Tuesday, June 6, 2017

"A Future Place Of Beauty"

My flower garden is covered with new plants, small. but are growing fast. 6-6-2017 Perryton, TX

I’m excited about all the new flower plants growing in my garden. I can vision a beautiful, colorful, garden of flowers in a few weeks. I’m keeping the weeds out, so the flowers should show off nicely. I gave them a good watering this morning, and they look so refreshed. When I return from the family reunion in a few days, I will be doing a lot of sprucing up in the flower garden. I am 100 percent focused on this small area of my yard. It used to be my vegetable garden, but last year I turned it into strictly flowers. Most of the flowers this year are come-backs from last year with lots more than grew last year. They are showing off their little ones; And who doesn’t like babies? I will be anxious to get back to them after the reunion is over.

I am enthused about going to the family reunion this coming Saturday. If all goes as planned a large group will be attending with tents and camping gear to pitch at Thunderbird Lake neat Norman, Oklahoma. This is a nice lake with necessary facilities to accommodate, and serve all needs. Electricity, water hydrants, shower houses, grills, and much more. A covered shelter provides shade, and shuts off rain from tables where food will be served.
The younger set are thoroughly excited about sleeping in a tent after crawling into a sleeping bag. The older of the group are more sophisticated since they have already had enough of roughing it, and they have reserved motel rooms. All of this just has to be a great blessing to everyone. We pray for God’s protection on all attending.

There is always the possibility of floods or tornados. It seems as though everything is a gamble anymore. If it’s not terrorist attacks, it’s some kind of natural disaster waiting to strike. We just want everyone to be aware of these kind of things, and be thinking about what to do in case something unexpected does happen. The most important thing of all is trust in God. He will be by our side throughout the duration of the reunion. This family hasn’t had a reunion in several years, and we will be missing a lot of our loving members. They have been called away to their eternal home on high. I’m so thankful that the younger ones remember the example set before them by these missing “Jesus” supporters. “Train up a child in a way they should go, and when they are old they shall not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6. Every parent with little ones should remember this bible teaching. The grandparents should be proud if they honored this bible teaching and trained their children right. Grandparents should be grandchildren’s most prized possession. I hope we have not failed. Now “let us eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow may never come.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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