Friday, June 23, 2017

"Today After Christ I Can Rejoice"

            Good lawn service man. Lawn was in bad need of mowing. 6-23-2017 Perryton, TX

We had another slight rain last night, but the lawn service man was able to cut the grass this afternoon. It is so nice to have cooler weather for a change. The flowers are starting to look a lot better. I will have to get busy now and weed out the beds since it’s been too hot to work outside. I am getting more tempted every day to sell my home for reasons that I cannot maintain the yards much longer. That decision has been waiting on me for over four years now. I have not been able to decide to do it yet. In time I know it will happen. Giving up my husband was hard, but giving up my home is double hard. Age makes all of us do things we don’t want to do. Old man age hit a stubborn one when he attacked me. I must start being nice to him before he loses patience with me.

Speaking of age I have been reading the book of first Kings in the Old Testament bible. The third chapter is telling about the death of King David. He was old and had served as King for over seventy years before he died. What I am shocked about this king is the many wives he had, and the many murders he ordered. It was a common thing for people in high power back then to kill someone for most any reason. Kings is the eleventh book in the Old Testament, and I believe I have read in every chapter of the previous ten books where people were killed sometimes by the thousands. It does not even seem like a human race. David was anointed by God, and won many battles for the Israelites, but to compare him to King or a President in our time, he would have been executed a thousand times. The third chapter of 1st Kings is talking about David being old and became cold and couldn’t be warmed when blankets were spread over him. His servants thought if a young, fair, virgin could be found and brought into him he would warm up. My mind almost went blank at that mention. After searching for quite some time the young, fair, virgin was found and brought to David. He was not interested in her and refused to sleep with her. He remained cold. Huh? How can it possible be that an old lady like me living thousands of years after the period of David could possible understand this custom of life. I do understand why so many people reframe from reading the Old Testament, but I also believe it is a part of the bible that God intended for us to study. For sure it makes us so much more thankful for the Lord Jesus Christ coming to earth to die once, and for all, that we might be saved from all the terrible evil that existed before Him. I just don’t want to be one of those who take Him for granted. That’s why I think everyone should read the Old Testament. David died, and his son Solomon was given the King’s throne. Remember, Solomon was born to David by Bathsheba, the wife of a soldier who was out to war. David took this warrior’s wife for his own, and ordered the death of her husband by having him put on the front line. Solomon became the wisest king ever to be born. I must stop here. It doesn’t get any easier to understand.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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