Tuesday, May 21, 2019

"A Rose Of Color Is Beautiful"

One of my three pink rose bushes just starting to bloom. 5-21-2019 Perryton, TX

In the beginning there was one pink rose bush blooming nicely then two more followed. This is a rosy time of the year for me. With all the rain we've had I will have lots of beautiful roses this summer. I could not be happier. I'm having to fight for the peace I feel now, but fight I will do. Every day brings discouragements my way, but I am learning to sweep them aside. Those are the prayer request presented to me in an unusual way. I am thankful for everyone of them. Peace is mine to keep if I will refuse to let it go. I don't know what tomorrow holds, but I know who holds tomorrow. Today is mine, and I will live it to the fullest.

All things work together for the good to them that love God. Romans 8:28. If only we could believe this scripture we would all be better off. I believe, and will always claim it for what it says. My mind will tell me when I need to look for someone to share my burdens with, and that person will always be available. It usually comes to us by chance. Maybe we did not intend to share with that person at all, but we follow our mind whether it be intended or not. If I do what I felt like God asked me to, and I didn't seem to get any results, I will not question God. I fulfilled my duty. The rest is in God's hands. I can keep my peace even if I wasn't pleased with what I was hoping for. Some things were just not supposed to be.

I am still focused on the security of our country. Unless I stay tuned into the news I will not know how to pray for the most important need America has. Is one prayer out of millions going to help? Absolutely. The Word teaches the prayer of faith shall heal the sick. Who's faith? The prayer of faith which no one but God knows. Any single person's prayer could be that prayer of faith. I don't mean any single person that's not married. I mean one person, anyone. I will never accept the insults of those who try to make me feel like my Prayer doesn't matter. I learned better than that at my first encounter with Jesus. Money, fame, or the chief of all devils cannot ever take that assurance away from me. I may never use my prayer in public as I believe Jesus said pray in your closet, but I will never refuse to pray publicly if I am asked. It's a matter of identifying with the elite of God's chosen ones. It is not a matter of being honored or being payed back for an insult that had previously been made, or shown. If that were the case I would prefer to be passed up. My spirit beareth witness with your spirit. So says the Word of God. May God bless each and everyone of you in Jesus name.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

                  One of my 3 pink rose bushes. Just starting to bloom. 5-21-2019 Perryton, TX

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