Wednesday, May 8, 2019

"I Have A Squirrel Artist Living In My Attic"

Art work by one of my squirrels. A face fixed inside an empty planter with a pecan as part of the hair arrangement. 5-8-2019 Perryton, TX.
Here is proof that I have squirrels using my neighbor's pecans to fill my yard in some of the most unusual ways. This squirrel artist used an empty planter to do his art work. I swear I did not add one thing to this planter before I took the picture. I was just thinking about what plant I wanted to put in the planter when I saw this surprising art work. I didn't dare miss taking a picture of it. I promise this is the exact work of a squirrel. I think he was showing me up with my portrait paintings. I give him an A+. But I still don't want him around my yard. He is not worth his room and board that he expects in my attic. He is on my murder list if anyone wants a piece of squirrel art.

I stepped in a hole in my yard yesterday that was covered with grass. I am sure a rabbit has dug a hole to give birth to it's babies, but I was not interesting in uncovering the truth. There is possibly babies already there, and I didn't want to see them. The rabbits make the hole deep enough so the babies won't get mowed by the lawn mower, but sometimes they are old enough to crawl partly out, and I have seen shreds of baby rabbits before. I have seen bird eggs on the ground cracked enough to see a baby bird inside. The squirrels throw the eggs out of the nests quite often. I don't appreciate my yard being used for a Morgue. However, I don't appreciate the rabbits eating my ripe strawberries either, or the birds gobbling up my ripe grapes. I don't often see a snake, but if I do it is dead as soon as I can grab my garden hoe. They usually are babies, but I don't feel bad about killing baby snakes. A snake is a snake, and there is nothing positive about any of them. They are all bad.

I missed lunch today at the Center because I was deeply involved in watching the Congressional House Hearings on the decision to hold the United States Attorney General in contempt of court. I like a little of circus entertainment sometimes, but this one became so boring that even the clowns couldn't preform any more. How long must we have patience with this liberal bunch of ignoramuses? They've been caught in the act now why not bring them to court? I know the Civil war would just grow bigger, and more intense, but justice must be served. There is no easy way to settle this unfortunate crisis the liberals have created, but the sooner it happens the better it is for America, and all the law abiding citizens who still believe in our constitution, and especially One Nation Under God. The longer this goes the more people will be wiped out because of evil power gone wild. Bring it to an end quickly.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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