Thursday, May 23, 2019

"A Hair Cut For The Bunny"

Chuck's best friend, bunny, met me at the door when I got to his house today. 5-23-2019 Perryton, TX
  This young bunny rabbit was so friendly this morning when I got to Chuck's house. She sat still while I took several pictures of her. She was not grown, but seemed so gentle, and relaxed. The rabbits in my yard run like a streak of lightening every time I open the door if one is in sight. When I went on in the house this little bunny was still sitting in the same place. I knew there was nothing wrong with her because she did move away from the door when I first saw her. Chuck, and his animal friends are amazing.

We are again in a tornado watch here in Perryton, TX. Dark clouds cover the skies, and we are told to be cautious all through tomorrow. I sympathize with the people at Jefferson City, Missouri. They had a very bad tornado to hit last night doing lots of damage, and killing several. There has been many tornadoes hit all through Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri, and Kansas just recently. It looks to be a bad year for tornadoes. Oklahoma also has had bad flooding s. I am nervous about my trip to Oklahoma in about two weeks. I will just trust God to keep me safe.

I'm looking forward to company coming tomorrow. My son, and daughter-in-law will be here for a couple of days. They are such a blessing to me as well as to a lot of other people. They are some of God's special children. I'm glad He chose me to be their mother. They will be driving 500 miles through the hazardous weather. Help me pray for their safety. I know we will have a fun time while they are here in spite of all the work they will be doing for me. This is the same couple I will be spending a week with in about two and one-half weeks. We're have a double jamboree.

It's hard for me to write with all the thunder, and lightening happening. I think I should stop, and watch the clouds more closely. It's just not wise to ignore such threatening weather. I should be listening for the sirens that may go off any time. Until tomorrow be careful, and pay close attention.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

P S I just got a call on the iPhone saying take shelter now. Good-bye

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