Thursday, June 22, 2017

"A Prayer Request As Small As A Grain Of Sand"

                 A good rain last night made the flowers come to life. 6-22-2017 Perryton, TX
                                     Asparagus likes hot weather. 6-22-2017 Perryton TX
How nice it is to have gotten an unexpected rain last night. Everything in the yard looks so revived, and happy. I guess the wheat is all cut because it usually never rains until all the wheat has been harvested. The cooler temperature is more than welcome. The grass will get mowed tomorrow afternoon, After needing it for two weeks now. I had to locate another lawn service since the boy I had been using was gone for several days. I am slowly, but surely getting all my work done. The patio contractor will be here Monday to start on that roof replacement after the bad hail storm we had.

I just a few minutes ago got some good news I had been waiting several months for. It is personal, but another strong proof to me that God still answers prayer in his own time. I had almost given up on this request, but actually I had just decided to leave it to God, and not try and rush Him. When we do that, things start to happen that we don’t understand, but it all means that God is working things out for us. God is perfect, and He will not give us gifts that are not perfect. Sometimes it takes Him longer to hand things over to us because we are not quite ready for it. He does all things well, and well, He does all things good. We have just been elevated to a higher level of faith. What an awesome God we serve.

Many times when we are handed an answer to prayer such as this it calls for a celebration all by ourselves. We may act different when attending a meeting with friends, or we may look different, but the fact is we are celebrating our happiness with God. No one else needs to share some of our blessings. How many times did Jesus say to those whom He had healed, “go and tell no one?” Too many to count. It’s called humbleness. Only our family needs to know what God has done for us if it is something others might think we are boasting of. All we need to make known is that God has answered another prayer for us. We can shout from our own housetops without others hearing us.

This is just one of the request I have made to God, and I am expecting others to follow soon. I know He will only answer those which will make me happier, and a better Christian for His service. I cannot always determine that, but God always knows best. I do believe when we are not happy, God is not happy. He loves us more than our own earthly fathers. A good father always wants his children to be happy. Our Heavenly Father knows every pain we bear, and wipes every tear from our eyes. What more could we ask? Thank you Father for answering our prayer.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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