. May God bless each and everyone of you in Jesus name.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

                  One of my 3 pink rose bushes. Just starting to bloom. 5-21-2019 Perryton, TX
              Part of my pink roses. Have two other pink rose bushes. 5-21-2019 Perryton, TX

Monday, May 20, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "A Shelter In The Time Of Storms"

Jean's Comment's: "A Shelter In The Time Of Storms": A terrible wind with rain this morning. Ground covered with leaves and water. 5-20-2019 Perryton, TX In Perryton, Texas we had 2 ½ inche...

"A Shelter In The Time Of Storms"

A terrible wind with rain this morning. Ground covered with leaves and water. 5-20-2019 Perryton, TX
In Perryton, Texas we had 2 ½ inches of rain within a one hour period. My driveway and sidewalks are covered solid with water, and leaves, We are in a tornado alert for the entire day. It's nice to be home on days like this. It's been dark all day, but so far we haven't lost our electrical power. The television keeps going off because we have dish, and every little cloud cuts off the circuit. It could be much worse, so I am thankful for what we have. I called my sister in Oklahoma City, and all the schools had been closed for today. This tornado alert covered a wide, and long area. It was graded as very possibly dangerously high winds, and hail with tornadoes.

I did some baking, and made chicken salad for sandwiches this morning. I'm fixed for food for a few days. I will keep a close watch on the weather channel. It will even take center stage over politics. It looks like if the enemy don't get us, the tornadoes will. Why do we worry? We are protected from all harm if we are trusting God. We are humans though, and wouldn't be if we never worried about anything. We are no different than Jesus disciples who feared trouble every time Jesus got out of their sight. He will never lose patience with us as long as we chose to stay close to Him. We may not can see Him, but we know He is there.

I do fear deep trouble in the future, I had a computer technician at my house today changing out my old modem to a new one. He told me I had a wireless computer connected to mine, but didn't attempt to find out more about it. He was puzzled. We never know just what is going on with our personal life any more. I don't believe we have any privacy left. The world has gotten too scientifically advanced for privacy. This too, I believe, is a fulfillment of bible prophesy in order for everything God planned to actually happen. Jesus told Peter before the cock crowed thrice, that he would deny Him. This is after Peter said, “Lord I will never deny You.” Peter denied Christ, then the cock crowed the third time. Peter remembered what Jesus had told him, and he cried. Jesus was God also, and God is the greatest of all scientist. He is allowing these unbelievably discoveries to happen because of his original plan. We never know when we will be used like Peter to help fulfill that plan. Judas was another example of one of Jesus disciples who seemingly didn't know he was the one who would betray Christ. Afterward Judas went and hung himself. These are scary facts, but we cannot deny them. God's Word is true, and it gives account of these happenings. I pray I will keep my life as free from sin as possible, although I know it will still be flawed.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Roses Are Awesome Love Makers"

Jean's Comment's: "Roses Are Awesome Love Makers": My first red rose this summer to show off it's beauty. Several more are getting ready to enter the stage. 5-19-2019 Perryton, TX ...

"Roses Are Awesome Love Makers"

My first red rose this summer to show off it's beauty. Several more are getting ready to enter the stage. 5-19-2019 Perryton, TX

I have a lot of yellow, pink, and white roses in full bloom, but the red rose I have posted is the only one of it's color so far. It is the queen of all of them. My roses and flowers are a real joy to me. They always spring back to life after every hard winter. I'm not so quick to bloom after months of cold, dark days. However, I am still making progress. My pedals just don't open as quick as they used to.

Today being Sunday has not seemed such. My lawn man came without me expecting it, and I had two long telephone calls that usually don't happen on Sunday. I missed church because my arthritis was bad today. It always happens when rain is in the clouds. It's not unusual anymore for things to happen when I am not expecting them. I have to pray for patience every day. I know there is a reason for all things, but it's hard not to know why. Those times are like floating around in the air with no where to stop. It takes a great force to bring us down. While I'm grounded I am looking for pretty flowers to cheer me up. They help me to relax, and think positive about tomorrow. It's more fun to day dream than to night dream. We can control our day dreams, but we cannot control our night dreams.

I have finally finished the Old Testament, and am now reading the New. I thought I would be uplifted when I started reading the New, but somehow I am finding it harder to rejoice at what I'm reading now. The Pharisees, and the Scribes found fault with everything Jesus did. It reminds me of what people are doing today with the ones who are trying hard to live like Jesus taught. Jesus ignored those ignorant people and went on teaching what He was sent to earth to do. He knew He would be paying with His life later on, but it didn't stop Him from doing His Father's will. Friends we know there is a price we all must pay if we follow Jesus, and live according to His teachings, but The price is much greater if we do otherwise. Those who chose to insult just to show off their authority will be the first to pay up. Never ever did Jesus do that, yet He had all the authority in the world. Today I gave a bit of my authority to a person who in the eyes of man has been given much authority, but I was proud to use some of what has been given me by the greatest power in heaven and in earth. I feel no remorse, and I feel so completely relieved of my duty as a Christian with Christ by my side. Oh my, what a life of a fool some are making of themselves. But I will never tell anyone that. They will find out soon enough.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Look Long And Hard"

Jean's Comment's: "Look Long And Hard": Not an alien, it's me. Don't ask me how. It was suppose to be a pre-mature bird that got aborted by a squirrel. It was splashed on...

