Tuesday, June 27, 2017

"My Rosy Days"

                          Roses cheering me on. They will not fail me. 6-27-2017 Perryton, TX

I spent some time this morning weeding out the flower beds. After all the rain the weeds had taken over. The roses and flowers looked so nice after I cleared out the weeds. Even a little frog joined me while I was working. It sat on a brick near me, and seemed to ask, “can I help you?” When I finished I went into the house to get the camera, but when I returned I could not find my little friend. Does Angels appear in frogs? I’ve never liked frogs, but this one seemed different. God bless it.

Chuck brought over a huge, very ripe, cantaloupe. It will taste good with the left-over beef fajitas I fixed yesterday. It’s also a good diet food to keep off the pounds I’ve lost the past year and one-half. I’ve been eating plums from my trees twice a day for in-between snacks. This good food helps me to feel well treated, and also makes me feel happy about not gaining weight. I have been going through a maintenance period for a long time. It has become a part of my life that I love so much. I feel good inside and out, and know I am doing the right thing. I even enjoy deciding what I am going to wear when I go out  instead of hunting for something I could still get into. I give the credit for this to Dr. Atkins, and Valerie Bertinelli, ex-wife of Eddie Van Halen, books. Both have been a great inspiration to me. I am just in need of more places to go. Living in a small city doesn’t allow much choice for entertainment, and I am not one to like to travel. I can usually find a good balance in attending the few get-together's I am privileged to attend, and watching news on my television. To say the least I feel blessed.

Yesterday was my youngest son, Kent’s, birthday. He was in Las Vegas with his wife since she was lucky enough to go with him. Kent had been sent to Vegas on a five day business trip. I called him last night and wished him a happy birthday. They were enjoying the trip. To me this seemed too much fun for them to be  having so close together. Two weeks prior to the Vegas trip they had spent a week in Belize on a vacation. I can’t say anything of jealousy because I was invited to go on both trips with them. I just thank God for these children, and their love for me. I do worry when they travel, but I always know God will take care of them. God knows my life would be almost impossible without them. This is the son that wasn’t suppose to be, but since God knows best He gave my husband and I, the most precious gift one could ever hope for. A miracle that never disappeared. Our other children feel the same about him. Our thanks be to God forever.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp  

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