Sunday, June 4, 2017

"Did I Fall Off A Stump Or Something"

                           This bully was daring me to come any closer. 6-4-2017 Perryton,

The latest discovery growing in my flower garden is a bumper crop of frogs. From thumb size to fist size. The big one I posted must have been transplanted. I had not seen him before. Probably about a dozen tiny frogs were hopping everywhere. It rained yesterday evening, and I think the rain dropped some frogs. Anyway things are hopping in my back yard today. I just don’t want to step on one, which I almost did several times.

We were glad to hear from our niece in London this morning. She arrived in London one day before the London Bridge attack. We were so worried, because no one could reach her. This morning before I left for church I turned my computer on. There was her message. “I am OK. I’m waiting on an early flight out. It was very scary being that close to the attack. Will be home soon.” This was the third day after she arrived. She had just been there a few hours. I’m sure the choice was not only hers. I think the officials ordered all visitors to leave immediately. Probably even arranging for flights to leave on. We do thank God that she was safe. When the other two families of my loved ones get home, I will be forever thankful. Too bad people cannot feel safe anywhere anymore. It will get better soon, because God has had enough.

Church services were great today. It seemed as though all the congregation was in one accord. Everyone realizing the danger America is in just like other places far away. We all know that America is the next big target for terrorist attacks. Unless our own congressional members can come together and agree to support our President, we will not win. There are 22 of our own party members who are being stupid, and refusing to support the majority. They are truly democrats who claimed to be republicans so they could get re-elected. Several would not have been elected had it not been for nominee, Donald Trump, winning. They tried to block the President from the word go, but they failed. Donald Trump stood by them anyway when they were running for re-election. The same foolish group are still trying to block the President from getting his promised agenda through. It is making it very hard on our President, but he is smart enough to kick these renegades in the butt. He did it before, and he will do it again. I am sure President Trump already has it all figured out, and I will rest assured that he will make America safe, and great, again. He cannot be stopped. I’m so glad to be a player in this game. I love winning, and always did. But no sissy’s can be a part of our team. It’s fight it out, or freak out. I’ve been a team player every since childhood. Take the knock outs, and come back knocking out. That’s the only way to win. God is our coach.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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