"Look Long And Hard"

Not an alien, it's me. Don't ask me how. It was suppose to be a pre-mature bird that got aborted by a squirrel. It was splashed on the street after being thrown out of the nest by that mean squirrel. 5-18-2019 Perryton, TX
Surprise! Surprise! I was taking a picture of a partly formed baby bird that was splashed on the street after a mean squirrel threw it's egg out of the nest in a tree. I am shocked to see this alien-like figure instead of the baby bird's remains. I guess I still have something to learn about photography. I hope I'm lucky enough to invent a new earthy creature devise. This shot certainly doesn't look like something from our planet. Anyway I was made angry to see what this mean beast had done to a mother, and daddy bird's unborn baby. Even birds grieve from the lost of their babies. I've never killed anything but a fly, and one time a giant snake, but I think I could kill every squirrel in my yard if I had a chance.

I have already made dinner for Sunday after church tomorrow. Chicken, and dressing, with giblet gravy. Banana pudding, and two vegetables which I will fix after church. I'm doing better with my time, although I could do much more if I would only push myself a little harder, (away from the news.) I run from my kitchen back to the television every fer seconds. I like the five minute commercials, because I can go outside and check things out. I'm working on my addiction, and I can see some improvement. I got an invite today to President Trump's birthday party June 14. Of course I got a self addressed envelope with a certain amount of cash requested that I could send. As much as I love President Trump, and as long as I have supported him, I will not be celebrating this birthday except with my prayers. I will be sending him best wishes by way of face book. I could never do as much for him as he has done for me.

I'm getting anxious to go to our lake 17 miles away, and fish for crappie. My husband and I did this often, but since he's been gone I have not been once. I really enjoy fishing from the dock built several yards out in the lake. It is covered, and one can take their folding chairs and relax while waiting for a fish to get on thier line. I plan to leave television for a whole day and go fishing soon. I have always caught some fish before, but I don't know if I will be lucky again or not. I only fish for crappie because that is the only kind I like to eat. I learned several years ago how to clean them, and slide the knife under the meat removing it from the skin, and bone. I can also put a minnow on my hook. I am now the one size fits all. I welcome anyone to go fishing with me, but most of my friends don't like fishing. I can spend a lot of time entertaining myself at the lake. Of course there are always a lot of people camping out down there, so I can always find someone to talk to if I decide, Happy summer time to all.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, May 17, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "A Master's Love"

Jean's Comment's: "A Master's Love": My friend was going to walk the dog, but she decided she wanted to rest. 5-17-2019 Perryton, TX   I wish I was as smart as Mollie. S...

"A Master's Love"

My friend was going to walk the dog, but she decided she wanted to rest. 5-17-2019 Perryton, TX

I wish I was as smart as Mollie. She knows what she can get away with, and I haven't learned that yet. However, I don't tempt my Master as much as she does. I am satisfied to do just what He wants me to do. Mollie's master loves her, and he is very lenient with her wishes, but he has made a really lovable dog out of her. I believes my Master is as kind yet as commanding as is Mollies. I know pretty much my boundaries, and try to stay within them, but I feel like I take every ounce of extra freedom I can get. I know my Master would not allow me to do things that would make Him disown me. I believe I see His commands just as Mollie sees her master's commands. Last evening after Mollie lay on the ground a few minutes, her master pointed his finger at their house, and away she ran, but not without looking both directions before crossing the street. She was granted her desire not to take that walk. I feel that lucky with my Master most of the time. How great are the ones who loves us enough to let us chose our pleasure, and rewards us with extra blessings. I'm sure Mollie got a nice treat before she went to bed. That is what good Master's do.

I am counting the days before I will be going on another trip to visit my sisters, then on to stay a week with my son, and daughter-in-law. Like a child I'm excited, and wonder if the time will ever pass. I'm thankful that I can enjoy the rest of my life without having to answer to anyone but God. I do have trouble sometimes accepting these relaxing days, since I have worked most of my life. I keep feeling the need to do more work even though I don't want to. I'm sure it's because my older body just won't let me use my muscles like I used to without aching all over. My brain is pain free, so I can do the game things without getting tired. At least for several hours. I'm glad I have a hobby that requires less muscle use, and more brain power. I also love being with family more than anything. When I come home from this scheduled trip, who knows I may have been lucky enough to find my pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Isn't that what everyone is looking for? It will have to trip me, because I am somewhat blind to objects in my path if they spell success. Success to me at this time is ridding myself of boredom. I'm looking hard for that priceless treasure. It will have to come with a guarantee. My meager wealth will not be easy to talk me out of. I'm not looking for a deal; I just want a deal to find me.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Changing Times Are Here To Stay"

Jean's Comment's: "Changing Times Are Here To Stay":   My friend the butterfly sat on my knee last evening for several minutes while I was sitting on the porch. 5-16-2019 Perryton, TX   I...

