Thursday, February 23, 2017

"A Player In The Game Of Life"

                  The Super Bowl, Super Star game 51, Tom Brady. 2-23-2017 Perryton, TX

I finished the painting of Super Bowl 51 Star, Tom Brady, today. He is my favorite football player. He played a super, exciting game for the Patriots this year. I am still bubbling over with football spirit. I’m really not a football enthusiast, but the Super Bowl game this year really got my full attention. This game made history in several different ways. It was the first time ever that a Super Bowl game ever went into overtime. Several people left the game early because it looked like the Patriots didn’t have a chance. I almost turned the game off, but something said to me, “where is your faith?” I kept watching while all the time thinking It’s impossible for the Patriots to win. I am so glad I listened to that inner voice. To me this game with the Patriots winning was a direct signal that our country still has a chance of recovering from the enemy power. I am more positive now than ever, even though it may come down to overtime. I will keep my seat, and stay for the duration of the game. My television better not mess up or I will be giving the company hell like they’ve never known before. I’ve got to see this game of “Good against Evil,” clear to the end. America is making history that no one will ever have seen the likes. I am one of the greatest cheer leaders America has. Raw, raw, raw.

I will be posting another painting in a couple of days of President Donald Trump, and First lady, Melania, dancing at the inauguration ball. It is a full size image, and I am loving it more ever day. My heart is telling me to paint more of the famous people, and leave off the unimportant things. This may be a way of my support to help make America great again. I can tell a story by painting my heat out. Sometimes I feel employed, and am working harder than I ever did before. I do enjoy the job, though.

The long 28th chapter of Deuteronomy speaks of the wonderful blessing for those who will follow God’s commandments. It lacks nothing short of unbelievable blessings, but the other side of the story speaks of how cursed those who do not follow God’s commandments will be. While reading this chapter last night I had to think long, and hard, about what my own life is producing. I know I cannot ever be the kind of person that qualifies for the blessings God’s Word is speaking of, but I do not want to be one of those that the curse has been promised to. I pray I will be reminded more often of this 28th chapter of Deuteronomy. If it was true then, it is true now. God’s Word is for everlasting, without any editing. But, after saying that, God is a loving God, and He judges justly.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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