Wednesday, May 15, 2019

"Come Back To See Me Dear Sun"

The sun setting last evening. Taken through the sheer window curtains on the window over my kitchen sink. 5-15-2019 Perryton, TX
My sheer window curtains served as sun shades so I could take this picture last evening. The sun was so bright I couldn't look at it without looking through the curtains. After two weeks of not seeing hardly any sun I was happy to enjoy it today. We have a lot of moister in the ground, and that makes me happy too. However, with that 85 degree temperature we had yesterday it won't take long till we will be watering our yards again.

I had a few disappointments to happen to me yesterday, but as always they will be taken care of by the Almighty Hand of God. Sometimes we have to think, and rethink just why things can get so out of control for some. My only answer is that is just part of being a human living in an imperfect world. Sometimes I think some of us take it too lightly about God's blessings to us. We are too often thinking about our own hardships, and insults from others. We let the hurt some do to us linger too long. I am so guilty of this, and pray, but not too seriously, for God to heal me of this sin. It's hard not to remember the past of someone who has hurt us badly, when we see them suffering. I have ventured a way too far from when I didn't have that sin in my life. At the same time I have to think I've grown to understand the bible better when I don't agree with what I believe is wrong. I used to ignore things that I try to fix now. It can be a hard decision, and we are always wondering if we made the right one. The fact is we never can fix someone else's problems. Does that mean we ignore them? No, we can keep praying, and trusting God, while at the same time leave those troubled people to deal with their own mistakes.” Love covers a multitude of sins.” sayeth the Lord. There is no way in the world that God won't hold everyone accountable for their sins after He has forgiven them in the beginning. He won't forsake us, but He won't bless us for what we do wrong. I never fail to pray for anyone who has a need regardless of what they may have done unjustly to me. This is the example Jesus set for us, and I do want to follow Him as much as possible. It is very easy to make big mistakes, and we all are in that class, but it is easier to pass up temptations when we have a close walk with God. That is the secret to everyone's peace of mind. Like a good child we must honor our Father in heaven, and not push Him too far.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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