Wednesday, May 29, 2019

"Birds Of A Feather Flock Together"

My bird houses are finally mounted. Kent is so sweet to me. 5-29-2019 Perryton. TX 

A year ago last Mother's Day I received these two lovely birdhouses. My son, Kent, came to see me, and I finally got them mounted last Monday. I am going to enjoy them a lot as they are in a little tree a few feet from my front porch. I have a bird feeder a short distance from the houses. My kiddos really got me fixed up this trip. They did so much for me, and I thank them again, and again. I will be starting a painting of the four of them that was captured on camera while they were on the Beleive Island. They requested I do this painting since everyone loves the hypothetical expressions of who they think they are. I plan to make them more real while at the same time not changing their original first impressions. Out family was gifted with what we call humor, but others may call it lack of sense. Whatever the case, we are a bunch of happy soul-mates. We are Christians, and American Patriots. We welcome your company any time you feel like joining us.

I stayed glued to the television all morning while the news keeps getting more, and more complicated. I watched Robert Mueller make a short speech about his Special Council report, and everyone including me is trying to understand where he is coming from. My own opinion is he is trying to dodge bullets from both the right, and the left. In other words he is in some deep trouble, since the investigation is now focusing on the investigators. I truly believe he was attempting a coup against President Trump, but was not able to make it work. I also believe he is fighting for his life. If he is found guilty of that charge that will be the end of his worth in America. I'm sure several other countries would welcome him to their troubled governments. The Democrats are fighting to keep their dirt covered up, but I am confident they will be exposed big time before it's over with. To sum it all up I believe God has had enough, and He is calling them to justice. I can't believe this will be over in a short time, because there are too many defendants that have to be questioned however, God has slaughtered thousands by His own power according to bible records. It could be done again if He wills. I'm thinking along those same lines, because my sense of understanding the bible tells me that God's people are again being threatened. This war the whole world is involved with is much more deadly than most people think. The wicked beast always fights till death when he knows he is in danger. I have never known of any who voluntarily gives up. They may be trapped or sprayed with sleeping gas, but one of the other has to be used to take them alive. Judgment day is not far off. It's too late for many who would not believe in God. What now?

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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