"Changing Times Are Here To Stay"

  My friend the butterfly sat on my knee last evening for several minutes while I was sitting on the porch. 5-16-2019 Perryton, TX
I spent some time last evening sitting on my front porch enjoying the nice, cool breeze after enduring an 85 degree day. Immediately after I sat down a butterfly landed on my hand. I got a glimpse of it's beautiful, colorful designed wings before it flew off. It happened too quick for a picture, although I had the camera in my other hand. It came back, and landed on my knee sitting there for several minutes, but it wouldn't open it's wings. I finally gave up and took it's picture anyway. I have never before had a butterfly land on me. When it did open it's wings momentarily, they was so beautiful. I sat there for nearly an hour thinking I might get a chance at a picture of it's wings, but no luck. I have never seen a butterfly so satisfied to sit on a knee with no chance for sweetness. Blooming flowers were right before it, but it didn't bother to land on them. The same butterfly kept coming back and sitting on my same knee. I only saw one other butterfly, and it seemed to be trying to get the occupied one to come on. My day had not passed without a miracle. I felt a soothing peace come over me. I had a very good night's sleep, and rest for which I consider another miracle. I don't have many of those anymore. I am thankful for that change.

Yesterday was a good day for me also. I was sure that a couple of things that had bothered me was taken care of. Either I was wrong about my thinking, or God visited a couple of people I thought were ignoring me. I saw a different two people in them yesterday. Then the butterfly visited me that evening. Is God real, or not? Today has been bearable, although again I had to accept some changes in the policy of how the state renews our car tags. Since I don't like changes I was having a hard time accepting the extra trips I had to make getting all the things the state decided to start taking. I have never been able to pay for my tag renewal without cash before. I made the extra effort to have cash then I saw a sigh on the counter that said, we take visa cards. Is my patience being tried, or am I getting old? I pray, “please Lord don't let me lose it. Just let me be free from most responsibilities.” Too many changes are being made every day. I believe we are living in a continuing education process now, and will be for the rest of our lives. I suppose it's either do or die. I choose to do, but not without telling people how much I hate changes. Changes are suppose to be for our convinces0, and that is well, and good, but we still have to learn how to use the changes. Then when we have learned they change things again. So that's my sermon for today.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Come Back To See Me Dear Sun"

Jean's Comment's: "Come Back To See Me Dear Sun": The sun setting last evening. Taken through the sheer window curtains on the window over my kitchen sink. 5-15-2019 Perryton, TX My she...

"Come Back To See Me Dear Sun"

The sun setting last evening. Taken through the sheer window curtains on the window over my kitchen sink. 5-15-2019 Perryton, TX
My sheer window curtains served as sun shades so I could take this picture last evening. The sun was so bright I couldn't look at it without looking through the curtains. After two weeks of not seeing hardly any sun I was happy to enjoy it today. We have a lot of moister in the ground, and that makes me happy too. However, with that 85 degree temperature we had yesterday it won't take long till we will be watering our yards again.

I had a few disappointments to happen to me yesterday, but as always they will be taken care of by the Almighty Hand of God. Sometimes we have to think, and rethink just why things can get so out of control for some. My only answer is that is just part of being a human living in an imperfect world. Sometimes I think some of us take it too lightly about God's blessings to us. We are too often thinking about our own hardships, and insults from others. We let the hurt some do to us linger too long. I am so guilty of this, and pray, but not too seriously, for God to heal me of this sin. It's hard not to remember the past of someone who has hurt us badly, when we see them suffering. I have ventured a way too far from when I didn't have that sin in my life. At the same time I have to think I've grown to understand the bible better when I don't agree with what I believe is wrong. I used to ignore things that I try to fix now. It can be a hard decision, and we are always wondering if we made the right one. The fact is we never can fix someone else's problems. Does that mean we ignore them? No, we can keep praying, and trusting God, while at the same time leave those troubled people to deal with their own mistakes.” Love covers a multitude of sins.” sayeth the Lord. There is no way in the world that God won't hold everyone accountable for their sins after He has forgiven them in the beginning. He won't forsake us, but He won't bless us for what we do wrong. I never fail to pray for anyone who has a need regardless of what they may have done unjustly to me. This is the example Jesus set for us, and I do want to follow Him as much as possible. It is very easy to make big mistakes, and we all are in that class, but it is easier to pass up temptations when we have a close walk with God. That is the secret to everyone's peace of mind. Like a good child we must honor our Father in heaven, and not push Him too far.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Baptizing My Flowers"

Jean's Comment's: "Baptizing My Flowers": Church bouquet is still looking pretty. Mother's Day gift from my church. 5-14-2019 Perryton, TX   I am still enjoying my lovely fl...

"Baptizing My Flowers"

Church bouquet is still looking pretty. Mother's Day gift from my church. 5-14-2019 Perryton, TX
I am still enjoying my lovely flowers from Mother's Day. They are prettier now than when I received them five days ago. I have my orchid corsage setting in a small dish of water, and it is beautiful. Only God could make a live flower, and His magic touch did the glorious work of spreading beauty all over the world. Every time we see a beautiful flower we can almost hear them say “God loves you.” No sweeter words could ever be said. Jesus last prayer before His death was given in the garden, for which I am sure was a flower garden. Why do you think He went to the garden to pray? I believe because He felt strength, and comfort there more than anywhere else. Yet when our Jesus hung on the cross they put a crown of thorns on His head. I can't allow myself to think about this very long at a time, or I lose my victory, however we must never forget that old rugged cross. One of my brothers who never had a close relationship with Jesus, but loved our mother dearly, asked that the song, “In The Garden” be sung at her funeral. It was sung, and I feel sure that brother found Jesus before He died.

My day has been somewhat useful, although I cannot say I accomplished a lot. I feel satisfied with what I did, because God gave me strength to do what I did. Without Him I could do nothing. He is my supervisor, my comforter, my provider, and my everything else that keeps me enjoying my life. When I am tired He lets me rest. When I am discouraged He gives me hope. When I am lonely He sends me friends. Day by day I'm finishing the race for which I was chosen to run. It has not been an easy one, but I've always made a comeback when I fell. I will remain confident, and when discouragement attacks me, I will call upon His name. He will always remind me of what I have been rescued from, and assure me I am still on the right track. Heaven draws nearer each day.

Tomorrow I will be free to attend lunch at the Center again. There I will find friends who are in the same race competition as I. Here is where I get regenerated for another lap or two. It is so sad to see people who have not conquered the need for friends. They are robbed of the greatest blessing they could possible have. Nothing but the power of God can rescue their minds from that terrible lie. God cannot do it because the prisoner they choose to be will not force His mercy on them. His is a free gift, but you must accept it with thanksgiving. What a shame human life can be tormented only because ignorance will not let go. I am praying for a miracle for many of my friends, and loved ones.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, May 13, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "A Better Understanding Of The Mess We Are In"

Jean's Comment's: "A Better Understanding Of The Mess We Are In": Getting ready to occupy my patio while reading a good book till dark. 5-13-2019 Perryton, TX   I think I might be stretching it, but t...

"A Better Understanding Of The Mess We Are In"

Getting ready to occupy my patio while reading a good book till dark. 5-13-2019 Perryton, TX
I think I might be stretching it, but this evening I am starting to read a #1 New York Times bestseller. The Secret History Of The IRAQ WAR, Author Yossef Bodansky. 557, 6 by 10 inch pages. This is going to be a challenge for me, and I am wondering why I even want to start it. That is not my kind of reading, and I didn't buy the book. My neighbor threw it away, and I was impressed at how neatly she laid it on top of an empty box at the top of the dumpster. The price of the book is marked $27,95. From reading the introduction on the jacket cover I am learning that the author has been the director of the Congressional Task Force on Terrorism and Unconventional Warfare for more than a decade. He is the longtime director of research at the International Strategic Studies Association and senior editor for the Defense and Foreign Affairs group of publications.

The book is about the 2003 U.S. and Afghanistan war with the Bush Administration mobilizing the United States armed forces to overthrow the government of Iraq. Eight months after the president declared an end to major combat operations, Saddam Hussein was captured. Yet neither peace nor democracy has taken hold in Iraq. Instead the country has plunged into terrorist insurgency and guerrilla warfare,with no end in sight. Sixteen years later we Americans are about to enter combat operations with Iraq again, says me. The author asks the question, what went wrong?

I may not read very far into this book, but it does sound interesting. Much news has been made over the Bush war with Iraq, and thousands are accusing President Bush of causing the 911 bombing of the New York Twin Towers. I am sure of one thing, America is on the border line of possible another World Wide War. It looks like over half of our own American Congressional leaders are dead set on becoming a One World leader Universe. Our President Trump is having to fight against his own United States Citizens. This does not look good at all. Many high up officials have said if President Trump does not get elected again it's good-bye America, The Land of The Free And The Brave. I am absolutely positive of that prophesy. We will be living under Muslim religion with their law. I believe this is when the people will pray for the mountains to fall on then, as mentioned in God's Word. Please, please people, don't let our President down. Prayer can remove a mountain if people truly believe in God. And how could anyone doubt Him. I'm not praying only for our President. I'm praying that God will protect him, and give him more wisdom every day. It's really about God, instead of President Trump. I feel so confident that God will let this President be the Little Sheppard boy who killed the giant.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Mother's Day Celebration Is In Jeopardy"

Jean's Comment's: "Mother's Day Celebration Is In Jeopardy":                   Happy Mother's Day to me. On my way to church, 5-12-2019 Perryton, TX   I was blessed beyond words today. My chi...

