Monday, June 19, 2017

"Jesus Loved The Tortured Student"

Jesus answered my prayer today. Although I wished it could have been different, I accept His plan. 6-19-2017 Perryton, TX.

I just heard the sad news that the college student who came home from North Korea after being held for 17 months charged with stealing a poster. This was a false charge, but the innocent 22 year old student suffered torture and humiliation beyond anyone’s imagination. North Korea finally released him to come home after they put him in a coma that could never be healed except by the miraculous power of God. For some reason God wanted this young hero to give up his life here on earth.

I started praying for this young man the day I saw him on TV being charged with 15 years of hard labor. The tears in those innocent eyes broke my heart. He had been the Valedictorian of his high school class and had given a superior speech. For reasons of his own he chose to visit North Korea, and knew not that he would be landing in a Lyon’s den. His highest ambitions immediately crashed. He plead for his life, but the evil, heartless, monsters of that country laughed at his plea. A few days ago It was announced by the North Korean leader that they were releasing him, but that he was in a coma caused by some disease. They claimed he had been in that coma for a year. A team of American medical experts were flown to N. Korea to bring the student home. He finally landed on his home soil again, but died a few days later. The test made by American doctors declared that he did not have the disease the Korean officials claimed he had. His brain tissue was all but gone. He never knew he had been flown back home.

I had to ask Jesus why He didn’t answer my prayer. He seemed to tell me He first had to obey the will of the Father. It was time for this young student to leave this evil world of hate, and sin, so he took the young man home. My heart is still breaking, but I have to believe God does everything for good reasons. I send my deepest sympathy to the parents of this student. I feel their pain, and know that they could not have remained strong all these months without the help of God. I heard the father give a news briefing after his son arrived home. It was very hard for him to talk, but while wearing the jacket his son wore when he gave his Valedictorian speech, he managed to stay strong. I absolutely admire the parents of this brave, young hero. I feel their pain so real, and I pray nightly for their recovery.

So as I was trying to understand why this innocent life had been taken after I asked Jesus to restore his brain, I got an image of Jesus proving to me that He cared and prayed also, but the Father was ready to take him. I colored the image the way I saw it. It is my own revelation. Oh, how I love Jesus. No one cares for me like Him.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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