Monday, June 5, 2017

"Just A Shot Of Perker Upper"

                           Sweet pink roses, still blessing my soul. 6-5-2017 Perryton, TX

Happiness is still blooming, even though it may need a shot of perker-upper. The rain has caused the roses to droop, and look faded, but they still have class. A drop of excitement is all they need to open up and sing a song of praise. It’s coming sooner rather than later. I work with the roses to keep them alive. They work with me to keep me living. It’s a win, win, situation. When the roses are sickly, I have a patience deficiency. I start thinking to myself, is it me or them. That is a very bad type of sickness. When the roses liven up, I start living it up. Time to get away for awhile. In the mean time I will just lay around, and put on a pound, adding to the boring frown.

Another couple of my family members are home from their cruse. I am so glad they are safely home. My son and his family are still away. I will be glad when they finally step foot on American soil again. I know that America is not the “all safe” place it used to be, but I believe it is much more so than most other places in the world. Our new President is quickly weeding out a lot of bad trash even faster than most people thought possible. He will continue till the country can be called a “safe heaven place,” again. Some other countries are now starting to call upon our President to help them weed out their land also. The billions of ISIS originated producers are extremely great in number. It would be well if only the bad could be eliminated, but that is never the case. The Word of God teaches that the good must suffer with the bad. I believe that is why people need to make a choice to depart from among the evil in ways possible. Many will not do that, even if they could. They choose to stay with the bad so they must suffer along with them. This is what causes much uproar when civilians get killed with the destroying of evil forces, but when they have had a chance to evacuate and did not, I have no sympathy for them. I truly  believe much more of civilian population will be destroyed before the fight is over. We have a president who has a heart of love, and peace, but he is a president who will do what he has to do to protect America. A rare, but Godly man who won‘t back away from the enemy. This whole thing is going to get worse before it gets better. America is covered with growing roots from evil trees. The land has had suckers growing thickly  with no intent to cut them down. At this time our President, and his team of supporters are working vigorously to clear the land. I am one of the choppers, and I would encourage all to become one if not already.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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