Sunday, May 12, 2019

"Mother's Day Celebration Is In Jeopardy"

                  Happy Mother's Day to me. On my way to church, 5-12-2019 Perryton, TX
I was blessed beyond words today. My children went all out to wish me a Happy Mother's Day, and at church I received another flower bouquet. I got so many Happy Mother's Day wishes, and when I picked up a lunch at McDonald's, I was given another long-stemmed flower. I will be remembering this day for a long time.

I was thankful to see so many new, young couples at church today. I had missed church for several Sundays, and wasn't expecting to see the crowd I saw today. It was obvious that these new faces were not visitors because of Mother's Day. I am rejoicing over that encouraging bit of news. I plan to be back in church next Sunday. No excuses from now on. The sermon was uplifting, and not even aimed at honoring the mothers. I can't remember ever being at church on Mother's Day when the entire service wasn't about honoring Mothers. Another change in our fast-changing society. The sermon title was, “The Sheppard.” Psalms 23. The Pastor said most of us know that chapter by memory, which I agree, but he said most of us don't grasp the meaning of it. I had a little trouble trying to follow his thought on this 23 Psalm. I take this change of interpretation to be another sign of changing times. The true meaning was the same, but presented in a different way than usual. He brought out the fact that most of us are not ready for the part of that chapter that says, “ Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.” The Pastor asked for everyone to raise their hands if they were ready to die, and would fear no evil. Oops, what does that mean? No hands were raised. We all, I'm sure, were thinking about the Muslim faith that believes in cutting off the heads of all who don't accept their religion. Our government leadership positions are being filled more every day with Muslim believers. The Pastor used the upmost wisdom in delivering this sermon without capitalizing the importance of it. Where are we headed from here? Why are more people starting to come to church, especially the younger ones? It definitely has to be of concern, and lack of understanding of the bible. Do we older people still have an important place in church? Is our faith going to hold out to the end? The opening statement from the Pastor this morning when getting ready to serve communion, was the mention of the latest school shooting. He stressed the mental illness problem, instead of kids just wanting to kill their classmates. I am afraid the days of shouting out victory in church are over. The congregation is very quit, and attentive anymore. The war has moved into the church, and schools now, and not just abroad. It's time to get serious with God.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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