Saturday, June 3, 2017

"Possibly A Brain Storm"

                           No this isn't the ocean. It's the sky in Perryton, Texas. 6-3-2017

I was amazed at the awesome weirdness of the sky this evening. I wasn’t able to figure out the meaning of such strangeness like I had never seen before. I think we’re living in times of wonder, and uneasiness. Just waiting minute by minute for another big surprise to take place. I have always liked excitement, but not the kind we’ve been having lately. I have three families of my kin away at this time in other countries, or on a cruse, and I am worrying about them greatly. A niece posted on face book yesterday that she had just landed in London. Today there has been two terrorist attacks in London in places where people visiting there would likely be. The London Bridge, and another place near by. I can’t find out if my niece is safe or not. Others are trying to reach her also. Our prayers must never let up as they are our only hope in these stressful times. Mentally I see a circle formed around the world by human hands who are crying out to God. I truly believe I am one forming that circle. “Halleluiah,” He is the answer to all our problems.

I spent some time this evening with single men, and women eating and sharing our love for each other. This is an amazing group of widowed, lonely people. We cheer each other up in spite of all the bad things happening around the world. We all hold hands while one leads in prayer before we eat. As I sat there this evening with a hand in my hand on both sides of me I visualized another group, and another group, in many other places around the world praying the same prayer we were praying. Peace and safety, and blessings to all. We cannot let go of that hope. Because of my faith in God I can endure all anxiety or frustrations that so easily upsets  me. I can also enjoy my life whatever state I am in. There is power in the blood of Jesus. I think it’s time for some of us to produce instead of proclaiming so much. That’s a whole new muscle-tiring  game. Mentally, physically, and spiritually, we have to put it all into action. We may not immediately know the results, but by faith we must keep pouring it on.

It is past my bed time, but I just had to unwind before calling it a day. I am tired, and I’m wondering if I will make it to church tomorrow, but I have to believe I will. I have accomplished but little today, but I feel like I’ve made some good to happen even though I may not know just what. That is a though everyone should have. “Not by sight, but by faith sayeth the Lord.” Tomorrow is a new day. Let us be glad, and be happy.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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