Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Bird Love Is Real"

Jean's Comment's: "Bird Love Is Real":          Mr. and Mrs Sweettalk are flirting on the radio antenna today. 2-28-2017 Perryton, Texas. Another sign spring is near is these ...

"Bird Love Is Real"

         Mr. and Mrs Sweettalk are flirting on the radio antenna today. 2-28-2017 Perryton, Texas.

Another sign spring is near is these two ring-necked doves flirting on the radio antenna. The male landed first then called for the female to join him. I love this bit of nature that makes the world beautiful. The part that never knows worries, or having to change their minds about something. I haven’t checked this out, but I’ve been told that birds, once they mate, are mates till death departs them. They are not privileged to divorce. Can you imagine? Whether that’s true or not, it sounds good. The fowls, and the sea life, the  animals, and all other kinds of amphibians are all exempt from sin. The reptile has never been forgiven of their sin, and are still paying by crawling on their bellies. Adam and Eve are the reason we, as humans, live in a sinful world filled with jealousy and hate. That is the part of nature that God didn’t intend. His beautiful paradise garden became a place of constant war with the human and animal lives that He intended to live together in peace. I am grateful for the gift of forgiveness that I have been privileged to receive, but I must still live among the evil, Satanic, power that dominates the earth. Its up to us to control, and claim our rights, and with God’s promised help, we can do it. The closer I get to heaven the more I want to stay here and help others weather the storm. I may not be that much help to many, but the fact that I am fighting is enough to make me keep trying. When I become disabled, and the Master gives me an honorable discharge, it’s then that I will be ready to say good-bye world, good-bye.

When I sit down at this computer I never know what I am going to write, but as the Lord directs I start typing away. The message usually is what I need for my own uplifting. I look forward to receiving, and delivering it every day. My enemies cannot reach me with their weapons, although they do try. I don’t like being rude even to my enemies, but sometimes we have to unload on them. Then I pray that they will recover. The little birds don’t know how blessed they are. Sometimes I have to tell them. They do get my attention a lot. After all it was a dove that let Noah know when it was safe to come out of the ark. My son, Chuck, has always had a special love for all harmless wild life. I never knew why, but I am understanding it better all the time. They don’t harm him. Can anyone want more out of life than that? It is something for every Christian to think about. “Love covereth a multitude of sins.: 1 Peter 4:8.  1 Corinthians chapter 13 tells us that “Love keeps no record of wrongs.”  How many of us qualify?

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, February 27, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "My Art Is My Secret"

Jean's Comment's: "My Art Is My Secret": My just finished painting of President and First lady, Donald, and Melania Trump. 2-27-2017 Perryton, Texas. I posted this painting on f...

"My Art Is My Secret"

My just finished painting of President and First lady, Donald, and Melania Trump. 2-27-2017 Perryton, Texas.

I posted this painting on face book last night, but many of my readers are not on my face book so I’m posting it again for them. I thank everyone for the nice comments. Its so encouraging, and keeps me believing in my talent. I will be posting another painting of Melania Trump in a beautify blue formal shortly. It’s so nice to have class, dignity, and wisdom in our White House. The people’s prayers were head and answered. Our country will survive, and I am proud to be on the winning side. I’m also proud that I am not employed on a job that makes you stay silent about who you voted for. I know its not good ethics to discuss politics, or religion in public, but there are ways that one can be identified without wearing a brand. I am showing mine through art. I can sit at my computer and tell the world about my God, and Savior while not declaring that no one else’s religion is right. I can respect, and agree with my President while not cursing others opinions. I am positive that the witches who think they can cast a spell on our President and he will die, is total ignorance. They are proving to the world that they do not believe in the God who created the Universe, and who can cause them to die at any moment.

Shame, and reproach can be seen through out the universe more than ever before, although ancient times is an exception. God sent His son, Jesus, to change all the terrible evil back then. For many years people accepted the Savior, and life was a great blessing. But little by little the demotic spirit crept into more and more people’s hearts, and at present times we are a nation at war among ourselves. The bible prophesy is definitely being fulfilled. If people will believe the entire bible, and not try to edit it, they can see for themselves that God’s spirit does not always deal with man. Some of His most notable people, in fact all of them, had to suffer death short of what they could have had. God is strict. God is absolute, and He is a just God. It is His way or the hell way. People cannot patch up all the flaws in their lives. They must repent, and start all over. That is an absolute must. The Word tells us many people will start out in the race, but few will finish. Corinthians 9:34-27. That is because they were not prepared for the race before they started. That is not to say that everyone who started the race, but dropped out before the finish will be discarded as unfit to ever enter again. It means, in my opinion, that weakness is bound to overtake the unprepared, and they will always be weak for lack of failure to stay the course. They are still a runner, but not winning many races.

God Bless every runner
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Blossom Time Joy"

Jean's Comment's: "Blossom Time Joy":    Love these signs of spring. One little white blossom on plum tree. 2-26-2017 Perryton, TX Today February 26, 2017 I saw the first lit...

"Blossom Time Joy"

   Love these signs of spring. One little white blossom on plum tree. 2-26-2017 Perryton, TX

Today February 26, 2017 I saw the first little white blossom on a plum tree. The entire tree is filled with tiny green buds that will open up in a few days. I’m so glad that spring is here. We are just hoping that another late freeze don’t happen like last year, and kill all of our fruit. This past winter has been long, sweet and sour, and I’m ready to say good bye to it. I’m expecting a blissful spring and summer. I’m getting wound up for a full swing into my yard. Work, expense, and more work, are what makes a harvest. Life without a harvest is useless. “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few.” Matthew 9:35-38. In my case the pre-harvest is ready but the laborers are few. I can’t enjoy a harvest of green grass, or a yard full of gorgeous roses and flowers without I put a lot of labor into it. I can’t enjoy fruit from my trees unless I spray a lot for would-be worms. Never mind the gathering of the harvest. That is the easiest job ever in my field. It’s the decisions on who, which, how, and where that makes me tired. But I do have a supervisor who knows already how to handle the job. I just have to call Him from on high when I am ready.

