Thursday, June 29, 2017

"An Added Touch"

                        I like the gallon jug canister Chuck brought me. 6-29-2017 Perryton, TX 

My son, Chuck, found a gallon jug canister set that he thought I could use for holding dried foods. It works well for beans, macaroni, spaghetti, and my favorite pecan log candy bars. This guy is always looking for something for me that he thinks no one else has one like. He is a one-of-a-kinder. I don’t know what I would do without him. He is my oldest son, and makes out well being a bachelor. His passion is to be different than anyone else. He has done excellent in achieving that goal. Surprisingly he has always had a lot of friends. His friends thinks he is a genus yet to be discovered, but shy away from some of his ideas. He makes them laugh a lot. To be honest, Chuck is a brilliant guy, and no, he hasn’t been discovered yet. It takes all kinds to make the world an imperfect place to live. “Thank you Chuck, for doing your job.”

I spent most of the morning watering the yard. I don’t get mush accomplished anymore as it takes most of my time just keeping the things done that are essential. I have had to eliminate several things from my list that I used to consider essential because my old age was no longer cooperating with me. It’s pretty much a touch-and-go life for me anymore. Touch me and I’m gone. Leave my chores behind, is likely to be the decision I make. I try to imagine heaven where we will not ever be making up a bed, cooking a meal, vacuuming a floor, dusting, or watering the yard. I have a hard time dealing with this idea sometimes. I often wonder if my work load will be more or less since I will not be doing any of the things we do now. Surly we will be doing something to keep us living, since the Word says the soul never dies. There is where we have to draw the line. It is not meant for us to know the mysteries of God, therefore give me my saw, I need to go saw off the rest of that huge, broken limb, and haul it off. Life ain’t over till it’s over.

I’ve been invited to join a Square Dance club here. I am seriously thinking about it. My husband and I belonged to a club when we were first married. It was a lot of fun, but when we started our family we never went again. That was many years ago, and I probably can’t remember the calls anymore. At least I’m going to go watch then decide if I want to join. The club meets twice a month, and I have been looking for more places to get me out of the house more. A good friend says she never misses a time. These dances are very physically demanding. If I can hold out to dance a complete call, the exercise would be rewarding I’m sure. These dances are not the kind where drinking alcohol is allowed. Very nice people group together to enjoy a good time, while keeping their bodies fit. I will see.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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