Tuesday, May 14, 2019

"Baptizing My Flowers"

Church bouquet is still looking pretty. Mother's Day gift from my church. 5-14-2019 Perryton, TX
I am still enjoying my lovely flowers from Mother's Day. They are prettier now than when I received them five days ago. I have my orchid corsage setting in a small dish of water, and it is beautiful. Only God could make a live flower, and His magic touch did the glorious work of spreading beauty all over the world. Every time we see a beautiful flower we can almost hear them say “God loves you.” No sweeter words could ever be said. Jesus last prayer before His death was given in the garden, for which I am sure was a flower garden. Why do you think He went to the garden to pray? I believe because He felt strength, and comfort there more than anywhere else. Yet when our Jesus hung on the cross they put a crown of thorns on His head. I can't allow myself to think about this very long at a time, or I lose my victory, however we must never forget that old rugged cross. One of my brothers who never had a close relationship with Jesus, but loved our mother dearly, asked that the song, “In The Garden” be sung at her funeral. It was sung, and I feel sure that brother found Jesus before He died.

My day has been somewhat useful, although I cannot say I accomplished a lot. I feel satisfied with what I did, because God gave me strength to do what I did. Without Him I could do nothing. He is my supervisor, my comforter, my provider, and my everything else that keeps me enjoying my life. When I am tired He lets me rest. When I am discouraged He gives me hope. When I am lonely He sends me friends. Day by day I'm finishing the race for which I was chosen to run. It has not been an easy one, but I've always made a comeback when I fell. I will remain confident, and when discouragement attacks me, I will call upon His name. He will always remind me of what I have been rescued from, and assure me I am still on the right track. Heaven draws nearer each day.

Tomorrow I will be free to attend lunch at the Center again. There I will find friends who are in the same race competition as I. Here is where I get regenerated for another lap or two. It is so sad to see people who have not conquered the need for friends. They are robbed of the greatest blessing they could possible have. Nothing but the power of God can rescue their minds from that terrible lie. God cannot do it because the prisoner they choose to be will not force His mercy on them. His is a free gift, but you must accept it with thanksgiving. What a shame human life can be tormented only because ignorance will not let go. I am praying for a miracle for many of my friends, and loved ones.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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