I had a great time with friends last night at the singles meeting. I didn’t know that older people could be so humorous, and down right funny. Neither did I know that their patience with an understaffed restaurant business could be so impressive. A crowd of fifteen people sat at one long table while a waitress for the whole business tried to take orders and deliver the food to the right places. Needless to say everyone didn’t get their food at the same time, and some got others orders, which wasn’t noticed until after the food had been partially eaten. Two ladies were left out completely, and one told the other she would share if she ever got her order. When the one finally got her order it belonged to one who had already started eating this left out, ladies order. The waitress gave the order to the original guest who ordered it, then the long awaited guest had to wait for another order since hers had already been partially eaten. Finally after everyone had finished eating we had to wait for the one-only waitress to come to the cash register to take our money. This restaurant is a very nice place to eat, and they are usually busy. We don’t know why they were working so short handed since the waitress didn’t have time to explain. She was running in circles.  We did get a 20 percent discount, and everyone went home happy. Our Christian attitude had kicked in, and all was feeling sorry for the poor little waitress.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Class At Last"

Jean's Comment's: "Class At Last": Class at last. President and First Lady, Donald J. and Melania Trump. Artist M. Jean Sharp. 2-25-2017 Perryton, TX. I am presenting this...

"Class At Last"

Class at last. President and First Lady, Donald J. and Melania Trump. Artist M. Jean Sharp. 2-25-2017 Perryton, TX.

I am presenting this painting as my own love for our setting President, Donald J. and First Lady, Melania Trump. My heart went into this painting as something I could never say with words. I could never express my feelings for this couple with words, so I tried my best to paint them. I can say that I would never have thought that this couple would ever be the President, and First Lady before the Presidential nomination. I changed my mind when Donald Trump made his announcement speech saying that he was running for president. I was sure at the end of that short speech that he would be our next president. All during the debates I thought, “well I don’t know,” but by the end of every debate of sixteen other candidates, I was sure again that my first decision was right. I was going to support him all the way. Actually in my opinion this candidate was openly saying exactly what millions of people wanted to hear, but no one on America’s earth had the nerve to say it. I thought this man may not live to win the nomination, but he seemed to have more nerve every time he opened his mouth. There is not a doubt in my mind but what God chose this man to wipe the corrupt evil off of America’s land. Why, I don’t know, but I accept it as, the plan of God. I will not try to predict the future, but I can say after the battle is over America with this great leader will come out victorious. I believe this President will be remembered as the model of “little David, the little Sheppard boy who killed the giant. That was the first step for David who  went on to become God’s chosen king while still being the most preached about bible character today.  David is described today as being a murder, wife stealer, and many more disapproving acts from the Christian believer, but all still admit He was the greatest King on earth. God works in mysterious ways, and people do not need to deny Him that powerful right.

Melania Trump is a very classic lady. Beautiful is a minor description of her many talents. Charm, intelligence, wisdom, tolerance, dedication to her husband is just to name a few. Again it is beyond my understanding why God would chose Melania Trump for our First Lady, but again He did just that, and I am excited to the hilltop. She is a sure role model for all young girls, even though part of her character would be debated about that. Like the wife, Bathsheba, which King David stole from a warrior, Melania is a true, submissive, sole mate to her husband. She is taking the hatred being thrown at her from all directions, very well. She does use her right to protest when she feels she’s being disgraced, but she uses it in a sophisticated manner, the courts. I am proud of her genuine dignity, and the wisdom she has to keep it. “May God bless and keep our President and First Lady safe and well. 

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, February 24, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "An Overloaded Bookcase"

Jean's Comment's: "An Overloaded Bookcase":                            My shelves are calling for some help. 2-24-2017 Perryton, Texas. I have been so busy painting this past year ...

"An Overloaded Bookcase"

                           My shelves are calling for some help. 2-24-2017 Perryton, Texas.

I have been so busy painting this past year till my shelves are suffering terribly. They will be put on my list “to do things” next month. That’s not all that has been neglected. My entire office is a disaster. It seems like I can work better with clutter, but I’m ashamed for anyone to come in here. If I start moving things I forget where I put them. Oh, for the life of reality! I am a moody person, and I am not in the mood to do anything but paint. The several times I have been out to social gatherings this week has made me even further behind. I have also been missing a lot of news on television. I think I have switched over to a rest, and enjoy mode, and I don’t know how to change to the, “get up and go,” button. Surly it will dawn on me soon. At least while I am in this lazy mode I am studying a lot of things. The brain is very busy. Too bad its not bigger because it seems to never solve my problems. That calls for someone else to be near me so we both can use our brains. Most of my life I’ve been a see, and hear, learner. Yesterday I had to take my camera to the guy where I bought it, and let him delete all the pictures on the memory card. He said there were 2,400 pictures on it. My brain just doesn’t like these kinds of modern technology. I guess its too easy to learn. Brain boring, its called.

I am extremely excited about all the great things our President is doing for us. Business in my small city had come to a screeching halt the past couple of years with oil prices dropping so low. The previous couple of years had been a record breaker for business. Three large motels had been built, and an upscale, large, apartment complex added. The sale tax had skyrocketed, and it was a constant battle for people to find a place to live. Then a sudden crash in the oil industry left everything scrambling for survival. With the help of God, Donald J. Trump surfaced out of no where, and beat out 16 other candidates to win the republican nomination for president. He went on to beat the democrat nominee and became our president. He is quickly bringing back jobs, and American industry is booming. My city is already building another large apartment complex since Trump became president. Traffic has picked up on the streets, and businesses are looking for help. People are now motivated like never before, including myself, except I am self employed, and art hasn’t come before living expense. It will be later on, I have been promised. I am a strong supporter of our president, and let it be known both at home, and nationally. America’s best days are ahead, but not without a fierce battle between good and evil. The fight is in full swing at this time.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "A Player In The Game Of Life"

Jean's Comment's: "A Player In The Game Of Life":                   The Super Bowl, Super Star game 51, Tom Brady. 2-23-2017 Perryton, TX I finished the painting of Super Bowl 51 Star, T...

