Wednesday, June 28, 2017

"The Harvest Is Over Think New Seed"

Flowers are looking better, but need some water. Fixing to do that. 6-28-2017 Perryton, TX

It’s hot today. Thermometer shows 93 degree in the shade. The ground is very dry. I have the water on trying to liven the grass and flowers up a bit. This panhandle weather can be wet one day and dry the next. It takes lots of water to keep things alive. While I don’t water as much as is needed I do try to keep things growing. When the flowers are beautiful I feel beautiful. I think I am a flower of my own kind. We love each other.

I enjoyed my lunch hour at the Center today. We had a nice crowd, and the meal was good. It is times like these that keep me looking forward to another day. Just hearing all the chatter, and seeing all the smiling faces makes me really appreciate the friends I still have left. The past few years has taken a lot of my friends away, and it is really hard to forget them, but I need to think more about what I still have than what I’ve lost. I never know when I attend a friends meeting just how I will come away feeling. Sometimes I leave discouraged because of what I perceived to be worry on a few faces. It’s easy for me to fall into that same trap. I struggle daily to keep my Christ-like spirit up. I can always find something to worry about. I want my family and friends to always be happy and prosperous, but the evil demon that is always around tries to make me doubt that. I am thankful for the sweet spirit that always brings to my mind a scripture that counteracts the demon spirit. It is true that bad things are going to happen every day, but God has given us a sound mind to think upon the good things.

I feel as though my time spent at the Center today will deliver me a positive result in some form or fashion. I do not know what, but I am so sure something good will be coming my way soon. I will recognize it when it happens. I have planted many seeds of good faith lately. I expect some of them to spring up, and grow into heaps of blessings. I do not know from which field I planted in will have fallen on good ground and will spring up, but some of the many will pop through, and I shall be glad. We are all sower’s of seed even though we may not know that. We need to select our seeds with great concern that they will produce a good harvest. Some people are sowing terrible seed, therefore they will be reaping a terrible harvest. To everyone who think their deeds are only going to affect them, let me tell you something. Our mistakes make for mistakes of others, whether our children, friends, strangers or anyone else. We handed them the seed that they sowed, therefore we are guilty of deceiving the innocent. God help the slow to learn His Word.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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