Sunday, June 18, 2017

"Happy Father's Day In Heaven And On Earth"

                                      The Lobo at Lake Fryer. 6-18-2017 Perryton, TX
                      A nice place to eat and enjoy lake atmosphere. 6-18-2017 Perryton, TX

It was a pleasure to meet with friends and dine at the Lake Fryer Lobo last evening. The food there is always extra good. A very friendly atmosphere is  waiting there. This lake is about twenty miles from our town of Perryton, and many people frequent it regularly.  The fishing is good, and the campsites are equipped with water and electricity. The restaurant is always busy since they serve good food. Lots of people drive out there from other cities nearby just to eat. Catfish, and assorted sea foods are a special there. The feeling is almost like, “we went on a short Cruz.” It’s always nice to meet with our group every Saturday night and share our blessings. We meet at different locations, so once about every six weeks is all we get to go on these short Cruz's. Car pools are provided when we go out of town.

The fathers at church today was honored in a slightly less way than the mothers are on their day. It seems unfair, but the fathers seemed more responsible to ask God for wisdom and guidance than to be given a flower. We have some great fathers in our church. They do spoil their wives a bit. We head a good sermon, and our little fatherless pastor did a good job in showing gratitude to all the fathers. He and his wife had to give up the blessing of having children shortly after marriage due to a surgery that was necessary for the wife. We do love them so much. We have had this pastor for nearly ten years. He still is young to most of us. He has brought a lot of younger people into our church. That is certainly what the churches need to day.

It is nice to have cooler weather today. We had 106 and 108 degree temperature the last couple of days. It is like 80 today. Our city swimming pool has been overflowing with people seeking comfort. We are proud of the newly remodeled, and extended size of our pool. We now have a mini Wonderland Park. Modern pool equipment of all kinds has been added. The community I live in has not yet been intruded by evil people wanting to destroy everything good about America. We don’t know how much longer we can claim this blessing since so many communities have been clobbered with mean, ungodly, beast-like humans. Just when we think we have it all under control another group of unexpected people join forces with the evil determined to destroy America. I heard in the sermon this morning that a Godly President does not mean we will beat out the evil that surrounds us to the point of hopelessness. Is this saying God has turned His back on us? I hesitate to celebrate a victory yet, even though I feel certain God put this present President in office to fight for His people. How long will this war of religion last? Christ is being persecuted more now than when He lived on earth. Never, never  deny Christ.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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