"A Player In The Game Of Life"

                  The Super Bowl, Super Star game 51, Tom Brady. 2-23-2017 Perryton, TX

I finished the painting of Super Bowl 51 Star, Tom Brady, today. He is my favorite football player. He played a super, exciting game for the Patriots this year. I am still bubbling over with football spirit. I’m really not a football enthusiast, but the Super Bowl game this year really got my full attention. This game made history in several different ways. It was the first time ever that a Super Bowl game ever went into overtime. Several people left the game early because it looked like the Patriots didn’t have a chance. I almost turned the game off, but something said to me, “where is your faith?” I kept watching while all the time thinking It’s impossible for the Patriots to win. I am so glad I listened to that inner voice. To me this game with the Patriots winning was a direct signal that our country still has a chance of recovering from the enemy power. I am more positive now than ever, even though it may come down to overtime. I will keep my seat, and stay for the duration of the game. My television better not mess up or I will be giving the company hell like they’ve never known before. I’ve got to see this game of “Good against Evil,” clear to the end. America is making history that no one will ever have seen the likes. I am one of the greatest cheer leaders America has. Raw, raw, raw.

I will be posting another painting in a couple of days of President Donald Trump, and First lady, Melania, dancing at the inauguration ball. It is a full size image, and I am loving it more ever day. My heart is telling me to paint more of the famous people, and leave off the unimportant things. This may be a way of my support to help make America great again. I can tell a story by painting my heat out. Sometimes I feel employed, and am working harder than I ever did before. I do enjoy the job, though.

The long 28th chapter of Deuteronomy speaks of the wonderful blessing for those who will follow God’s commandments. It lacks nothing short of unbelievable blessings, but the other side of the story speaks of how cursed those who do not follow God’s commandments will be. While reading this chapter last night I had to think long, and hard, about what my own life is producing. I know I cannot ever be the kind of person that qualifies for the blessings God’s Word is speaking of, but I do not want to be one of those that the curse has been promised to. I pray I will be reminded more often of this 28th chapter of Deuteronomy. If it was true then, it is true now. God’s Word is for everlasting, without any editing. But, after saying that, God is a loving God, and He judges justly.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "The Lumberjack In Me"

Jean's Comment's: "The Lumberjack In Me":                  I am sawing off a broken limb on my apple tree. 2-22-2017 Perrytpn, Texas.              Sawing makes strong muscles....

"The Lumberjack In Me"

                 I am sawing off a broken limb on my apple tree. 2-22-2017 Perrytpn, Texas.
             Sawing makes strong muscles. I need to do a lot of it. 2-22-2017 Perryton, TX.

The limb on my apple tree broke during the hard freeze a few weeks ago. I am now sawing it completely off. I am partly a lumberjack. Being raised on a creek bottom I learned young how to saw trees and limbs. I have always enjoyed it. My brothers and I used to cut our Christmas trees. Sometimes we cut firewood. My farm life has educated me in a lot of fields of hard work. Something my children missed out on. They thought they were supposed to be paid for carrying out the trash. I love the way I spoiled my kids. They now enjoy helping me do hard yard work when they are around. I still supervise them.

Today I will be eating lunch at the Citizens Center. I have starting back to leaving this house a lot now. I seem to have started a new life, or at least started the old one back. After attending Happy Timers yesterday I have renewed my dedication to the group happy group, Everything is taking on new meaning. I have at least one more hang-out planned for this week. Dinner with the singles is always fun. There for awhile I had put my wedding rings back on, but I will be taking them off again before long. I just must leave the past behind.

I still am keeping up with the world conditions. I believe we are facing a crisis like we’ve never seen before. So many people have lost their minds, and no one can reason with a crazy person. It is going to be pure hell on earth. Some of us have seen this coming for a long time. The evil just keeps  increasing, and the fight is getting more fierce every day. What do we do now”? Keep praying and trusting God. Get involved more with Christians, and fight for what you know is right. “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” This famous quote is simply saying. Those who do not want to take a stand for good, are helping the evil ones to triumph. No coward is accepted in the army. Let us all denounce cowardly threats, and join up in the fight for God. A soldier in the army does not bully, or invent stories not founded on facts. If they do they immediately get discharged from the army. This fact applies also to the army of God, who is much stricter than earthly armies. We cannot live a haphazard live and please God. We must always be in control of our unsure minds, not wavering to the left or right. There are two sides only. Good or bad, no in between. If we disagree on a situation, we stand to be questioned and hopefully come to a common ground. If we are wrong it only means we will not be blessed by God. It adds more pain to the body than we already have. Study the Word of God to show thyself approved.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "An Untold Secret"

Jean's Comment's: "An Untold Secret":               Happy Timers lunch today at First Christian Church. 2-21-2017  Perryton, TX. I enjoyed a fun time today at Happy Timers lu...

"An Untold Secret"

              Happy Timers lunch today at First Christian Church. 2-21-2017  Perryton, TX.

I enjoyed a fun time today at Happy Timers luncheon. Food, entertainment, speaker, fellowship, all was so nice. The day was gorgeous, and I am again feeling so blessed. I don’t deserve all the nice things that has been given to me, but I really do appreciate them. This lovely, incredible, time in my life has been a long time in coming. A note to everyone who feels like their life has just lost all of its meaning, no way. It is getting recharged for a better than ever place in the world. A promise that God always keeps if we will just let Him be first in our lives. I sometime think we have been fitted with strong, magnifying, contacts that let us see things that we never seen before. The changes that are being made in my life are definitely gifts from God. I don’t always understand them, but they are worthy to be praised. “Great is the victory that overcomes the world.” Happy, happy is this day, and all the days that follow. Declare it and it will be granted. The dead spirit that lies within you will be raised from the dead, and start shouting out the victory. I’m not saying there will never be another dry time in our life, but let us not fail to drink plenty of the refreshing water that is available to us today. The old man or woman we now are, can be refurbished and made to look like new again. God is in that business. Claim it now.

