Friday, June 30, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Sawing Away At The Live And The Dead"

Jean's Comment's: "Sawing Away At The Live And The Dead":                I did get that big limb sawed off and cut up this morning. 6-30-2017 Perryton, TX. I’m so glad to find out I have muscles...

"Sawing Away At The Live And The Dead"

               I did get that big limb sawed off and cut up this morning. 6-30-2017 Perryton, TX.

I’m so glad to find out I have muscles that I had forgotten about. With a hand saw I removed partly broken limbs from apple trees this morning. As you can see from the post the limbs were of good size. I sawed them into smaller pieces so I could drag them to a pile. There were several limbs on two apple trees that had to be removed. I have a very large pile now to haul off. I will be hiring some one to do that job. I feel better now than when I started. Surprise, surprise, what I was able to do; But more than that, I like the looks of the finished job. I feel much younger today than I felt yesterday. What a good feeling. I don’t expect to be sore tomorrow as I do use my muscles some every day. My dad taught me how to work outside, and I am so proud he did. I was a better man hand on the farm, than my brothers. I felt my dad’s presence with me this morning as I was sawing off those thick limbs. I could almost see him laughing at me. I remember Dad, what you used to say about finishing a job. “Never quit a job till it’s finished. You can rest some, but stay with it till it’s done.” I just have to hire someone to haul off the mess, then I’m finished. I had to climb to reach the limbs that needed sawing. Again I heard Dad’s voice. “Be careful, hold onto a limb that you are not sawing.” I did that very well. My dad really never wanted me doing a man’s work, but I insisted, so he usually would let me try. I only got to do enough to learn how, then my dad would take over.

On another note I’m getting very upset about how some of my own party members are criticizing our President. I would like to say to Lindsay Graham, “Sir, I haven’t seen any polls where you are so popular with the GOP supporters. How dare you advise our President on how to speak to his supporters. You didn’t help him to get elected, and you are not doing anything now to help him with his agenda. Jeb Bush is doing the same thing you are doing. “Making fools out of yourselves.” President Trump won the election by being his own self, you guys lost the election by being your own selves. Of course most of we Trump supporters know that you losers are still trying to make Trump lose. “Not going to happen, mini brainers.” President Trump has already accomplished more for the American people than all sixteen of you other candidates could have done together. Please leave this President alone, and try to mind your own business if that is possible. I realize you guys are afraid of the powerful movement that supports President Trump, but listen up, this movement is not going away any ways soon. You guys blew it years ago, and you can never  do anything now, but suck it up. What a joke you are!

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "An Added Touch"

Jean's Comment's: "An Added Touch":                         I like the gallon jug canister Chuck brought me. 6-29-2017 Perryton, TX  My son, Chuck, found a gallon jug canis...

"An Added Touch"

                        I like the gallon jug canister Chuck brought me. 6-29-2017 Perryton, TX 

My son, Chuck, found a gallon jug canister set that he thought I could use for holding dried foods. It works well for beans, macaroni, spaghetti, and my favorite pecan log candy bars. This guy is always looking for something for me that he thinks no one else has one like. He is a one-of-a-kinder. I don’t know what I would do without him. He is my oldest son, and makes out well being a bachelor. His passion is to be different than anyone else. He has done excellent in achieving that goal. Surprisingly he has always had a lot of friends. His friends thinks he is a genus yet to be discovered, but shy away from some of his ideas. He makes them laugh a lot. To be honest, Chuck is a brilliant guy, and no, he hasn’t been discovered yet. It takes all kinds to make the world an imperfect place to live. “Thank you Chuck, for doing your job.”

I spent most of the morning watering the yard. I don’t get mush accomplished anymore as it takes most of my time just keeping the things done that are essential. I have had to eliminate several things from my list that I used to consider essential because my old age was no longer cooperating with me. It’s pretty much a touch-and-go life for me anymore. Touch me and I’m gone. Leave my chores behind, is likely to be the decision I make. I try to imagine heaven where we will not ever be making up a bed, cooking a meal, vacuuming a floor, dusting, or watering the yard. I have a hard time dealing with this idea sometimes. I often wonder if my work load will be more or less since I will not be doing any of the things we do now. Surly we will be doing something to keep us living, since the Word says the soul never dies. There is where we have to draw the line. It is not meant for us to know the mysteries of God, therefore give me my saw, I need to go saw off the rest of that huge, broken limb, and haul it off. Life ain’t over till it’s over.

I’ve been invited to join a Square Dance club here. I am seriously thinking about it. My husband and I belonged to a club when we were first married. It was a lot of fun, but when we started our family we never went again. That was many years ago, and I probably can’t remember the calls anymore. At least I’m going to go watch then decide if I want to join. The club meets twice a month, and I have been looking for more places to get me out of the house more. A good friend says she never misses a time. These dances are very physically demanding. If I can hold out to dance a complete call, the exercise would be rewarding I’m sure. These dances are not the kind where drinking alcohol is allowed. Very nice people group together to enjoy a good time, while keeping their bodies fit. I will see.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "The Harvest Is Over Think New Seed"

Jean's Comment's: "The Harvest Is Over Think New Seed": Flowers are looking better, but need some water. Fixing to do that. 6-28-2017 Perryton, TX It’s hot today. Thermometer shows 93 degr...

"The Harvest Is Over Think New Seed"

Flowers are looking better, but need some water. Fixing to do that. 6-28-2017 Perryton, TX

It’s hot today. Thermometer shows 93 degree in the shade. The ground is very dry. I have the water on trying to liven the grass and flowers up a bit. This panhandle weather can be wet one day and dry the next. It takes lots of water to keep things alive. While I don’t water as much as is needed I do try to keep things growing. When the flowers are beautiful I feel beautiful. I think I am a flower of my own kind. We love each other.

I enjoyed my lunch hour at the Center today. We had a nice crowd, and the meal was good. It is times like these that keep me looking forward to another day. Just hearing all the chatter, and seeing all the smiling faces makes me really appreciate the friends I still have left. The past few years has taken a lot of my friends away, and it is really hard to forget them, but I need to think more about what I still have than what I’ve lost. I never know when I attend a friends meeting just how I will come away feeling. Sometimes I leave discouraged because of what I perceived to be worry on a few faces. It’s easy for me to fall into that same trap. I struggle daily to keep my Christ-like spirit up. I can always find something to worry about. I want my family and friends to always be happy and prosperous, but the evil demon that is always around tries to make me doubt that. I am thankful for the sweet spirit that always brings to my mind a scripture that counteracts the demon spirit. It is true that bad things are going to happen every day, but God has given us a sound mind to think upon the good things.

I feel as though my time spent at the Center today will deliver me a positive result in some form or fashion. I do not know what, but I am so sure something good will be coming my way soon. I will recognize it when it happens. I have planted many seeds of good faith lately. I expect some of them to spring up, and grow into heaps of blessings. I do not know from which field I planted in will have fallen on good ground and will spring up, but some of the many will pop through, and I shall be glad. We are all sower’s of seed even though we may not know that. We need to select our seeds with great concern that they will produce a good harvest. Some people are sowing terrible seed, therefore they will be reaping a terrible harvest. To everyone who think their deeds are only going to affect them, let me tell you something. Our mistakes make for mistakes of others, whether our children, friends, strangers or anyone else. We handed them the seed that they sowed, therefore we are guilty of deceiving the innocent. God help the slow to learn His Word.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "My Rosy Days"

Jean's Comment's: "My Rosy Days":                           Roses cheering me on. They will not fail me. 6-27-2017 Perryton, TX I spent some time this morning weeding out...

"My Rosy Days"

                          Roses cheering me on. They will not fail me. 6-27-2017 Perryton, TX

I spent some time this morning weeding out the flower beds. After all the rain the weeds had taken over. The roses and flowers looked so nice after I cleared out the weeds. Even a little frog joined me while I was working. It sat on a brick near me, and seemed to ask, “can I help you?” When I finished I went into the house to get the camera, but when I returned I could not find my little friend. Does Angels appear in frogs? I’ve never liked frogs, but this one seemed different. God bless it.

Chuck brought over a huge, very ripe, cantaloupe. It will taste good with the left-over beef fajitas I fixed yesterday. It’s also a good diet food to keep off the pounds I’ve lost the past year and one-half. I’ve been eating plums from my trees twice a day for in-between snacks. This good food helps me to feel well treated, and also makes me feel happy about not gaining weight. I have been going through a maintenance period for a long time. It has become a part of my life that I love so much. I feel good inside and out, and know I am doing the right thing. I even enjoy deciding what I am going to wear when I go out  instead of hunting for something I could still get into. I give the credit for this to Dr. Atkins, and Valerie Bertinelli, ex-wife of Eddie Van Halen, books. Both have been a great inspiration to me. I am just in need of more places to go. Living in a small city doesn’t allow much choice for entertainment, and I am not one to like to travel. I can usually find a good balance in attending the few get-together's I am privileged to attend, and watching news on my television. To say the least I feel blessed.

Yesterday was my youngest son, Kent’s, birthday. He was in Las Vegas with his wife since she was lucky enough to go with him. Kent had been sent to Vegas on a five day business trip. I called him last night and wished him a happy birthday. They were enjoying the trip. To me this seemed too much fun for them to be  having so close together. Two weeks prior to the Vegas trip they had spent a week in Belize on a vacation. I can’t say anything of jealousy because I was invited to go on both trips with them. I just thank God for these children, and their love for me. I do worry when they travel, but I always know God will take care of them. God knows my life would be almost impossible without them. This is the son that wasn’t suppose to be, but since God knows best He gave my husband and I, the most precious gift one could ever hope for. A miracle that never disappeared. Our other children feel the same about him. Our thanks be to God forever.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp  

Monday, June 26, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Welcome To My House"

Jean's Comment's: "Welcome To My House":            Welcome to my house the place where love abides. 6-26-2017 Perryton, TX I may not dust everyday or vacuum the floors, I may n...

Jean's Comment's: "Welcome To My House"

Jean's Comment's: "Welcome To My House":            Welcome to my house the place where love abides. 6-26-2017 Perryton, TX I may not dust everyday or vacuum the floors, I may n...

"Welcome To My House"

           Welcome to my house the place where love abides. 6-26-2017 Perryton, TX

I may not dust everyday or vacuum the floors,
I may not put up the mail, or do other chores,
I may not have donuts around, or coffee made,
But I will always welcome you, the fridge we can raid.

I’m just a visitor on this earth, but a home I have been given,
It’s mine and yours till we’re called to heaven.
So come on by and enjoy with me,
A life of freedom, from worries we flee.

A friend in need is a friend indeed,
Let me try and share your cares without greed.
Together we can agree, that it will work out,
Together we will unload our bags of doubt.

Now that you know I am not perfect, please admit to the same,
Come on over and feel no shame.
We are dust from the earth, don’t try to wipe us clean,
We need our bodies to live out our domain.

We do our own showering with soap and cloth,
Our bodies are clean, we muzzle our cough.
We trust our inside is just as clean,
Though some may doubt, our insides are also seen.

So now you have my welcome request,
I hope you will accept, cause God knows best.
I will sweep off my porch and wash my glass door,
But I promise I will do no more.

Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Gauging The Rain And The Wrath"

Jean's Comment's: "Gauging The Rain And The Wrath": 1/4 inch rain last night. It wasn't predicted, but those beautiful white clouds I posted yesterday did  produce. 6-25-2017 Perryton, T...

"Gauging The Rain And The Wrath"

1/4 inch rain last night. It wasn't predicted, but those beautiful white clouds I posted yesterday did  produce. 6-25-2017 Perryton, TX

After such a nice, calm, lovely, day yesterday we received another quarter of inch of rain last night. Except for being wet the weather remains beautiful. Cool, calm, and refreshing. At the time I was suppose to be leaving for church this morning the rain was still coming down. I decided against getting myself wet, and stayed home. That will make for a long week for me. I do miss the church services, and seeing all my brothers, and sisters, in Christ. My church family means a lot to me.

I did enjoy a great time with friends last evening at The China Buffet. The choice of foods are many, and all taste delicious. The group was in a laughing mood last evening, and no one could remember their concerns for the past week. We certainly need more of these kinds of meetings. Almost every word anyone spoke seemed to bring laughter. As for me, I chose to keep my mouth shut except for laughing at others. I didn’t want to kill the party. I think I’m going through a time of recharging my battery. I feel pretty run-down. It takes a lot of juice to watch the news every day and hear all the evil that’s taking place around the world. I do feel God’s power in my life even when I am loaded down with sorrow. When a man is no longer a man, and a woman is no longer a woman, it’s time to escape the ravaged Garden of Eden. To stay within it means dying without peace of mind. I refuse to accept that demise. I have been bought with a price, and even though I make mistakes, I am still a child of God, the Great Creator.

I could sit here and tell you things that upset me so much even when going to the grocery store, but I will not even began to do that. I am just in total shock at all the young beautiful mothers I see with a sweet baby in their grocery carts, who have totally ruined their lovely skin by piercing ink underneath to display a monstrous, evil-looking, symbol of Satan. Some are big enough to cover their whole arm. This disastrous cult is spreading fast across our nation. There is no wonder God has unleashed his anger upon us. I feel so unnerved when I walk into a public restroom not knowing if I’m looking at a man or a woman. I can almost hear my father, who has been in his grave for forty six years, praying for God to take care of his children. Much, much evil has erupted since his death, that he was fortunate to escape, but a father never leaves his children spiritually. I feel sure his faith in God has made me the anchor I have in Jesus. I have to stop here. I cannot continue to remember all the terrible, ungodly, things I have seen involving precious, innocent little children. It takes a full battery to operate the currents of demon signals as they come across our minds. I may be called a ultracrepidarian, but I am holding true to my knowledge of God’s Word.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "The Clouds Are Promising Rain"

Jean's Comment's: "The Clouds Are Promising Rain":  The sky is solid clouds today. Weather couldn't be more beautiful. 6-24-2017 Perryton, TX                           Apples are b...

"The Clouds Are Promising Rain"

 The sky is solid clouds today. Weather couldn't be more beautiful. 6-24-2017 Perryton, TX

                          Apples are bending the limbs to the ground. 6-24-2017 Perryton, TX

A brief sit-out in the yard made me feel so good this afternoon. The entire heavens were formed of lovely white clouds. The weather is cool and without wind making it so enjoyable to sit out. I did not see one mosquito. I believe we are in for more rain before long. We would appreciate that blessing very much. I took pictures of one of the apple trees and it is still loaded with small apples. Rain would help the apples to grow more, and taste better. I have eaten so many plums till I am about to get plum sick. They taste so good, but my stomach says enough is enough. I do hope it doesn’t rain until after our singles meeting this evening. No one likes to go out in the rain, even though we are grateful for it. I am more than ready to get out and enjoy my friends. I had invited a friend to go tonight, but she called back and said she had a chance to go to Liberal and play bingo and couldn’t pass that up. Liberal is 45 miles away. I hope they don’t get caught in a storm. This friend likes to play bingo, but Liberal is the closest place to play. She doesn’t drive after night. I do not enjoy bingo, and rather than that I would stay home. I’m just glad to be able to meet with friends every Saturday evening and have food and fellowship together.

Sunday is my next best day of the week. I have a nice church I have been attending for thirty five years. I always feel blessed to be with friends there, and share in God’s richest blessings. No place can take the place of church in our lives. There is where we get our spiritual food for the week. I could not live without it. I almost feel adopted in this church since it is not the one I was born by faith into. My first love for church failed to treat their members as God would have them do, so I along with many others had to find another. My love still lives in that church even though I am thankful for where I am attending now. The past Sheppard’s of that church did a good job in scattering the sheep. And I might add, the good Sheppard’s that did pastor that church was met with opposition from some of the self-righteous members, and had to leave also. It reminds me of our country at this time. Sin and evil have gained so much power over the past several years till there is no more peace to be had. We strive to hang onto God’s almighty hand. Never will we give up fighting for that first love for church and country. Peace comes from within, and we can have it even if we can’t have all the other things we used to enjoy.

Exodus 14: 13
And Moses said unto the people, Fear ye not, stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, which he will shew you to day: for the Egyptians whom ye have seen today, ye shall see them again no more for ever.

Verse 14, The Lord shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace. 

Let us take the Lord at His word and be happy and peaceful.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, June 23, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Today After Christ I Can Rejoice"

Jean's Comment's: "Today After Christ I Can Rejoice":             Good lawn service man. Lawn was in bad need of mowing. 6-23-2017 Perryton, TX We had another slight rain last night, but the l...

"Today After Christ I Can Rejoice"

            Good lawn service man. Lawn was in bad need of mowing. 6-23-2017 Perryton, TX

We had another slight rain last night, but the lawn service man was able to cut the grass this afternoon. It is so nice to have cooler weather for a change. The flowers are starting to look a lot better. I will have to get busy now and weed out the beds since it’s been too hot to work outside. I am getting more tempted every day to sell my home for reasons that I cannot maintain the yards much longer. That decision has been waiting on me for over four years now. I have not been able to decide to do it yet. In time I know it will happen. Giving up my husband was hard, but giving up my home is double hard. Age makes all of us do things we don’t want to do. Old man age hit a stubborn one when he attacked me. I must start being nice to him before he loses patience with me.

Speaking of age I have been reading the book of first Kings in the Old Testament bible. The third chapter is telling about the death of King David. He was old and had served as King for over seventy years before he died. What I am shocked about this king is the many wives he had, and the many murders he ordered. It was a common thing for people in high power back then to kill someone for most any reason. Kings is the eleventh book in the Old Testament, and I believe I have read in every chapter of the previous ten books where people were killed sometimes by the thousands. It does not even seem like a human race. David was anointed by God, and won many battles for the Israelites, but to compare him to King or a President in our time, he would have been executed a thousand times. The third chapter of 1st Kings is talking about David being old and became cold and couldn’t be warmed when blankets were spread over him. His servants thought if a young, fair, virgin could be found and brought into him he would warm up. My mind almost went blank at that mention. After searching for quite some time the young, fair, virgin was found and brought to David. He was not interested in her and refused to sleep with her. He remained cold. Huh? How can it possible be that an old lady like me living thousands of years after the period of David could possible understand this custom of life. I do understand why so many people reframe from reading the Old Testament, but I also believe it is a part of the bible that God intended for us to study. For sure it makes us so much more thankful for the Lord Jesus Christ coming to earth to die once, and for all, that we might be saved from all the terrible evil that existed before Him. I just don’t want to be one of those who take Him for granted. That’s why I think everyone should read the Old Testament. David died, and his son Solomon was given the King’s throne. Remember, Solomon was born to David by Bathsheba, the wife of a soldier who was out to war. David took this warrior’s wife for his own, and ordered the death of her husband by having him put on the front line. Solomon became the wisest king ever to be born. I must stop here. It doesn’t get any easier to understand.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "A Prayer Request As Small As A Grain Of Sand"

Jean's Comment's: "A Prayer Request As Small As A Grain Of Sand":                  A good rain last night made the flowers come to life. 6-22-2017 Perryton, TX                                      Aspar...

"A Prayer Request As Small As A Grain Of Sand"

                 A good rain last night made the flowers come to life. 6-22-2017 Perryton, TX
                                     Asparagus likes hot weather. 6-22-2017 Perryton TX
How nice it is to have gotten an unexpected rain last night. Everything in the yard looks so revived, and happy. I guess the wheat is all cut because it usually never rains until all the wheat has been harvested. The cooler temperature is more than welcome. The grass will get mowed tomorrow afternoon, After needing it for two weeks now. I had to locate another lawn service since the boy I had been using was gone for several days. I am slowly, but surely getting all my work done. The patio contractor will be here Monday to start on that roof replacement after the bad hail storm we had.

I just a few minutes ago got some good news I had been waiting several months for. It is personal, but another strong proof to me that God still answers prayer in his own time. I had almost given up on this request, but actually I had just decided to leave it to God, and not try and rush Him. When we do that, things start to happen that we don’t understand, but it all means that God is working things out for us. God is perfect, and He will not give us gifts that are not perfect. Sometimes it takes Him longer to hand things over to us because we are not quite ready for it. He does all things well, and well, He does all things good. We have just been elevated to a higher level of faith. What an awesome God we serve.

Many times when we are handed an answer to prayer such as this it calls for a celebration all by ourselves. We may act different when attending a meeting with friends, or we may look different, but the fact is we are celebrating our happiness with God. No one else needs to share some of our blessings. How many times did Jesus say to those whom He had healed, “go and tell no one?” Too many to count. It’s called humbleness. Only our family needs to know what God has done for us if it is something others might think we are boasting of. All we need to make known is that God has answered another prayer for us. We can shout from our own housetops without others hearing us.

This is just one of the request I have made to God, and I am expecting others to follow soon. I know He will only answer those which will make me happier, and a better Christian for His service. I cannot always determine that, but God always knows best. I do believe when we are not happy, God is not happy. He loves us more than our own earthly fathers. A good father always wants his children to be happy. Our Heavenly Father knows every pain we bear, and wipes every tear from our eyes. What more could we ask? Thank you Father for answering our prayer.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "it's Hot Outside"

Jean's Comment's: "it's Hot Outside": Flowers are suffering from a heat stroke. 6-21-2017 Perryton, TX                 We need rain badly. Hurry farmers and get your wheat ou...

"it's Hot Outside"

Flowers are suffering from a heat stroke. 6-21-2017 Perryton, TX
                We need rain badly. Hurry farmers and get your wheat out. 6-21-2017 Perryton, TX

We have had 100 plus degree weather for several days. The grass and flowers are dying from heat strokes even though I’ve been watering. We usually don’t have rain until all the wheat has been cut, but it must surly be close to that time now. 108.106, and in between has been the temperature for several days now, except for one or two. All summer the roses and flowers have barely been surviving. There has not been any real beauty to them. Last summer was such a contrast. I had beautify flowers for several months last year. I really miss the beauty of my roses and flowers. I guess I can look forward to next spring and summer. That’s what the farmers have to do with their wheat crops. Some years their wheat is not even worth cutting because of dry weather. Then some summers they have a good crop. It keeps us from becoming bored because of anxiety. My great fruit harvest turned out to be nothing but throw-away fruit. There was lots of plums, apples, and berries on the trees, but the terrific hail we had put holes in them so the birds were able to feast on what they could peck into. I believed they managed to peck on every plum and apple still on the trees after the hail. We still have lots to be thankful for, so I am not complaining, just stating facts.

This is Wednesday the middle of the week, and I am counting the days till I can be with my friends again for dinner, and fellowship, Saturday night. I need more of this kind of fun stuff to do. Home alone can, and does get deadlocked quite often. I want to move out of my recliner, but I don’t want to move out of my recliner. I never thought I would ever get into a time in my life like this. I have always been energetic, and full of ambition. I just never had to be alone like I am now. My husband was the joy of my life, now he has left so I am managing with only one-half of me. I haven’t found anyone who can take his place. Not that I want to, but I know he will never come back to this earth. I still spend  a lot of time with him in my dreams, and sometimes I wake up angry at him. He could also do that to me sometimes. My wake hours are too many, and I am alone during most of those. There is no one to share with, or blame my mistakes to. There is no one to smile at me when I unload my frustration on them. There is no one to take the hammer out of my hand and go do the job I started to do. My food doesn’t taste as good when there is no one to say, “this is delicious.” I am waiting for things to change, but I have no idea just how that may be. Only God knows.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Great Tasty Steaks"

Jean's Comment's: "Great Tasty Steaks":                                 Grilling steaks for Chuck and I. 6-20-2017 Perryton, TX Nothing could be better than juicy steaks grilled ...

"Great Tasty Steaks"

                                Grilling steaks for Chuck and I. 6-20-2017 Perryton, TX

Nothing could be better than juicy steaks grilled to perfection. Last evening was our time to take it in. With coals left over I grilled two large pork chops also. All was very delicious. We had baked potatoes, corn-on-the cob, and salad to go with the steaks. We still have plenty for today. I am truly thankful for all God’s blessings.

After I have spent time mourning with others for their great losses, I accept my blessings, and share them with others. None of us ever get over the deep grief we have to endure, but we can receive strength by trusting God. I am still fighting anger I feel for the evil North Korean Regime that so brutally, and slowly tortured the 22 year old American college student to death. I posted that awful story yesterday just after he was pronounced dead five days after he arrived back in the states. He came home in a coma, and never knew he was back. The United States is outraged by this brutal, inhumane act of a Satanic power. I long for this evil countries pay back. A few more American students are still in that country, and I am sure are going through the same treatment the 22 year old did. Every since the beginning of time, there has been certain men and women chosen to go and do the dangerous work needed to accomplish a stronger, Godly nation of their own. Some people don’t understand this, but if they read their bibles regularly God will show this to them. I believe, even though Otto Warmbler was not sent to N Korea by the US government, as far as we know, he was a true American Patriot willing to risk his life for his country. I also believe he had no idea that the N Korean Regime was so evil. I truly believe he was seeking friendship with this country. He was an intelligent young man who thought he could improve relations with his country and the N Korean country. May this Martyr lie in peace till that day of recognition. May peace be with his parents and all who mourn with them.

As I continue to watch the news I pray daily for our President, and Vice President, along with their team of experts who are also laying their life on the line just like our service men and women are doing every day. War has been forever, and will continue forever till Jesus comes back to redeem his people from all sin. I never feel like I have done all I could have done, but I am trying every day to do what I know I can do, praying, and passing God’s Word unto others as best as I can. This also is now considered a risk of being murdered. The entire world has been filled with evil, and I feel sure there is not much peace left except for those who truly trust God. “Take my hand precious Lord, lead me on.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, June 19, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Jesus Loved The Tortured Student"

Jean's Comment's: "Jesus Loved The Tortured Student": Jesus answered my prayer today. Although I wished it could have been different, I accept His plan. 6-19-2017 Perryton, TX. I just heard ...

"Jesus Loved The Tortured Student"

Jesus answered my prayer today. Although I wished it could have been different, I accept His plan. 6-19-2017 Perryton, TX.

I just heard the sad news that the college student who came home from North Korea after being held for 17 months charged with stealing a poster. This was a false charge, but the innocent 22 year old student suffered torture and humiliation beyond anyone’s imagination. North Korea finally released him to come home after they put him in a coma that could never be healed except by the miraculous power of God. For some reason God wanted this young hero to give up his life here on earth.

I started praying for this young man the day I saw him on TV being charged with 15 years of hard labor. The tears in those innocent eyes broke my heart. He had been the Valedictorian of his high school class and had given a superior speech. For reasons of his own he chose to visit North Korea, and knew not that he would be landing in a Lyon’s den. His highest ambitions immediately crashed. He plead for his life, but the evil, heartless, monsters of that country laughed at his plea. A few days ago It was announced by the North Korean leader that they were releasing him, but that he was in a coma caused by some disease. They claimed he had been in that coma for a year. A team of American medical experts were flown to N. Korea to bring the student home. He finally landed on his home soil again, but died a few days later. The test made by American doctors declared that he did not have the disease the Korean officials claimed he had. His brain tissue was all but gone. He never knew he had been flown back home.

I had to ask Jesus why He didn’t answer my prayer. He seemed to tell me He first had to obey the will of the Father. It was time for this young student to leave this evil world of hate, and sin, so he took the young man home. My heart is still breaking, but I have to believe God does everything for good reasons. I send my deepest sympathy to the parents of this student. I feel their pain, and know that they could not have remained strong all these months without the help of God. I heard the father give a news briefing after his son arrived home. It was very hard for him to talk, but while wearing the jacket his son wore when he gave his Valedictorian speech, he managed to stay strong. I absolutely admire the parents of this brave, young hero. I feel their pain so real, and I pray nightly for their recovery.

So as I was trying to understand why this innocent life had been taken after I asked Jesus to restore his brain, I got an image of Jesus proving to me that He cared and prayed also, but the Father was ready to take him. I colored the image the way I saw it. It is my own revelation. Oh, how I love Jesus. No one cares for me like Him.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Happy Father's Day In Heaven And On Earth"

Jean's Comment's: "Happy Father's Day In Heaven And On Earth":                                       The Lobo at Lake Fryer. 6-18-2017 Perryton, TX                       A nice place to eat and enjoy...

"Happy Father's Day In Heaven And On Earth"

                                      The Lobo at Lake Fryer. 6-18-2017 Perryton, TX
                      A nice place to eat and enjoy lake atmosphere. 6-18-2017 Perryton, TX

It was a pleasure to meet with friends and dine at the Lake Fryer Lobo last evening. The food there is always extra good. A very friendly atmosphere is  waiting there. This lake is about twenty miles from our town of Perryton, and many people frequent it regularly.  The fishing is good, and the campsites are equipped with water and electricity. The restaurant is always busy since they serve good food. Lots of people drive out there from other cities nearby just to eat. Catfish, and assorted sea foods are a special there. The feeling is almost like, “we went on a short Cruz.” It’s always nice to meet with our group every Saturday night and share our blessings. We meet at different locations, so once about every six weeks is all we get to go on these short Cruz's. Car pools are provided when we go out of town.

The fathers at church today was honored in a slightly less way than the mothers are on their day. It seems unfair, but the fathers seemed more responsible to ask God for wisdom and guidance than to be given a flower. We have some great fathers in our church. They do spoil their wives a bit. We head a good sermon, and our little fatherless pastor did a good job in showing gratitude to all the fathers. He and his wife had to give up the blessing of having children shortly after marriage due to a surgery that was necessary for the wife. We do love them so much. We have had this pastor for nearly ten years. He still is young to most of us. He has brought a lot of younger people into our church. That is certainly what the churches need to day.

It is nice to have cooler weather today. We had 106 and 108 degree temperature the last couple of days. It is like 80 today. Our city swimming pool has been overflowing with people seeking comfort. We are proud of the newly remodeled, and extended size of our pool. We now have a mini Wonderland Park. Modern pool equipment of all kinds has been added. The community I live in has not yet been intruded by evil people wanting to destroy everything good about America. We don’t know how much longer we can claim this blessing since so many communities have been clobbered with mean, ungodly, beast-like humans. Just when we think we have it all under control another group of unexpected people join forces with the evil determined to destroy America. I heard in the sermon this morning that a Godly President does not mean we will beat out the evil that surrounds us to the point of hopelessness. Is this saying God has turned His back on us? I hesitate to celebrate a victory yet, even though I feel certain God put this present President in office to fight for His people. How long will this war of religion last? Christ is being persecuted more now than when He lived on earth. Never, never  deny Christ.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "A Great Reunion Day"

Jean's Comment's: "A Great Reunion Day":                               Family reunion at Thunderbird lake. 6-10-2017 Perryton TX                                            Baby ...

"A Great Reunion Day"

                              Family reunion at Thunderbird lake. 6-10-2017 Perryton TX
                                           Baby splash pool. 6-10-2017 Perryton TX

I am back home and rested up after a great time of enjoyment at a family reunion. One of my nephews treated the entire group with a full course bar-B-Q dinner prepared by a catering service near by. Brisker, ribs, turkey, Cole slaw, potato salad, and baked beans. It was more than delicious. Then there were lots of other food ranging from home-made pies, and cinnamon rolls, to saluted’ and picked  vegetables. Fresh fruits were in trays with wonderful tasting dips. Gallon jars of home-made cookies were sitting around. Drinks included gallons of sweetened and unsweetened tea, lemonade, punch, orange juice, soda pop and coffee. Nothing was lacking at this dinner. Many tents were set up, and air mattresses were blown up for great comfort. Air inflated boats, and floaters of all kinds kept the younger set fully entertained the entire time. Even the babies had air filled pools with water enough to splash and lie down in. The huge nice lake was just a short distance from the campsite. There was a continuous cool breeze sweeping through the trees and sheltered dinning table area. A very large commercial fan was also running for more cool comfort. All in all it was a great reunion where many came together who had not seen each other in years. For some it was a first time to meet members of a family that they had become a part of. Most of the older set chose to stay in motels instead of tents. A little spoiled, I believe. It was exciting to even the older ones to see all the fun the younger group were having. It is nice to be back home.

Not much happened while I was gone except the yard grew a lot of tall grass, and the flowers were suffering from lack of water. I will tackle this job next week since today is Saturday. Tonight I will be attending the Widow and Widower’s meeting at Lake Fryer. I am anxious to get back to that since I have missed two meetings. Friends are the next best things after family. I really appreciate every one of mine. They are always there for me. I hope I can always be there for them.

I have mostly rested since I’ve been home. It was a long tiring trip. I had a doctor’s appointment scheduled at the time of the reunion also. I needed an heart echo made. I received word from my doctor yesterday that my heart is strong, and everything is fine. I love this man. I wish I could keep him forever, but he is two hundred and sixty miles from where I live. I probably better make some changes before long. I have been seeing this doctor for four years. He is my nephew’s doctor in Oklahoma City, and that is why I am going to him. My nephew thinks he is the best. I agree with that. Time and prayer will lead me to make the right decision. I am firm on that belief.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "A Future Place Of Beauty"

Jean's Comment's: "A Future Place Of Beauty": My flower garden is covered with new plants, small. but are growing fast. 6-6-2017 Perryton, TX I’m excited about all the new flower ...

"A Future Place Of Beauty"

My flower garden is covered with new plants, small. but are growing fast. 6-6-2017 Perryton, TX

I’m excited about all the new flower plants growing in my garden. I can vision a beautiful, colorful, garden of flowers in a few weeks. I’m keeping the weeds out, so the flowers should show off nicely. I gave them a good watering this morning, and they look so refreshed. When I return from the family reunion in a few days, I will be doing a lot of sprucing up in the flower garden. I am 100 percent focused on this small area of my yard. It used to be my vegetable garden, but last year I turned it into strictly flowers. Most of the flowers this year are come-backs from last year with lots more than grew last year. They are showing off their little ones; And who doesn’t like babies? I will be anxious to get back to them after the reunion is over.

I am enthused about going to the family reunion this coming Saturday. If all goes as planned a large group will be attending with tents and camping gear to pitch at Thunderbird Lake neat Norman, Oklahoma. This is a nice lake with necessary facilities to accommodate, and serve all needs. Electricity, water hydrants, shower houses, grills, and much more. A covered shelter provides shade, and shuts off rain from tables where food will be served.
The younger set are thoroughly excited about sleeping in a tent after crawling into a sleeping bag. The older of the group are more sophisticated since they have already had enough of roughing it, and they have reserved motel rooms. All of this just has to be a great blessing to everyone. We pray for God’s protection on all attending.

There is always the possibility of floods or tornados. It seems as though everything is a gamble anymore. If it’s not terrorist attacks, it’s some kind of natural disaster waiting to strike. We just want everyone to be aware of these kind of things, and be thinking about what to do in case something unexpected does happen. The most important thing of all is trust in God. He will be by our side throughout the duration of the reunion. This family hasn’t had a reunion in several years, and we will be missing a lot of our loving members. They have been called away to their eternal home on high. I’m so thankful that the younger ones remember the example set before them by these missing “Jesus” supporters. “Train up a child in a way they should go, and when they are old they shall not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6. Every parent with little ones should remember this bible teaching. The grandparents should be proud if they honored this bible teaching and trained their children right. Grandparents should be grandchildren’s most prized possession. I hope we have not failed. Now “let us eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow may never come.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, June 5, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Just A Shot Of Perker Upper"

Jean's Comment's: "Just A Shot Of Perker Upper":                            Sweet pink roses, still blessing my soul. 6-5-2017 Perryton, TX Happiness is still blooming, even though it m...

"Just A Shot Of Perker Upper"

                           Sweet pink roses, still blessing my soul. 6-5-2017 Perryton, TX

Happiness is still blooming, even though it may need a shot of perker-upper. The rain has caused the roses to droop, and look faded, but they still have class. A drop of excitement is all they need to open up and sing a song of praise. It’s coming sooner rather than later. I work with the roses to keep them alive. They work with me to keep me living. It’s a win, win, situation. When the roses are sickly, I have a patience deficiency. I start thinking to myself, is it me or them. That is a very bad type of sickness. When the roses liven up, I start living it up. Time to get away for awhile. In the mean time I will just lay around, and put on a pound, adding to the boring frown.

Another couple of my family members are home from their cruse. I am so glad they are safely home. My son and his family are still away. I will be glad when they finally step foot on American soil again. I know that America is not the “all safe” place it used to be, but I believe it is much more so than most other places in the world. Our new President is quickly weeding out a lot of bad trash even faster than most people thought possible. He will continue till the country can be called a “safe heaven place,” again. Some other countries are now starting to call upon our President to help them weed out their land also. The billions of ISIS originated producers are extremely great in number. It would be well if only the bad could be eliminated, but that is never the case. The Word of God teaches that the good must suffer with the bad. I believe that is why people need to make a choice to depart from among the evil in ways possible. Many will not do that, even if they could. They choose to stay with the bad so they must suffer along with them. This is what causes much uproar when civilians get killed with the destroying of evil forces, but when they have had a chance to evacuate and did not, I have no sympathy for them. I truly  believe much more of civilian population will be destroyed before the fight is over. We have a president who has a heart of love, and peace, but he is a president who will do what he has to do to protect America. A rare, but Godly man who won‘t back away from the enemy. This whole thing is going to get worse before it gets better. America is covered with growing roots from evil trees. The land has had suckers growing thickly  with no intent to cut them down. At this time our President, and his team of supporters are working vigorously to clear the land. I am one of the choppers, and I would encourage all to become one if not already.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Did I Fall Off A Stump Or Something"

Jean's Comment's: "Did I Fall Off A Stump Or Something":                            This bully was daring me to come any closer. 6-4-2017 Perryton, The latest discovery growing in my flower gar...

"Did I Fall Off A Stump Or Something"

                           This bully was daring me to come any closer. 6-4-2017 Perryton,

The latest discovery growing in my flower garden is a bumper crop of frogs. From thumb size to fist size. The big one I posted must have been transplanted. I had not seen him before. Probably about a dozen tiny frogs were hopping everywhere. It rained yesterday evening, and I think the rain dropped some frogs. Anyway things are hopping in my back yard today. I just don’t want to step on one, which I almost did several times.

We were glad to hear from our niece in London this morning. She arrived in London one day before the London Bridge attack. We were so worried, because no one could reach her. This morning before I left for church I turned my computer on. There was her message. “I am OK. I’m waiting on an early flight out. It was very scary being that close to the attack. Will be home soon.” This was the third day after she arrived. She had just been there a few hours. I’m sure the choice was not only hers. I think the officials ordered all visitors to leave immediately. Probably even arranging for flights to leave on. We do thank God that she was safe. When the other two families of my loved ones get home, I will be forever thankful. Too bad people cannot feel safe anywhere anymore. It will get better soon, because God has had enough.

Church services were great today. It seemed as though all the congregation was in one accord. Everyone realizing the danger America is in just like other places far away. We all know that America is the next big target for terrorist attacks. Unless our own congressional members can come together and agree to support our President, we will not win. There are 22 of our own party members who are being stupid, and refusing to support the majority. They are truly democrats who claimed to be republicans so they could get re-elected. Several would not have been elected had it not been for nominee, Donald Trump, winning. They tried to block the President from the word go, but they failed. Donald Trump stood by them anyway when they were running for re-election. The same foolish group are still trying to block the President from getting his promised agenda through. It is making it very hard on our President, but he is smart enough to kick these renegades in the butt. He did it before, and he will do it again. I am sure President Trump already has it all figured out, and I will rest assured that he will make America safe, and great, again. He cannot be stopped. I’m so glad to be a player in this game. I love winning, and always did. But no sissy’s can be a part of our team. It’s fight it out, or freak out. I’ve been a team player every since childhood. Take the knock outs, and come back knocking out. That’s the only way to win. God is our coach.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Possibly A Brain Storm"

Jean's Comment's: "Possibly A Brain Storm":                            No this isn't the ocean. It's the sky in Perryton, Texas. 6-3-2017 I was amazed at the awesome weird...

"Possibly A Brain Storm"

                           No this isn't the ocean. It's the sky in Perryton, Texas. 6-3-2017

I was amazed at the awesome weirdness of the sky this evening. I wasn’t able to figure out the meaning of such strangeness like I had never seen before. I think we’re living in times of wonder, and uneasiness. Just waiting minute by minute for another big surprise to take place. I have always liked excitement, but not the kind we’ve been having lately. I have three families of my kin away at this time in other countries, or on a cruse, and I am worrying about them greatly. A niece posted on face book yesterday that she had just landed in London. Today there has been two terrorist attacks in London in places where people visiting there would likely be. The London Bridge, and another place near by. I can’t find out if my niece is safe or not. Others are trying to reach her also. Our prayers must never let up as they are our only hope in these stressful times. Mentally I see a circle formed around the world by human hands who are crying out to God. I truly believe I am one forming that circle. “Halleluiah,” He is the answer to all our problems.

I spent some time this evening with single men, and women eating and sharing our love for each other. This is an amazing group of widowed, lonely people. We cheer each other up in spite of all the bad things happening around the world. We all hold hands while one leads in prayer before we eat. As I sat there this evening with a hand in my hand on both sides of me I visualized another group, and another group, in many other places around the world praying the same prayer we were praying. Peace and safety, and blessings to all. We cannot let go of that hope. Because of my faith in God I can endure all anxiety or frustrations that so easily upsets  me. I can also enjoy my life whatever state I am in. There is power in the blood of Jesus. I think it’s time for some of us to produce instead of proclaiming so much. That’s a whole new muscle-tiring  game. Mentally, physically, and spiritually, we have to put it all into action. We may not immediately know the results, but by faith we must keep pouring it on.

It is past my bed time, but I just had to unwind before calling it a day. I am tired, and I’m wondering if I will make it to church tomorrow, but I have to believe I will. I have accomplished but little today, but I feel like I’ve made some good to happen even though I may not know just what. That is a though everyone should have. “Not by sight, but by faith sayeth the Lord.” Tomorrow is a new day. Let us be glad, and be happy.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, June 2, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "We All Are God's Flowers"

Jean's Comment's: "We All Are God's Flowers":                                     Bachelor buttons doing good. 6-2-2017 Perryton,TX I woke up this morning to find a bunch of deep blu...

"We All Are God's Flowers"

                                    Bachelor buttons doing good. 6-2-2017 Perryton,TX

I woke up this morning to find a bunch of deep blue, bachelor buttons branching out of a planter. They grow vigorously, and make a very pretty flower. A few pink ones are starting to open up. In a week or two there will be bachelor buttons forming a solid garden of their own. They grow, and bloom all summer. Each morning when I go out to check on my flowers I am excited to find another new birth. As in all life, one watches the young grow up, and become absolutely beautiful in their own nature. “Happy, happy are those who wait upon the Lord.” As we watch, and enjoy the beautiful flowers grow and bless our lives, we know they will soon be gone. Some will die young. Some will make it till heaven rejoices over them. Some will die just as the most beautiful part of them starts to flourish. Some will live till not another wrinkle can find a place to park. Who decides which of these will happen to us as a flower in God’s beautiful garden? Only the Gardner Himself. He owns the flowers, and He can pluck whichever, whenever, He wants. He has a reason for every flower He plucks, and we must not question Him. Some day all flowers will be growing in the “forever paradise of God’s great heaven.” Let us enjoy what we have until that day. That is easier said than done, but the keeper of the garden will supply the sufficient amount of life support to keep us smiling.

I am happy for my youngest son and family, who are now enjoying a few days on the Island of Belize. I am always invited to go with them when they travel overseas. I appreciate the offer so much, but I have never been one to travel abroad. For years my husband wanted to visit the great country of Israel, and see the birth place of Jesus in Bethlehem. He never got to fulfill that dream, which I am sorry for, but if he were still here, I could not go with him even now. I just have a fear of leaving America. We did go to Mexico one time, and I was not impressed at all. It was just over the border, but I was glad we were not going any further. America has all the beauty, and interest I need; However, I am thrilled every time some of my family travels to foreign countries for a time of fun and relaxation. I think my husband had a lot to do with them wanting to travel abroad. I’m proud if he did. So to my children, and grandchildren, I am calling out your names every night to God asking Him to protect you, and bring you home safely. I also ask Him to let you have a wonderful, relaxing, vacation because as hard as you all work, you certainly need that. When you are having fun, I am having fun, even in my flower garden.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp