Thursday, May 16, 2019

"Changing Times Are Here To Stay"

  My friend the butterfly sat on my knee last evening for several minutes while I was sitting on the porch. 5-16-2019 Perryton, TX
I spent some time last evening sitting on my front porch enjoying the nice, cool breeze after enduring an 85 degree day. Immediately after I sat down a butterfly landed on my hand. I got a glimpse of it's beautiful, colorful designed wings before it flew off. It happened too quick for a picture, although I had the camera in my other hand. It came back, and landed on my knee sitting there for several minutes, but it wouldn't open it's wings. I finally gave up and took it's picture anyway. I have never before had a butterfly land on me. When it did open it's wings momentarily, they was so beautiful. I sat there for nearly an hour thinking I might get a chance at a picture of it's wings, but no luck. I have never seen a butterfly so satisfied to sit on a knee with no chance for sweetness. Blooming flowers were right before it, but it didn't bother to land on them. The same butterfly kept coming back and sitting on my same knee. I only saw one other butterfly, and it seemed to be trying to get the occupied one to come on. My day had not passed without a miracle. I felt a soothing peace come over me. I had a very good night's sleep, and rest for which I consider another miracle. I don't have many of those anymore. I am thankful for that change.

Yesterday was a good day for me also. I was sure that a couple of things that had bothered me was taken care of. Either I was wrong about my thinking, or God visited a couple of people I thought were ignoring me. I saw a different two people in them yesterday. Then the butterfly visited me that evening. Is God real, or not? Today has been bearable, although again I had to accept some changes in the policy of how the state renews our car tags. Since I don't like changes I was having a hard time accepting the extra trips I had to make getting all the things the state decided to start taking. I have never been able to pay for my tag renewal without cash before. I made the extra effort to have cash then I saw a sigh on the counter that said, we take visa cards. Is my patience being tried, or am I getting old? I pray, “please Lord don't let me lose it. Just let me be free from most responsibilities.” Too many changes are being made every day. I believe we are living in a continuing education process now, and will be for the rest of our lives. I suppose it's either do or die. I choose to do, but not without telling people how much I hate changes. Changes are suppose to be for our convinces0, and that is well, and good, but we still have to learn how to use the changes. Then when we have learned they change things again. So that's my sermon for today.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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