I really do have a miracle that just happened in my life, but I can’t speak about it now. Maybe some day. Sometimes God does not allow us to tell all of our dark secrets, but He moves us to the very depth of the hole and pulls us out by His power lift. “What! “How did that happen? I never ever expected that to happen in my lifetime. Wow! Unbelievable. I really didn’t want that. I wanted to keep my pride. Ok Lord, you know best. Please tell me more.” How much more pride is God going to pull out of my life? Will I sometime become as a little lamb headed for the slaughter? If so may I be as willing as the little lamb. Glory, glory, I am walking in the light more now than ever before. Hear me out, we are not great pieces of clay. We are as filthy rags even after the blood of Christ has been applied to our hearts. The spirit dwells with the Father, and only the flesh is left to die. Do we want to let our flesh remain in the hole? Not anymore for me. I am lifted up, and it seems so good. Love me, or hate me. Nothing of that nature matters to me anymore. I have been set free. My Lord and me will be friends forever.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, February 20, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "See Them Now Together"

Jean's Comment's: "See Them Now Together": The sun and the moon in the same shot. Sun is so bright you can't see moon with your eyes, but the camera saw it. 2-20-2017 Perryton, ...

"See Them Now Together"

The sun and the moon in the same shot. Sun is so bright you can't see moon with your eyes, but the camera saw it. 2-20-2017 Perryton, TX

I’ve never seen a brighter sun than this one today. I am still seeing spots before my eyes from taking this picture. I did not see the moon beside the sun, but it shows up clearly on the camera. Both the sun, and the moon, went straight to my heart. I am so excited about this day till I may forget to eat. My mind is set on finishing a couple of projects that I’ve been stuck on for awhile. I can see the problems now. Today is the day to clear them up. When you have faith the light at the end of the tunnel always appears. After today I may have to celebrate my success. “Faith, Hope and Charity,” are three of my favorite words. They have never left my heart since I met Jesus. They will guide me the rest of my life just like they have been doing for so long. To any who may be feeling dim, take my word God never fails if we will just let Him work through us. Let us keep our mind on the goal. Every battle we fight only brings us richer in the Lord. I may not have millions in the bank, but I have trillions in heaven where no one can rob me of it. I am a trillionaire, and unlike our President Trump I’m keeping it. God bless my fortune.

A friend just called to say hello. She lives in another town and calls me often. Another friend in Oklahoma City left me a message, so I need to call her back. I am so thankful for friends who are always there for me. The blessings never cease to happen. Even in these dark times of world conditions, I feel so protected by my friends and family with God directing them to my needs. I could not want for anything more. I do hurt when I see on television or read on the internet the thousands of people who are losing their lives every day because of evil. Sometimes I have to almost beg God to deliver me from the pain I feel for them. I don’t understand the reason for it, but I am made so much more thankful for my blessed life. I don’t know what I might face yet before God is through with me, but I do know He will always be beside me. I have faith to believe that I will be taken with peace, and the Love of God. My wish is that all could come to this same belief. Life is so much more pleasant when we come to that point. My ambition is running away with its self so I better run and catch it. If it goes too far I may have to eat my words. I need food instead of words. Wishing everyone a very happy day.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Glory To God In The Highest"

Jean's Comment's: "Glory To God In The Highest": Our President and First Lady landing in Florida to greet a crowd of over 9'000 2-19-2017 Perryton, TX Our President and First Lady are...

"Glory To God In The Highest"

Our President and First Lady landing in Florida to greet a crowd of over 9'000 2-19-2017 Perryton, TX

Our President and First Lady are dealing with the great opposition without fear or favor. God bless them in the greatest way. Just when I think we, as
Americans, are about to be overtaken by the enemy our great President pulls a rabbit out of the hat. Yesterday, February 18, 2017 the President was greeted by a shouting, victorious crowd of over 9,000 in Orlando, Florida.  His ratings are growing higher all the time. It is obvious that many more people are for him than are against him. This is not the man. It is God working through this man to save his chosen people. Everyone knows that Israel is God’s chosen people, and Christians are grafted into that race. Christians must stand with Israel because if Israel goes down America goes with them, and other Christians scattered all over the world. President Trump knows this and he is fighting for Israel. Most people know also that the Muslin population is very great in number. We have been living in a long standing battle with the Muslins ever since Abraham’s illegal son, Ishmael, was born. He did not receive Abraham’s inheritance as was the law at that time. Ishmael was sent out of Abraham’s household with his mother, Hager, who was the Egyptian maid, around the age of twelve years old. On the journey out Ishmael was about to die from thirst. His mother didn’t want him to suffer so she put an arrow in her bow and drew in on Ishmael. At that time an angel appeared to Hagar and told her not to let go of the arrow. He told her that her son would be blessed with people as many as the sands of the sea, but they would have to live by the sword. All the hundreds of years later we now are seeing this scripture come to pass. This is my own interruption of the King James Version bible. God’s word tells us also that Israel will be saved in the end. But as we know we are fighting the sword in a mighty way. We need to live by God’s word now more than ever before. Those who are on the outskirts, you need to move in.

I attended the Widow and Widower’s meeting last evening. We had a nice crowd, and the pizza was so good. It is nice to gather with people who are sharing your own kind of lonely life, It gives you a boost, and makes you feel blessed. This meeting has become a regular schedule on my calendar. I look forward to it every Saturday evening. The conversation is about what everyone has done the past week. It’s very interesting and helps you keep up with those who may be ill or in need of prayer for other reasons. It has helped me to feel needed and wanted, which is my constant goal in life. May God’s blessings always be with this group.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "The Likes Of An Inflated Cow"

Jean's Comment's: "The Likes Of An Inflated Cow":             My neighbors cow eating from special cow chow. ha ha. 2-18-2018 Perryton, TX Gorgeous day already. I can’t put off my ya...

