Sunday, March 3, 2019

"The Snow Really Is A Blessing"

             Ha, ha  A spring snow is really a blessing. 3-3-2019 Perryton, TX

I wasn't happy this morning to wale up to a blanket of snow on the ground, and 11 degree weather. I had to miss church because I am not suppose to be out in cold weather after fighting the flu for several weeks. It looks like I will be having another long week since the weather report says it will be cold all week. I am learning to appreciate my home more all the time. We do have so much to be thankful for. Even with all the cold weather, and bouts of flu. I still have great ambitions for my future. If I wasn't so wise I would be going out in the cold like I did when I was a kid, and doing things that excite me. I think God increases our senses as we grow older. But the anxiety does not leave us. We just have to control it.

I have already talked to one of my sons, and my daughter today. They both have been like a shot in the arm. I love them so much, and they always encourage me by just hearing their voice. My youngest son called me last night with a happy attitude, and my other son lives within a mile of me. I see him several times a week. Is this not enough to make the heart joyful? I can never thank my God enough for His blessings.

There really isn't much new news on television on Sundays, but a lot of comments about the events of the past week are not interesting to me. I am always ready for Monday to arrive. I think it's anxiety more than anything else. We are living in an era of disbelief. Things are happening that we never thought possible. Babies bore alive are laid to rest while their mother decides if she wants to kill them or not. Parents are making the choice of whether to change the sex of their child. Men are made over to become a woman, and women are made over to become a man, Where does that leave the rest of us that chose to stay the same sex we were born to be? Are we not being punished for the sins of lunatics? If so why? And how can we live on with the unnatural humans that man made? No one but God can answer that, but be for sure, anyone who don't condemn that kind of evil, will be as guilty as those who proceed with the transformation. I might add the same as other evil deeds that decent people don't condemn. The bible is the law of God, and whosoever do not agree with it are forever condemned by God. Don't let anyone tell you we have to not insult people when they are breaking God's law beyond any doubt. Of course at times this may be seen as a thin line between good and bad, but the times when there is a barbed wire fence dividing the two facts, don't hesitate to make the call. We will be judged by our actions whether right or wrong.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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