Sunday, May 19, 2019

"Roses Are Awesome Love Makers"

My first red rose this summer to show off it's beauty. Several more are getting ready to enter the stage. 5-19-2019 Perryton, TX

I have a lot of yellow, pink, and white roses in full bloom, but the red rose I have posted is the only one of it's color so far. It is the queen of all of them. My roses and flowers are a real joy to me. They always spring back to life after every hard winter. I'm not so quick to bloom after months of cold, dark days. However, I am still making progress. My pedals just don't open as quick as they used to.

Today being Sunday has not seemed such. My lawn man came without me expecting it, and I had two long telephone calls that usually don't happen on Sunday. I missed church because my arthritis was bad today. It always happens when rain is in the clouds. It's not unusual anymore for things to happen when I am not expecting them. I have to pray for patience every day. I know there is a reason for all things, but it's hard not to know why. Those times are like floating around in the air with no where to stop. It takes a great force to bring us down. While I'm grounded I am looking for pretty flowers to cheer me up. They help me to relax, and think positive about tomorrow. It's more fun to day dream than to night dream. We can control our day dreams, but we cannot control our night dreams.

I have finally finished the Old Testament, and am now reading the New. I thought I would be uplifted when I started reading the New, but somehow I am finding it harder to rejoice at what I'm reading now. The Pharisees, and the Scribes found fault with everything Jesus did. It reminds me of what people are doing today with the ones who are trying hard to live like Jesus taught. Jesus ignored those ignorant people and went on teaching what He was sent to earth to do. He knew He would be paying with His life later on, but it didn't stop Him from doing His Father's will. Friends we know there is a price we all must pay if we follow Jesus, and live according to His teachings, but The price is much greater if we do otherwise. Those who chose to insult just to show off their authority will be the first to pay up. Never ever did Jesus do that, yet He had all the authority in the world. Today I gave a bit of my authority to a person who in the eyes of man has been given much authority, but I was proud to use some of what has been given me by the greatest power in heaven and in earth. I feel no remorse, and I feel so completely relieved of my duty as a Christian with Christ by my side. Oh my, what a life of a fool some are making of themselves. But I will never tell anyone that. They will find out soon enough.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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