Monday, February 27, 2017

"My Art Is My Secret"

My just finished painting of President and First lady, Donald, and Melania Trump. 2-27-2017 Perryton, Texas.

I posted this painting on face book last night, but many of my readers are not on my face book so I’m posting it again for them. I thank everyone for the nice comments. Its so encouraging, and keeps me believing in my talent. I will be posting another painting of Melania Trump in a beautify blue formal shortly. It’s so nice to have class, dignity, and wisdom in our White House. The people’s prayers were head and answered. Our country will survive, and I am proud to be on the winning side. I’m also proud that I am not employed on a job that makes you stay silent about who you voted for. I know its not good ethics to discuss politics, or religion in public, but there are ways that one can be identified without wearing a brand. I am showing mine through art. I can sit at my computer and tell the world about my God, and Savior while not declaring that no one else’s religion is right. I can respect, and agree with my President while not cursing others opinions. I am positive that the witches who think they can cast a spell on our President and he will die, is total ignorance. They are proving to the world that they do not believe in the God who created the Universe, and who can cause them to die at any moment.

Shame, and reproach can be seen through out the universe more than ever before, although ancient times is an exception. God sent His son, Jesus, to change all the terrible evil back then. For many years people accepted the Savior, and life was a great blessing. But little by little the demotic spirit crept into more and more people’s hearts, and at present times we are a nation at war among ourselves. The bible prophesy is definitely being fulfilled. If people will believe the entire bible, and not try to edit it, they can see for themselves that God’s spirit does not always deal with man. Some of His most notable people, in fact all of them, had to suffer death short of what they could have had. God is strict. God is absolute, and He is a just God. It is His way or the hell way. People cannot patch up all the flaws in their lives. They must repent, and start all over. That is an absolute must. The Word tells us many people will start out in the race, but few will finish. Corinthians 9:34-27. That is because they were not prepared for the race before they started. That is not to say that everyone who started the race, but dropped out before the finish will be discarded as unfit to ever enter again. It means, in my opinion, that weakness is bound to overtake the unprepared, and they will always be weak for lack of failure to stay the course. They are still a runner, but not winning many races.

God Bless every runner
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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