"Mother's Day Celebration Is In Jeopardy"

                  Happy Mother's Day to me. On my way to church, 5-12-2019 Perryton, TX
I was blessed beyond words today. My children went all out to wish me a Happy Mother's Day, and at church I received another flower bouquet. I got so many Happy Mother's Day wishes, and when I picked up a lunch at McDonald's, I was given another long-stemmed flower. I will be remembering this day for a long time.

I was thankful to see so many new, young couples at church today. I had missed church for several Sundays, and wasn't expecting to see the crowd I saw today. It was obvious that these new faces were not visitors because of Mother's Day. I am rejoicing over that encouraging bit of news. I plan to be back in church next Sunday. No excuses from now on. The sermon was uplifting, and not even aimed at honoring the mothers. I can't remember ever being at church on Mother's Day when the entire service wasn't about honoring Mothers. Another change in our fast-changing society. The sermon title was, “The Sheppard.” Psalms 23. The Pastor said most of us know that chapter by memory, which I agree, but he said most of us don't grasp the meaning of it. I had a little trouble trying to follow his thought on this 23 Psalm. I take this change of interpretation to be another sign of changing times. The true meaning was the same, but presented in a different way than usual. He brought out the fact that most of us are not ready for the part of that chapter that says, “ Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.” The Pastor asked for everyone to raise their hands if they were ready to die, and would fear no evil. Oops, what does that mean? No hands were raised. We all, I'm sure, were thinking about the Muslim faith that believes in cutting off the heads of all who don't accept their religion. Our government leadership positions are being filled more every day with Muslim believers. The Pastor used the upmost wisdom in delivering this sermon without capitalizing the importance of it. Where are we headed from here? Why are more people starting to come to church, especially the younger ones? It definitely has to be of concern, and lack of understanding of the bible. Do we older people still have an important place in church? Is our faith going to hold out to the end? The opening statement from the Pastor this morning when getting ready to serve communion, was the mention of the latest school shooting. He stressed the mental illness problem, instead of kids just wanting to kill their classmates. I am afraid the days of shouting out victory in church are over. The congregation is very quit, and attentive anymore. The war has moved into the church, and schools now, and not just abroad. It's time to get serious with God.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Please Don't Take Mother's Day Away"

Jean's Comment's: "Please Don't Take Mother's Day Away":           Mother's Day treats. Lots of goodies to taste for several days. 5-11-2019 Perryton, TX   I got another Mother's Day b...

"Please Don't Take Mother's Day Away"

          Mother's Day treats. Lots of goodies to taste for several days. 5-11-2019 Perryton, TX
I got another Mother's Day blessing today. One that I can't relate, but I was greatly thankful for the gift. Thank You Lord. I have been nibbling all day on goodies I received through the mail yesterday. Delicacies of the best. I get to eat them all by myself as no one is here to share with. Best of all I had two long telephone calls today that cheered me up to high heaven. I will admit I am spoiled, and don't want to do anything any more that is called work. I like being as free as a bird, and flying anywhere I want to. However, just like the birds I like a mate to be close to, at least sometimes. I have to get up and move about to find such desire. None of those live in my house. I'm not sure if that's good or bad. I think I like my freedom best.

At least the sun is shinning today. No rain is predicted for now. The ground is still too wet to walk outside of the grass. It has been a total blessing. We never had any hail or high winds with all this rain. I cannot say that about some of our neighboring towns. We Perrytonites were just lucky. We did have tornado warnings, but nothing bad happened. We had to get out our heavy sweaters, and turn our heaters up, but we have nothing more to complain about.

This is one of those Saturdays when I would like to be somewhere having some fun, but again I feel more safe at home in this stormy bit of weather. I hope to keep my promise to myself, and go to church tomorrow. I have been balking all day about bathing, and doing my hair, but that is something I can usually win out with. I hate it when my hair is not at it's best looks. Also I cannot stand not to soak in my bubble bath often. I only do that at home. When I'm away from home it's a quick shower, which I feel so unfit to put my cloths on after. It's just not like soaking in a tub full of bubble bath. I have my outfit picked out for church tomorrow that will make my orchid corsage look even prettier. How dare I decide not to go to church. I need to take some Tylenol right now. That always helps me to relax, and feel less back pain. After my bath I am ready to snooze, and I always feel like a new person when I wake up in the morning. I'm not sure if I will eat dinner out, or come home. That will be decided after church tomorrow. Either way I am always ready for a feast, since I eat a light breakfast on Sunday morning. I hope they don't ask for the oldest mother to raise their hand at church tomorrow, because I am getting close to being that one. I have never been yet, but every year several more older mothers pass on. I don't like being in the spotlight.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, May 10, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "A Mother I Was Not A Mother I Was A Mother I Am"

Jean's Comment's: "A Mother I Was Not A Mother I Was A Mother I Am":   How lucky I am a mother with such sweet kids who shower me with blessings. 5-10-2019 Perryton TX I am over joyed at my loving, t...