"The Likes Of An Inflated Cow"

            My neighbors cow eating from special cow chow. ha ha. 2-18-2018 Perryton, TX

Gorgeous day already. I can’t put off my yard work much longer. I can say this is Saturday, and I take the week-ends off when it comes to doing yard work. I have my evening scheduled. Starting at 5’oclock I will be attending the Widow, and Widower’s club. It will take some time for me to primp and doll myself up. It’s takes longer now than it used to. With less hair I have to work deliberately to cover up the bald spots. With seven closets full of cloths dating back thirty years, it takes some time for me to decide what to wear. It really takes some persuading from my aged brain to decide that I look like, “Queen For Day” After that I can go out and make a fool of myself. Oh! What fun to live the golden live of freedom.

I will try hard to keep my temper under control today. I think I am speaking out too much on the internet about the lunatics who are giving our President a fricking hard time. The world is full of these self-destroying idiots. I believe it is getting worse every day, and there will be a full-fledged civil war before it gets better. How many lives will be lost no one knows, but I fear it will be many. The time has come for people to take sides with good or evil. There will be no more riding the fence. It has been nice, just being nice, and trying to be good to everybody, but that day is over, I believe. The Word of God speaks of the “Mark of The Beast,” number 666. I have wondered all my life if what I was taught as a child would really come to pass. I do believe it now. Everyone will be required to have that number tattooed on their forehead before they can purchase food for them self or their children. I have been hearing for years that the surge in tattooing is a plan for Satan to easily persuade people to take the Mark of The Beast. I wonder where the mark will be put with some people already having their foreheads tattooed with other symbols. I have always stood against any body piercing, and I must say with the grace of God I will stand against the “Mark of The Beast.” I declare unto you a sad, sad, day is coming. We have a President who is working around the clock to stop the blood from flowing, but whatever is God’s plan will happen. We are all weak and undone, but never forget our God will never leave nor forsake us. Please join hands with Jesus and His followers today, and go where ever He leads us, even if it means the cross. Christian company is the best place to be. Drop all other religions that don’t believe in Christ. And even those who do believe in Him, but are not following Him. Like the cow in my neighbor’s yard, inflate yourself with the power of God.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

Friday, February 17, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Friendly Cat Touched My Feet"

Jean's Comment's: "Friendly Cat Touched My Feet": My neighbor's cat is welcoming me to their place. She is the only live thing I saw in this fascinating yard. Unusual breed. 2-17-2017 ...

"Friendly Cat Touched My Feet"

My neighbor's cat is welcoming me to their place. She is the only live thing I saw in this fascinating yard. Unusual breed. 2-17-2017 Perryton, TX

Another gorgeous evening today in Perryton, Texas. I made a quick trip to the store and stopped on my way home to view my neighbor’s fascinating yard. They have all kinds of interesting things as well as some unusually bred cats. When I saw this yellow cat walking on the picket fence I had to stop and take a picture. It quickly jumped down and ran to my feet. I had to give a little attention to it. Several of my neighbors are like myself. We have lots of yard work to do after the terrible bad freeze. The yards are still full of small limbs that the clean-up people didn’t get. I can say that when the raking is finished there will be some beautiful yards around me. It will be worth it.

Today has not been one of my better days. Several things happened that I regret. I have to believe God gave me this day to come down off my high horse, since I had been boasting of so much excitement. I was in a cranky mood, and let my time bomb go off. Too much criticism coming from me today, even if I did think I had a right to it. When it backfires on me it is then that I realize I have made someone more important than me really angry. I also am reminded that I am still human. I did punish myself by doing some work that I wouldn’t have done had I not been trying to get rid of guilt. I still am glad I told someone I love dearly, that they need to stop doing things that cause confusion in some peoples lives. I’m now waiting to be told the same thing by someone else. God help us all. After all I think Jesus scolded a few people in His life time, yet there was never any greater love than His. We often wonder why there can’t be peace on earth. I just have to say it’s because God didn’t plan it that way. Jeremiah 8:22 tells us. They have healed the wounds of my people saying, “Peace, peace, when there is no peace.” This life is going to be hard no matter how old we get. The evil spirit is constantly at work to see to that. This is biblical also. What is so healing is when Jesus kisses our wounds and says, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” That is why we can live happy lives most of the time.

As for the world, it is full of evil, and who knows when God will say, “enough is enough.” I’m glad I’m on His side. From what I’m reading in the bible time for the world to end could be close. I hope and pray that I can keep my robe white, even if I have to wash it every day.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "A Little Bird Told Me Spring Was Here"

Jean's Comment's: "A Little Bird Told Me Spring Was Here":      Ring neck collard doves are already moving into the apple tree. 2-16-2017 Perryton, TX. It’s one beautiful afternoon today. The ri...

"A Little Bird Told Me Spring Was Here"

     Ring neck collard doves are already moving into the apple tree. 2-16-2017 Perryton, TX.

It’s one beautiful afternoon today. The ring neck collard doves are already occupying the apple tree in my yard. They come every year about this time, and rule the tree until late in the spring. No other birds are allowed to land in the tree until the doves leave for the year. My outdoor spirit is almost here. I just dread doing all the work that I see has to be done by me. There will be lots of raking and tree trimming. I don’t know when I will get in the mood, but I need to hurry. The yard is too un-kept due to cold weather that set in early last fall. I enjoy sitting out in my back yard a lot, but I must have it looking nice before I do. My bird and animal friends are so much company to me. I can’t let them down and not clean up their summer vacation homes. The birds and rabbits, squirrels, and other species give birth to their little ones here. I don’t allow stray cats and dogs in my yard, so everything else is friendly and enjoyable. I used to have a fish pond which I really enjoyed, but it became so much trouble to clean so I gave the fish to my neighbor. I filled in the hole and made a flower bed out of it. I am adding a bird bath, and feeder to my yard this year.

