Friday, June 30, 2017

"Sawing Away At The Live And The Dead"

               I did get that big limb sawed off and cut up this morning. 6-30-2017 Perryton, TX.

I’m so glad to find out I have muscles that I had forgotten about. With a hand saw I removed partly broken limbs from apple trees this morning. As you can see from the post the limbs were of good size. I sawed them into smaller pieces so I could drag them to a pile. There were several limbs on two apple trees that had to be removed. I have a very large pile now to haul off. I will be hiring some one to do that job. I feel better now than when I started. Surprise, surprise, what I was able to do; But more than that, I like the looks of the finished job. I feel much younger today than I felt yesterday. What a good feeling. I don’t expect to be sore tomorrow as I do use my muscles some every day. My dad taught me how to work outside, and I am so proud he did. I was a better man hand on the farm, than my brothers. I felt my dad’s presence with me this morning as I was sawing off those thick limbs. I could almost see him laughing at me. I remember Dad, what you used to say about finishing a job. “Never quit a job till it’s finished. You can rest some, but stay with it till it’s done.” I just have to hire someone to haul off the mess, then I’m finished. I had to climb to reach the limbs that needed sawing. Again I heard Dad’s voice. “Be careful, hold onto a limb that you are not sawing.” I did that very well. My dad really never wanted me doing a man’s work, but I insisted, so he usually would let me try. I only got to do enough to learn how, then my dad would take over.

On another note I’m getting very upset about how some of my own party members are criticizing our President. I would like to say to Lindsay Graham, “Sir, I haven’t seen any polls where you are so popular with the GOP supporters. How dare you advise our President on how to speak to his supporters. You didn’t help him to get elected, and you are not doing anything now to help him with his agenda. Jeb Bush is doing the same thing you are doing. “Making fools out of yourselves.” President Trump won the election by being his own self, you guys lost the election by being your own selves. Of course most of we Trump supporters know that you losers are still trying to make Trump lose. “Not going to happen, mini brainers.” President Trump has already accomplished more for the American people than all sixteen of you other candidates could have done together. Please leave this President alone, and try to mind your own business if that is possible. I realize you guys are afraid of the powerful movement that supports President Trump, but listen up, this movement is not going away any ways soon. You guys blew it years ago, and you can never  do anything now, but suck it up. What a joke you are!

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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