Tuesday, May 28, 2019

"Memorial Day Blessings"

Kent and I are about to get the flag holder installed. Memorial Day celebration. 5-28-2019 Perryton, TX

Had a great past week-end. My children from Sherman were here, and we enjoyed working, and grilling good food, and just visiting till late at night. It rained a lot while they were here, and we were under a tornado alert every evening. No bad storms, but lots of high wind. The children stayed three nights, and those were the best nights I've had in a long time. I got lifted sky-high, and am still up there. I will be going to spend a week with them in two more weeks. My daughter and husband will be joining us there. They are looking forward to that visit as much as I. We are going to have a great time while we are there, and we all certainly need as much pleasure time as possible. All of us has been working hard repairing our houses, and Kent, and Angela have been overworked, from moving and selling their house in Abilene, and buying one in Sherman. None of us are as young as we used to be, but God has been extra good to us all. Family is the most valuable thing God created. He is not pleased when even one leaves the fold for selfish reasons. Only death will God accept as a reason for any family member to leave His blessed union. Sometimes this is very hard to accept, but God asked in His Word. “how can you say you love God if you love not your brother?”

I am debating whether to attend the family reunion this year. This reunion involves a large number of family members of mixed intelligence. Some of which are birth marked with defects that cause them, as well as others, much distress. They are members of the family, and the parents, and grand parents, are determined they attend the meeting. Sometimes those with higher birth intelligence just can't be content to mix with the lesser intelligent. I realize the disadvantageous feeling this causes the rest of the members, but the Word of God also says “let no one think of himself better than anyone else. I do believe some control could be better administered than what we have seen many times. For those who have been disowned because of past mistakes, the unforgiving servant will also be unforgiven by God. No family is perfect, but every family is important to God. I am praying for a new forgiving spirit, and at the same time a new repentant spirit to sweep through our family members. Life is too short, and eternity is too real for anything less. Of course there are other reasons part of the family have disappeared from the fold, but a little discomfort will not kill anyone, and there is always a reason to pray for better resources next year. This year the family will be gathering at Lake Murray State Park near the Texas/ Oklahoma line. The Cope Family Reunion web site can be viewed on line. Many of us who are not planning on attending need to make this a matter of prayer. God will not deny any of us a welcome to attend. He is all that matters.

This blog may seem too personal for some, but remember every family has the same problems as ours. Someone in other families may be encouraged to make amends in their family.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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