I would rather be out mixing with the crowd today. I seemed to have sprouted a new desire to eat and gab with friends. I just hope it doesn’t take first place in my life. I know I have a home and yard to take of, and I don’t intend to quit painting any way soon. Maybe I will arrange everything so I can do plenty of all. This is Thursday, and I am already looking forward to the widow, and widower’s get-together Saturday evening. I plan to attend at least two senior luncheons next week. I never thought it would happen after loosing my husband four years ago, but I am finally moving on. My sweet children have not given up on me, and are always trying to think of things to make me happy. My youngest son begged, and even almost insisted that I go on a cruise with he and his wife. My excuse was that I don’t like being out on water. I know that most any other mother would have jumped at the chance to do this, but I could not make myself go. After all, my son and daughter-in-law are loads of fun to be with. I just have not fully recovered from the loss of my husband. I feel like I need to stay home with him, although I realize he is not here. I am slowly, but surely getting my life back. I am flying through dark clouds with faith, and not by sight. Someone higher than I is clearing the way.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp


Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Feeling Like A Sweetheart"

Jean's Comment's: "Feeling Like A Sweetheart": Valentines dinner was great. Best steak ever. 2-15-2017 Perryton, TX.       I am facing the camera. Just finished eating a wonderful din...

"Feeling Like A Sweetheart"

Valentines dinner was great. Best steak ever. 2-15-2017 Perryton, TX.
      I am facing the camera. Just finished eating a wonderful dinner. 2-15-2017 Perryton, TX.

Last night was a great time for food and fellowship. The Valentine’s dinner was a big success with over 100 people attending. The steak was the best I had ever eaten. A dipper of bon appitit potato casserole was extra special, topped off with a feta salad. A delicious  dessert  was the final, great tasting filler. The staff and cooks did a fantastic job of serving a scrumptious dinner. My evening was filled with fun and pleasure.

Today I am deciding my plans for the rest of the week. I have a choice of several things. My life is beginning to take on new meaning. That is something more than just politics. I am working toward an art display later on this summer. I’m excited about that. I also agreed to do some voluntary work at the Museum. This place is usually a busy community effort to serve the local and surrounding areas with means of social and business affairs. A large dinning area with kitchen facilities is used often. The food is catered by remarkable cooks. I look forward to working with the nicest people who dedicate their time in making our city a great place to live. I think about how much time I have spent on procrastinating. It’s so easy to let unimportant things hinder you from doing the job you really need to do. Too often we let idle thoughts take over our lives. It’s a good thing to let the mind explore extensively, but decisions must come and be executed or the brain is useless to you. I so often think of the man who was so honest in expressing his worth. He was given a job of selecting good apples from the bad ones. After a short time on that job he remarked, : “I can dig ditches or plow the ground all day, but these decisions  are killing me.” How honest are we about our worth? Or how honest are we about making excuses for doing nothing? Surly there is a time and a place for all of us to contribute some time to society. I’m working on that now.

I say all of this, but I still say we can, and should do much to help our elected leaders with their very difficult jobs. Some elected leaders are opposed to our own conscience. This is the way God decided to allow the world to operate. It’s up to us to not only make right decisions, but to express them in many different ways. Silence is a sign of ignorance. Let us make ourselves knowledgeable instead of choosing to stay silent. Of course we will not always be on the winning side, but to participate is better than to sit it out. I feel so strongly that our country is flooded with evil doers who is working around the clock to destroy our democracy and everything else that Jesus died for. I will do all I can to fight those evil doers, and most of all pray for their lives to end if they will not repent and go straight. I am a strong supported of our President, Donald Trump. He is God’s man for today. We will win if everyone who supported him in the beginning will not be swayed by the evil doers.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Hope Is Still Alive"

Jean's Comment's: "Hope Is Still Alive": Second day of hazy, drizzly weather in Perryton, TX. Thankful for the moister. 2-14-2017 Perryton, TX After two days of no sunshine I am...

"Hope Is Still Alive"

Second day of hazy, drizzly weather in Perryton, TX. Thankful for the moister. 2-14-2017 Perryton, TX

After two days of no sunshine I am beginning to darken just a bit. I know the sun is shinning I just can’t see it from my house. I’m trusting God with all my heart to let the sun shine brightly on our President, Donald Trump. He is leading one of the most dangerous, and evil-infiltrated countries in the world. Yes, I do believe that. This country was founded on Christian virtues. In my opinion it was a God given power invested in great Christian men whom He chose to construct the greatest country on earth. It has taken over two hundred years for demon spirits to put out country on the run. At this time it is about half and half Christian, and non Christian. Many who would deny that they are not Christian, their lives tell a different story.

Hypocrites have multiplied by millions in America in addition to the millions of honest Christian-haters who want to destroy America’s religion completely. Many martyrs are still lying in their graves waiting for that day when all would be martyrs will join them, then all will be raised and rewarded together. Revelations 6:11 KJV.  I feel sure the end times are close at hand. Who can dare not say that America is fully involved in a civil war? Will Christianity win or lose? The Christ Himself died for His cause. Will all Christians be called to die for their cause? I feel strongly we must make that choice now, and be willing to suffer as a martyr if it’s God will.

The Holy Bible is the Word of God, KJV is my choice of all versions. Who with a good mind could not believe in the Word of God? It has been proven over and over, and at this time is proving to be true.

For all Americans who are against taking America back, I suggest you take a reality pill and sleep till you come to your senses. This is a crucial time, and there is no time left to halt or hope for the best. If you can’t stand up for our President, please don’t try to crucify him. It would be better to die as a martyr than to be guilty of crucifying God’s chosen person to redeem His chosen people. I may be putting myself at the top of the list for becoming a martyr, but I believe strongly, that we are being tried by an angry God who is fed up with evil from a one-time Christian nation. “My spirit doth  not always strive with man.” Genesis 6:3 KJV. We often wonder why we keep trying to convince people of listening to the wrong voice, but Jesus never gave up hope and went all the way to the cross. President Trump may go all the way to the cross, but that is how much he believes in God’s chosen people. “Arise and take arms against the enemy of America even those who are listening to the wrong voice.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, February 13, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "God Mailed My Energy Pill Today"

Jean's Comment's: "God Mailed My Energy Pill Today": A valentine from my youngest sweetheart. Notice the sent to name. Mom, and a heart for last name; With just my street address/city and sta...

"God Mailed My Energy Pill Today"

A valentine from my youngest sweetheart. Notice the sent to name. Mom, and a heart for last name; With just my street address/city and state. Love this sweetheart. 2-13-2017 Perryton, TX.

I didn’t wake up this morning to a beautiful sunrise, but rather a hazy sky and a slight mist. Not so exciting as when the sun rises with all colors from the rainbow forming the sly. I was waiting for my energy pill since the sun didn’t bring it this morning. The mail carrier brought it. A bright red envelope addressed to MOM with a heart drawn beside it for last name. It’s a good thing he put the street address and city and state underneath. Inside was a honey bear showing it’s heart. My energy pill was extra strength and away I go to work. My life gets sweeter every day.

Yesterday brought me great joy also. Another son called to tell me the birthday cards had come on the day of the big event. I had worried about them receiving the cards since they had just recently moved into a large apartment complex in Houston, Texas. It took six days for the cards to arrive. My granddaughter and grandson was having a joint birthday party with several guests being invited. I had been given a special message from God to send them. They got it, and my son said they both were very happy honorees.

Tomorrow I plan to attend a Valentine Banquet for seniors. The cooks will serve grilled steaks with baked potato and salad. It is always a super nice event, and I enjoy seeing all my friends whom don’t always come to the regular luncheons. A beautify decorated dinning room with real china and silverware does something special to my lonely heart. I am always thankful for so many blessings which God gives me.

Each day I am expanding my social life after so long of being withdrawn from it. I feel like I have come through a valley of death. My husband, several family members, and many close friends have passed away recently. Some of my family have been healed from near-death instances. I have to praise God daily for these, and that is why I always have a smile. I know I have a friend in Jesus that sticks beside me even in the hardest of times. I am happy today, and will be happy tomorrow, and every day no matter what comes my way. The human nature is to doubt and fear. Everyone is doomed with these two evils, but if Jesus is within our reach, (depending upon our daily walk with Him,) He will take us by the hand and lead us through. He will even turn us lose to go out and enjoy such things as a special Valentines Banquet. “Eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow may never come.” Luke 5:27-39 KJV. I will do as the word tells me by His grace. I have always liked this quote, “Laugh and the world laughs with you.” I believe this with all my heart. There is such a thing as a God approved laugh. We all know the difference. If the heart is right, the laugh will be approved.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "A Tacky Story"

Jean's Comment's: "A Tacky Story":                Good Sunday morning sunrise. You light up my heart. 2-12-2017 Perryton, TX                       I don't worshi...

"A Tacky Story"

               Good Sunday morning sunrise. You light up my heart. 2-12-2017 Perryton, TX
                      I don't worship the sun. I worship It's Creator. 2-12-2017 Perryton, Tx.

This Sunday morning sunrise was my energy pill for today. I always marvel at the beauty of God’s way of lighting up the world. I am taking time this morning to send out greetings to all my readers before I start doing other things. I have been neglecting to say hello first before satisfying my ambitious ego. I appreciate all the hits I’ve been receiving, but feel ashamed that I had not posted a blog in several days. I’ve been working on something that I plan to post shortly. It is taking a lot of my time, but feel it is a product from God. This image makes me feel good, and I hope it will do the same for you.

I have to tell a tacky story that really stunned me yesterday. I had been painting most of the day, but needed to go to the store for some paint. My hair was a terrible sight, and my work cloths were even sightier. I stopped at a little story to pick up the news paper. I got 50 cents out of my purse and hurriedly entered the store. I laid the paper down on the counter then noticed a special kind of candy bar that I never can find. They usually cost two or three dollars when I can find them, but this one was $1.50. I said to myself good-bye diet, I’ll see you later. I noticed the man who was checking out ahead of me had huge tattoo’s on his arm. I always say a silent prayer for anyone I see with body piercing. Yes, I do feel this is against God’s will. I told the clerk I needed to go to the car and get some more money and started walking away. I didn’t hear the tattooed man tell the clerk he would pay for my stuff, but the clerk called me back. I thanked the guy, and said to him I don’t know what I did to deserve that. I am thinking he thought I looked so ungodly and tacky that I needed some financial help. I was so stunned I picked up the money he had laid on the counter and my paper, and candy bar then started to walk out. It struck me the money was suppose to go in the cash register. I turned around and apologized and started counting out the money. The fellow didn’t see my paper so I was 22 cents short. I told the clerk I still needed to go to the car. She said “you don’t need to I will get the rest.” By now I am totally confused. The moral to this story is, I am a better giver than receiver. This has happened to me several times lately, and I feel so unworthy. God needs to teach me a lesson on receiving. I feel so inadequate when being given something physically. I just always say “God Bless you.”  I do mean that and ask God that night to bless my giver.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Jean's Comment's: I offer my opinion openly.One thing that is clea...

Jean's Comment's: I offer my opinion openly.

One thing that is clea...
: I offer my opinion openly. One thing that is clear today, the latest happening last night, Tuesday, our divided country is being identifie...
I offer my opinion openly.

One thing that is clear today, the latest happening last night, Tuesday, our divided country is being identified as to who is agreeing with our constitutional rights, and to who wants to abolish them. A good thing. It’s always good to know your enemies, even in our own country. President Trump has laid the ground work with a winning team. The fight is on.

Monday, February 6, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Just Before The Sun Set"

Jean's Comment's: "Just Before The Sun Set":                   Just as the sun went down. Beautiful sky all around. 2-6-2017 Perryton, Texas.  I needed another touch of God's b...

"Just Before The Sun Set"

                  Just as the sun went down. Beautiful sky all around. 2-6-2017 Perryton, Texas.
 I needed another touch of God's beauty this evening. How real He is. 2-6-2017 Perryton, TX

After a busy day I rushed out to take a picture of the sun just as it was going down. I could see all the colorful streaks going across the sky from my kitchen window. Within minutes after I snapped the picture, the sky turned dark. I am anxious for it to come up again in the morning. I hate going to sleep and missing out on so much of happenings in God’s big world. I know my sleep is very important so I don’t have to wait to be scolded before I go to bed, like my dad used to do. I still hear his words every night, “Sis it’s time to go to bed.” It’s funny how some things never leave your mind for long. God lets me visit with my mom and dad, and my husband so much while I sleep. I can never thank God enough for His blessings to me.

