Saturday, June 24, 2017

"The Clouds Are Promising Rain"

 The sky is solid clouds today. Weather couldn't be more beautiful. 6-24-2017 Perryton, TX

                          Apples are bending the limbs to the ground. 6-24-2017 Perryton, TX

A brief sit-out in the yard made me feel so good this afternoon. The entire heavens were formed of lovely white clouds. The weather is cool and without wind making it so enjoyable to sit out. I did not see one mosquito. I believe we are in for more rain before long. We would appreciate that blessing very much. I took pictures of one of the apple trees and it is still loaded with small apples. Rain would help the apples to grow more, and taste better. I have eaten so many plums till I am about to get plum sick. They taste so good, but my stomach says enough is enough. I do hope it doesn’t rain until after our singles meeting this evening. No one likes to go out in the rain, even though we are grateful for it. I am more than ready to get out and enjoy my friends. I had invited a friend to go tonight, but she called back and said she had a chance to go to Liberal and play bingo and couldn’t pass that up. Liberal is 45 miles away. I hope they don’t get caught in a storm. This friend likes to play bingo, but Liberal is the closest place to play. She doesn’t drive after night. I do not enjoy bingo, and rather than that I would stay home. I’m just glad to be able to meet with friends every Saturday evening and have food and fellowship together.

Sunday is my next best day of the week. I have a nice church I have been attending for thirty five years. I always feel blessed to be with friends there, and share in God’s richest blessings. No place can take the place of church in our lives. There is where we get our spiritual food for the week. I could not live without it. I almost feel adopted in this church since it is not the one I was born by faith into. My first love for church failed to treat their members as God would have them do, so I along with many others had to find another. My love still lives in that church even though I am thankful for where I am attending now. The past Sheppard’s of that church did a good job in scattering the sheep. And I might add, the good Sheppard’s that did pastor that church was met with opposition from some of the self-righteous members, and had to leave also. It reminds me of our country at this time. Sin and evil have gained so much power over the past several years till there is no more peace to be had. We strive to hang onto God’s almighty hand. Never will we give up fighting for that first love for church and country. Peace comes from within, and we can have it even if we can’t have all the other things we used to enjoy.

Exodus 14: 13
And Moses said unto the people, Fear ye not, stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, which he will shew you to day: for the Egyptians whom ye have seen today, ye shall see them again no more for ever.

Verse 14, The Lord shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace. 

Let us take the Lord at His word and be happy and peaceful.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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