Wednesday, May 22, 2019

"A View And A Sound Of Excitement"

The sun shines and the Jeters dines. Many planes in the sky today. 5-22-2019 Perryton, TX 

A lovely day today. After a rain downpour, and some hail, today is bringing us peace, and some excitement. While I watched so many jets flying all directions I got the “get up and go” fever. I do have a short trip planned in three weeks, but I was made ready to go now. At least I got a boost, and hopefully I can get some things accomplished that I've been putting off. I must do something to occupy me or I can't keep my feet on the ground. I am pumped up to the limit. When it rains it pours, and when the blessing come they flood. I am thankful for a loving God who always comes when I need Him most.

One of my blessings is My son just called me and said he and my daughter-in-law were coming to see me this Friday, I am so excited. Nothing could have made me happier although, I will be going to spend a week with them in three weeks. But my home is my son's home, and he needs to check things out. He will be getting some things done that I have been needing for awhile. This is the son, and daughter-in-law that any mom would be proud of. I can never thank God enough for them.

The circus continues to perform in our government. The clowns keep finding new ways to put on an act. The problem is they are losing the interest of the crowd more every day. It's not even funny anymore, but the desperate so-called democrats have nothing else to talk about but impeaching the President. They have made up their minds that they are not going to help keep America safe. They are against America, and therefore they will do anything they can to help the ex-president, Barack Obama. who set out to give America away, and is still working behind the scenes to get the job done. This war against evil is much bigger than the average person can imagine. It is growing more fierce every day to the point that the patient President we have, is losing all patience. The majority of the people have been trying to get him to crack the whip for a long time. He is almost to that point. The fact is he is using all wisdom given him daily by the Almighty. He has to wait for the right time. The sad thing about it all is the ignorant liberals do not know they are not fighting President Trump, but they are fighting the Almighty God who's universe we all are part of. Anyone who goes against His Word including both the Old, and the New Testament, are in the loosing minority. God has ways of taking out thousands of evil doers in a twinkle of an eye. He has done it many of times. We are not fighting against flesh and blood, but by the Spirit of God. The battle is mine, sayeth the Lord. I will fight for you. Pray for our President, please.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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