I started another painting today.  I now am working on three. Some of the paint I use has to dry two or three days before I can continue. That’s why I keep at least two going all the time. I put off paying some bills today because I didn’t want to quit painting. I must do that the first thing in the morning or I will again put it off. By the end of the week I am sure I will be ready to go out to eat with my friends in the singles club. There are some older folks who know a lot of good jokes. I always enjoy hearing them and laughing my heart out. Crazies have more fun than anybody. Since my husband passed away I don’t laugh much. He used to joke about every word I spoke. And about other peoples words too. He was a natural born humorist, and didn’t even know it. People laughed at him when all he knew what to say was pop a joke. It came so naturally. I no longer have that bright side of life with me, and it’s been very hard to get used to. I have one son who inherited his dad’s humor, but I don’t get to be around him much.

I keep my mind open for news from heaven. I live from day to day by trusting in the Lord. He promised me many years ago to never leave me nor forsake me. He has kept that promise all these years, but I have to stay tuned into Him. If He closes one door He opens up another. I’m never shut out. I don’t know my future, but I know who does. I trust him with every breath I take. He didn’t promise us a bed of roses, but He did promise us to hold our hand. Our job here on earth is to pick someone up when they fall. Not to always be trying to knock them down. I will stand strong against every foe. How about you?

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Business Entertainment Pleasure And Rest"

Jean's Comment's: "Business Entertainment Pleasure And Rest":                          Dinner with friends at the singles club. 2-4-2017 Perryton, Texas. I just got home from eating and visiting wit...

"Business Entertainment Pleasure And Rest"

                         Dinner with friends at the singles club. 2-4-2017 Perryton, Texas.

I just got home from eating and visiting with friends at the singles club. We had a nice crowd, and everyone enjoyed sharing some of their week’s activities. it’s a night out that I always look forward to. Nothing can take the place of close friends whom you can depend on at all times when needed. What peace and joy one is made to feel when joining hands in prayer before eating. After a couple of hours the group is ready to go home and watch the continuous protesting that is growing quickly out of control. We are made to wonder if our nation will ever be safe again. I do thank God for a support group such as I sat with tonight, although we never mention the condition of our country. We all want to pretend that all is great in the world of today. After all it does no good to talk about it, and everybody has a right to their own opinion. Therefore we keep our opinions to ourselves. Tonight was only the third time I have attended this meeting, and by now I am convinced it is a blessing from God that I was invited to join. How great He is, and how marvelous just to know that He is always by our side.

I was able to accomplish several things today before I had to start getting ready for this meeting. I took in an estate sale, and although I didn’t buy anything I did have plans to buy a car for my son who lives in Houston. I had made it a matter of prayer since I had never bought a car without my husband being present. I had put out a petition before the Lord, and I am totally in agreement with myself that I was not suppose to buy the car. The situation took all of my morning before I could turn down the bidding. Then I came home and painted for a couple of hours with a lot of improvement showing up. I had a couple of interesting phone calls, so all in all this has been a great day for me. In other words my day has not been in vain. I just wonder how I got so much accomplished in one day. It would be nice if every day could be like this one.

I want to say before I sign off that without my faith in God I would not be here. He is the reason I am still strong in body, soul, and mind, and He answers my prayers every day. I might liked to have had Him answer in a different way than He did, but I know He always knows what’s best for me. I feel so blessed to be able to trust him with all my heart. I am happy and satisfied with whatever God chooses for me. It is hard for me to understand how He could love me when I am so unworthy, but I know He does, and that’s all that matters.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Hello Spring Good Bye Winter"

Jean's Comment's: "Hello Spring Good Bye Winter": A limb is still waiting to be sawed off and hauled off from my back yard. @-12017 Perryton, Texas. The weather today is almost like spri...

"Hello Spring Good Bye Winter"

A limb is still waiting to be sawed off and hauled off from my back yard. @-12017 Perryton, Texas.

The weather today is almost like spring in Perryton, Texas. I can see buds trying to open up on the trees. I am so ready. I feel like I could saw off that tree limb and put it in the dumpster by myself. I hope I still feel that way when it warms up a bit more. My ambitious, “get on with your life,” attitude is running away with its self. Yesterday and today I have painted a life size portrait of President, Donald Trump, and First Lady, Melania Trump, dancing at the inauguration ball. It seems like I may be able to finish this painting in less time than usual when painting portraits. It is a large painting, but it is going together extra nice. I am being stimulated to paint this picture as a therapy for grieving the terrible loss of my nephew as he died so unnecessary. While riding his bicycle to the little Quick Stop Store near his house, a speeding motorist ran over him from behind and crushed his body. At the news of this awful tragedy I became very angry and was going to make sure that driver was punished to the highest degree. He had no license or no insurance. My nephew lived with his aged mother and helped her to pay rent and utilities. My sister is now without any means to continue the rent. Somehow God didn’t want me to get involved and planned a way for me to withdraw my anger. I was amazed when I suddenly got the urge to do this latest painting. I am completely at peace, and do not worry about my sister’s future. God will take care of her. The memorial service will be this Friday 2, 3, 2017 in Oklahoma City, and I don’t plan to go. How nice it is to listen to the voice of God when He is guiding you through a crisis.

I have to say this past week has been an extra exasperating, and sorrowful one, but through it all I have been made an overcomer. I feel great victory ahead. My work will continue until God calls me home. I do believe God takes care of those who caused us great pain and worry, because the Word says, “Vengeance is mine I will repay, sayeth the Lord.: If we seek vengeance then we have our reward already, sayeth the Lord. For many years I’ve been remembering this promise when someone does me or some of my family wrong. It has always proven to be true. Soon, and very soon the Lord will take us out of this sinful world to live in peace and harmony forever. I would just like to remind everyone a person being persecuted unjustly will not be a victim of unpunished culprits. That’s why we all are living in devastating times. We are paying back for what we did to Jesus Christ. He is the example, and whoever else causes someone to suffers unjustly will also be made to pay back

I thank everyone for your prayers during this difficult time. 

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp