Saturday, May 4, 2019

"Happy Birthday To My Parents"

Happy birthday to my parents in heaven, Jack and Opal Cope. Mom May 4,  to day, Dad May 16. Best parents in the world. 5-4-2019 Perryton, TX
I am really missing my mom today. She would be 105 today. Happy birthday Mom if you can hear me. Dad will be 120 the sixteenth. I remember both of them to look exactly like the picture I have posted. This picture was taken at my house when I was 26 years old, and had three children. It was taken with my new Polaroid camera which was fairly new on the market. The pictures were developed instantly, and could be removed from the camera within a few seconds. That was sixty years ago, Shortly after that camera came out, or after I got my first one, I got a movie camera, and a projector. I still have a few movies, but after several years the tape crumbles. My daughter put the best of them on a large reel a few years ago. I still have it. I have been taking pictures since I was a little girl. My very first camera was a Brownie. I had to buy film to load it with, then take them to a camera shop and send them off for developing. I have lost a great number of my family, but I still have a great many pictures of them. I know none of us knows for sure what life will be like after this one is over, but by faith I hope to see, and recognize all of my family members. I'm living day by day for that hope. We all have to have something to hang onto, although the bible can be very hard to understand if we take it by every word it contains. It says plainly that we are not to take anything away, or add anything to it. 

I had an unusual dream last night. Of all things it was about scientific discoveries. I was watching my son do some things that made me almost go crazy. I don't know what he was working on, but it was totally crazy to the point till I woke up, and couldn't get it off my mind. In my wake hours, I had to deal with scary thoughts, and felt like it was more of a warning from God that our country is sinking deeper into evil very quickly. The worst part about it was I was seeing my loving grandchildren, and some of my own children agreeing with the evil that is gaining power ever day. I had had a long conversation with my youngest son about what is happening to our democracy before I went to bed. I see this son as very intelligent, and his son as even a step higher with intelligence. But I am now seeing a vast difference in their beliefs than I used to see. This tells me even more that Satan is using the same evil power against me that he used on our Lord, Jesus Christ when he was allowed to be tempted almost beyond human resistance. Remember forty days and nights without food, is only one of the great temptations Christ had to survive. My thought from that knowledge, will we have to endure some of the same temptations, and is my grandchildren already being attacked, and haven't been able to win out? My life is close at end, but God help my children, and grandchildren. I love them more than I love my own life.  

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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