"A Mother I Was Not A Mother I Was A Mother I Am"

  How lucky I am a mother with such sweet kids who shower me with blessings. 5-10-2019 Perryton TX

I am over joyed at my loving, thoughtful children today. I have received calls, cards, and gifts that make me cry with joy. They remembered their Mother in a big way. I love them all, and thank God for them every day. I got delicious pears, assorted candy, three seed crackers with charred pineapple spread, some really good sharp, white, cheddar cheese, and even a live orchid corsage. I also got a candied fruit, and nut cake. There goes my diet again, but I am glad I can enjoy putting every pound on. And I will have to go to church Sunday to wear my corsage. All I am missing is being with my children on this special day. But they never leave me alone for long without calling. I hope all mothers are as happy this mother's day as I am.

We've been in a rainy season for several days now. It stays cloudy most of the time. Every day it rains a little, just enough to keep the ground wet. The lawn man did manage to get my yard mowed yesterday, although the grass was heavy. It had grown for nearly two weeks. I am anxious to see the sun shinning again. It's easy to get cabin fever when the sun don't shine. I stay in a don't want-to-mood most of the time. It can only be called lazy, but it sure is easy to do. I am just hoping that I will not slip into a rut that I cannot get out of. I believe I am still smarter than that. If it keeps raining I may put up a tent, and sleep outside a few nights. I have a sleeping bag, and my grill is right there. I have a portable potty, that we used when we did take the kids on camping trips to Colorado, and New Mexico. Those were the fun days that none of us will ever forget. That would be a lot more fun than sleeping in a nursing home bed. God forbid I do so. I probably would have to put my sleeping bag on a cot, because my bones are not as flexible as they used to be, but I also have one of those. I still love to think young although I am not.

It is about time for some of my favorite news reporters to come on so I must hurry and sign off. It seems like it is taking a long time for something to happen that we've been told a month ago would happen within a few days. I can't take much more of the anxiety. I just have to stay tuned closely. I want to know if we will ever have peace in our democracy again or not. It will take a miracle, and I am not sure God will do it. If I camp out I might miss the best part of my long awaited hope of seeing with my own eyes the thing I am praying for. All the evil persons coming to justice. I believe on second thought I will sleep in my bed.

God Bless 
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "There Is A Season And A Reason For All Things"

Jean's Comment's: "There Is A Season And A Reason For All Things": The tree is actually bending much more than shows in this picture, but I didn't notice the cloud formation that looks like a huge plan...

"There Is A Season And A Reason For All Things"

The tree is actually bending much more than shows in this picture, but I didn't notice the cloud formation that looks like a huge plane about to fall to earth. 5-9-2019 Perryton, TX

Coming from work today I stopped to take a picture of this poor tree that looks like it is reaching for the ground with it's aching back. After I unloaded the picture to my computer album I noticed the blue cloud in the form of a huge airplane about to fall to the ground. I am that artist that is always looking for something unusual. Two objects in the same picture is pretty neat. It's all about nature. The thing that has captured my whole being. We can have our inventors, and rocket scientist, but they can never take the place of God's great nature. They will always be human creators. They can invent a machine to cut through a huge mountain, but they can never say to that mountain, “mountain be ye removed,” and it will instantly be moved. They can't say to the sea, “sea part the water so man can walk on dry ground and it will obey.” Things like this has actually happened, and the reason we don't see it happening any more is as God says, we don't have the faith, He said if we had the faith it would be done. We the people choose to live an easy life, and trust man with their intelligence, rather than God with His Almighty Power. It's so easy for me to say, “if it be your will God, please let this happen.” I don't have the nerve to say “God in Jesus name let this happen.” I'm afraid I will be sorry if God answers my prayer. I make too many mistakes to be that positive with God however, He has accepted my request many times when I have asked, if it be thy will. He knows our hearts, and He will do what's best for us. I believe in the old saying, if God gives us lemons let us make a pie. I love lemon pie.

I am a firm believer that God gives us what we deserve. He is a just God, and He will never neglect to reward us for our good deeds. We cannot look someone in the face and stab them in the back without God seeing it. That is to say, I love you, but our actions don't prove it. We cannot knowingly hurt someone without hurting ourselves. We who know that, and live with that attitude will most likely be hurt a lot, but we must not take revenge. God said He would take care of that for us. When I feel unloved, and mistreated, I wait upon God to make everything better. He never fails. I continue to pray for those same wrong-minded people, because I feel sorry for them. In the bible Stephen said, Father forgive them for they know not what they do. I feel like I am anyone but a Stephen at this time with our great country being trashed, but I also feel like God expects us to take a stand when we know someone is trashing Jesus. I am praying for our country, and yes I am asking God to punish those who are against it.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "I Have A Squirrel Artist Living In My Attic"

Jean's Comment's: "I Have A Squirrel Artist Living In My Attic": Art work by one of my squirrels. A face fixed inside an empty planter with a pecan as part of the hair arrangement. 5-8-2019 Perryton, TX....

"I Have A Squirrel Artist Living In My Attic"

Art work by one of my squirrels. A face fixed inside an empty planter with a pecan as part of the hair arrangement. 5-8-2019 Perryton, TX.
Here is proof that I have squirrels using my neighbor's pecans to fill my yard in some of the most unusual ways. This squirrel artist used an empty planter to do his art work. I swear I did not add one thing to this planter before I took the picture. I was just thinking about what plant I wanted to put in the planter when I saw this surprising art work. I didn't dare miss taking a picture of it. I promise this is the exact work of a squirrel. I think he was showing me up with my portrait paintings. I give him an A+. But I still don't want him around my yard. He is not worth his room and board that he expects in my attic. He is on my murder list if anyone wants a piece of squirrel art.

I stepped in a hole in my yard yesterday that was covered with grass. I am sure a rabbit has dug a hole to give birth to it's babies, but I was not interesting in uncovering the truth. There is possibly babies already there, and I didn't want to see them. The rabbits make the hole deep enough so the babies won't get mowed by the lawn mower, but sometimes they are old enough to crawl partly out, and I have seen shreds of baby rabbits before. I have seen bird eggs on the ground cracked enough to see a baby bird inside. The squirrels throw the eggs out of the nests quite often. I don't appreciate my yard being used for a Morgue. However, I don't appreciate the rabbits eating my ripe strawberries either, or the birds gobbling up my ripe grapes. I don't often see a snake, but if I do it is dead as soon as I can grab my garden hoe. They usually are babies, but I don't feel bad about killing baby snakes. A snake is a snake, and there is nothing positive about any of them. They are all bad.

I missed lunch today at the Center because I was deeply involved in watching the Congressional House Hearings on the decision to hold the United States Attorney General in contempt of court. I like a little of circus entertainment sometimes, but this one became so boring that even the clowns couldn't preform any more. How long must we have patience with this liberal bunch of ignoramuses? They've been caught in the act now why not bring them to court? I know the Civil war would just grow bigger, and more intense, but justice must be served. There is no easy way to settle this unfortunate crisis the liberals have created, but the sooner it happens the better it is for America, and all the law abiding citizens who still believe in our constitution, and especially One Nation Under God. The longer this goes the more people will be wiped out because of evil power gone wild. Bring it to an end quickly.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, May 6, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Daddy Bird Staying Near The Birthing Site

Jean's Comment's: "Daddy Bird Staying Near The Birthing Site:                       The daddy bird moved to the top of the house.5-5-2019 Perryton, TX This is the post that didn't get posted...

Sunday, May 5, 2019

"Daddy Bird Staying Near The Birthing Site

                      The daddy bird moved to the top of the house.5-5-2019 Perryton, TX

This is the post that didn't get posted yesterday. There has been some changes to my computer service, and I am waiting on a technician to fix it. I cannot pull up the story that goes with this picture. So I will try and rewrite it, although the  original thought will not be possible to remember.

I was sitting in my yard yesterday when I noticed this bird eyeing me from the ground under a  nearby tree, and never flew away. After several minutes I remembered this is the time for bird hatching. I have seen this same happening before. When the mother bird needs to leave her nest for awhile the daddy bird always stays close to it, and watches for safety for the eggs, or possible already hatched baby birds. There is a mother bird who builds her nest in this same tree every spring. It is located right close to my window, and it is  a small plum tree. I usually see the nest while the mother is building it because there are few leaves, and I can always find it even after the tree is finally thick with leaves, and the branches are crossing each other. But this year I didn't watch for the nest being constructed, so I could not find it after looking through the tree for several minutes. But I knew it was in that tree when I saw the daddy bird making such a fuss at me. While I was still looking for the nest I noticed the daddy bird had landed on top of the house and was about to come after me. I was entertained to say the least.

I've been told that the same male, and female birds mate every year, and both are responsible for the life of the babies. How does this compare with humans? I think some human parents could take a lesson or two from the birds. That's about all of the story I remember, but the pictures are the most important. I did get to keep them, and hopefully this short story will come out with them. One year I did get to put the camera right over the nest and take a perfect picture of two newly-hatched birds. I knew there were babies in the nest because I saw blue egg shells on the ground. The birds are Robbins, and they are so pretty when feathered out. I won't get to do that this year because I never found the nest, and I don't want to disturb the parents any more.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Happy Birthday To My Parents"

Jean's Comment's: "Happy Birthday To My Parents": Happy birthday to my parents in heaven, Jack and Opal Cope. Mom May 4,  to day, Dad May 16. Best parents in the world. 5-4-2019 Perryton, ...

"Happy Birthday To My Parents"

Happy birthday to my parents in heaven, Jack and Opal Cope. Mom May 4,  to day, Dad May 16. Best parents in the world. 5-4-2019 Perryton, TX
I am really missing my mom today. She would be 105 today. Happy birthday Mom if you can hear me. Dad will be 120 the sixteenth. I remember both of them to look exactly like the picture I have posted. This picture was taken at my house when I was 26 years old, and had three children. It was taken with my new Polaroid camera which was fairly new on the market. The pictures were developed instantly, and could be removed from the camera within a few seconds. That was sixty years ago, Shortly after that camera came out, or after I got my first one, I got a movie camera, and a projector. I still have a few movies, but after several years the tape crumbles. My daughter put the best of them on a large reel a few years ago. I still have it. I have been taking pictures since I was a little girl. My very first camera was a Brownie. I had to buy film to load it with, then take them to a camera shop and send them off for developing. I have lost a great number of my family, but I still have a great many pictures of them. I know none of us knows for sure what life will be like after this one is over, but by faith I hope to see, and recognize all of my family members. I'm living day by day for that hope. We all have to have something to hang onto, although the bible can be very hard to understand if we take it by every word it contains. It says plainly that we are not to take anything away, or add anything to it. 

I had an unusual dream last night. Of all things it was about scientific discoveries. I was watching my son do some things that made me almost go crazy. I don't know what he was working on, but it was totally crazy to the point till I woke up, and couldn't get it off my mind. In my wake hours, I had to deal with scary thoughts, and felt like it was more of a warning from God that our country is sinking deeper into evil very quickly. The worst part about it was I was seeing my loving grandchildren, and some of my own children agreeing with the evil that is gaining power ever day. I had had a long conversation with my youngest son about what is happening to our democracy before I went to bed. I see this son as very intelligent, and his son as even a step higher with intelligence. But I am now seeing a vast difference in their beliefs than I used to see. This tells me even more that Satan is using the same evil power against me that he used on our Lord, Jesus Christ when he was allowed to be tempted almost beyond human resistance. Remember forty days and nights without food, is only one of the great temptations Christ had to survive. My thought from that knowledge, will we have to endure some of the same temptations, and is my grandchildren already being attacked, and haven't been able to win out? My life is close at end, but God help my children, and grandchildren. I love them more than I love my own life.  

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "The Sun Peeped Out A Moment Today"

Jean's Comment's: "The Sun Peeped Out A Moment Today":                      Finally seeing a little sun for the first time all day. 5-2-2019 Perryton, TX   The sky has been cloudy all day. ...

"The Sun Peeped Out A Moment Today"

                     Finally seeing a little sun for the first time all day. 5-2-2019 Perryton, TX
The sky has been cloudy all day. This post of the sun is the first time I've seen it all day, and it just barely gave me time to snap a picture then it was gone again. For several days we have had cool, cloudy, rainy weather. We could sure use some sun now. It is suppose to rain some more tonight. It has been a welcome rain because no storms or floods have been a part of it. Best of all no tornado's. I am planning a trip to Durant, Oklahoma next month, and I heard they had a bad tornado two days ago. That makes me fearful to go down that direction. I have a lot of family in Oklahoma where tornado's hit a lot. I will be driving alone, and that is why I dread it so much. I will be trusting God to protect me.

I was so sorry today when I read some news on my computer that the famous singer, song-writer, Loretta Lynn, had been put in hospice care. The news I was reading said she had left her entire estate, 90 million to President Trump's campaign fund. Saying also that her children, and grandchildren had their own money. I have to think more of Loretta Lynn now after hearing that than ever before. However, I have always admired her. I am hoping this news I read is not some of the fake news. I will always remember Loretta as one of the most humble, talented, and blessed singers ever. I will really miss her. She was popular when I was a teenager. I loved reading her book, or I think it was her book. I know it was her own words whether it was a book, or just some of her stories she wrote. Her own written songs told us a lot about Loretta. I have almost memorized her song, “Coal Miners Daughter.” May she rest in peace. I feel sure she was one of God's favorite angels.

I am preparing to settle back in my recliner this evening, and catch up on all the circus clowns preforming today on a make-belief House Committee hearing for U. S. Attorney General, Robert Barr. The Committee Chairman knew Barr would not be there, but he called the meeting anyway. How stupid can anyone get? I was at work, and only got to hear bits, and pieces of it, but I hope I can hear more tonight. I think the devil is laughing in his boots at how successful he has been in making fools out of these Democrats, and a few RINO's. He is not through yet, and we all better put him on notice. Only God can handle that guy, and God expects us to read His Word, and trust Him. Satan knows who is trusting God, and he knows not to bother much with those. He cannot stay in the presence of God, and everyone should know that. Be sure and keep God in your heart, soul, and mind all the time.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp