Sunday, June 25, 2017

"Gauging The Rain And The Wrath"

1/4 inch rain last night. It wasn't predicted, but those beautiful white clouds I posted yesterday did  produce. 6-25-2017 Perryton, TX

After such a nice, calm, lovely, day yesterday we received another quarter of inch of rain last night. Except for being wet the weather remains beautiful. Cool, calm, and refreshing. At the time I was suppose to be leaving for church this morning the rain was still coming down. I decided against getting myself wet, and stayed home. That will make for a long week for me. I do miss the church services, and seeing all my brothers, and sisters, in Christ. My church family means a lot to me.

I did enjoy a great time with friends last evening at The China Buffet. The choice of foods are many, and all taste delicious. The group was in a laughing mood last evening, and no one could remember their concerns for the past week. We certainly need more of these kinds of meetings. Almost every word anyone spoke seemed to bring laughter. As for me, I chose to keep my mouth shut except for laughing at others. I didn’t want to kill the party. I think I’m going through a time of recharging my battery. I feel pretty run-down. It takes a lot of juice to watch the news every day and hear all the evil that’s taking place around the world. I do feel God’s power in my life even when I am loaded down with sorrow. When a man is no longer a man, and a woman is no longer a woman, it’s time to escape the ravaged Garden of Eden. To stay within it means dying without peace of mind. I refuse to accept that demise. I have been bought with a price, and even though I make mistakes, I am still a child of God, the Great Creator.

I could sit here and tell you things that upset me so much even when going to the grocery store, but I will not even began to do that. I am just in total shock at all the young beautiful mothers I see with a sweet baby in their grocery carts, who have totally ruined their lovely skin by piercing ink underneath to display a monstrous, evil-looking, symbol of Satan. Some are big enough to cover their whole arm. This disastrous cult is spreading fast across our nation. There is no wonder God has unleashed his anger upon us. I feel so unnerved when I walk into a public restroom not knowing if I’m looking at a man or a woman. I can almost hear my father, who has been in his grave for forty six years, praying for God to take care of his children. Much, much evil has erupted since his death, that he was fortunate to escape, but a father never leaves his children spiritually. I feel sure his faith in God has made me the anchor I have in Jesus. I have to stop here. I cannot continue to remember all the terrible, ungodly, things I have seen involving precious, innocent little children. It takes a full battery to operate the currents of demon signals as they come across our minds. I may be called a ultracrepidarian, but I am holding true to my knowledge of God’s Word.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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