Friday, May 10, 2019

"A Mother I Was Not A Mother I Was A Mother I Am"

  How lucky I am a mother with such sweet kids who shower me with blessings. 5-10-2019 Perryton TX

I am over joyed at my loving, thoughtful children today. I have received calls, cards, and gifts that make me cry with joy. They remembered their Mother in a big way. I love them all, and thank God for them every day. I got delicious pears, assorted candy, three seed crackers with charred pineapple spread, some really good sharp, white, cheddar cheese, and even a live orchid corsage. I also got a candied fruit, and nut cake. There goes my diet again, but I am glad I can enjoy putting every pound on. And I will have to go to church Sunday to wear my corsage. All I am missing is being with my children on this special day. But they never leave me alone for long without calling. I hope all mothers are as happy this mother's day as I am.

We've been in a rainy season for several days now. It stays cloudy most of the time. Every day it rains a little, just enough to keep the ground wet. The lawn man did manage to get my yard mowed yesterday, although the grass was heavy. It had grown for nearly two weeks. I am anxious to see the sun shinning again. It's easy to get cabin fever when the sun don't shine. I stay in a don't want-to-mood most of the time. It can only be called lazy, but it sure is easy to do. I am just hoping that I will not slip into a rut that I cannot get out of. I believe I am still smarter than that. If it keeps raining I may put up a tent, and sleep outside a few nights. I have a sleeping bag, and my grill is right there. I have a portable potty, that we used when we did take the kids on camping trips to Colorado, and New Mexico. Those were the fun days that none of us will ever forget. That would be a lot more fun than sleeping in a nursing home bed. God forbid I do so. I probably would have to put my sleeping bag on a cot, because my bones are not as flexible as they used to be, but I also have one of those. I still love to think young although I am not.

It is about time for some of my favorite news reporters to come on so I must hurry and sign off. It seems like it is taking a long time for something to happen that we've been told a month ago would happen within a few days. I can't take much more of the anxiety. I just have to stay tuned closely. I want to know if we will ever have peace in our democracy again or not. It will take a miracle, and I am not sure God will do it. If I camp out I might miss the best part of my long awaited hope of seeing with my own eyes the thing I am praying for. All the evil persons coming to justice. I believe on second thought I will sleep in my bed.

God Bless 
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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