Sunday, February 19, 2017

"Glory To God In The Highest"

Our President and First Lady landing in Florida to greet a crowd of over 9'000 2-19-2017 Perryton, TX

Our President and First Lady are dealing with the great opposition without fear or favor. God bless them in the greatest way. Just when I think we, as
Americans, are about to be overtaken by the enemy our great President pulls a rabbit out of the hat. Yesterday, February 18, 2017 the President was greeted by a shouting, victorious crowd of over 9,000 in Orlando, Florida.  His ratings are growing higher all the time. It is obvious that many more people are for him than are against him. This is not the man. It is God working through this man to save his chosen people. Everyone knows that Israel is God’s chosen people, and Christians are grafted into that race. Christians must stand with Israel because if Israel goes down America goes with them, and other Christians scattered all over the world. President Trump knows this and he is fighting for Israel. Most people know also that the Muslin population is very great in number. We have been living in a long standing battle with the Muslins ever since Abraham’s illegal son, Ishmael, was born. He did not receive Abraham’s inheritance as was the law at that time. Ishmael was sent out of Abraham’s household with his mother, Hager, who was the Egyptian maid, around the age of twelve years old. On the journey out Ishmael was about to die from thirst. His mother didn’t want him to suffer so she put an arrow in her bow and drew in on Ishmael. At that time an angel appeared to Hagar and told her not to let go of the arrow. He told her that her son would be blessed with people as many as the sands of the sea, but they would have to live by the sword. All the hundreds of years later we now are seeing this scripture come to pass. This is my own interruption of the King James Version bible. God’s word tells us also that Israel will be saved in the end. But as we know we are fighting the sword in a mighty way. We need to live by God’s word now more than ever before. Those who are on the outskirts, you need to move in.

I attended the Widow and Widower’s meeting last evening. We had a nice crowd, and the pizza was so good. It is nice to gather with people who are sharing your own kind of lonely life, It gives you a boost, and makes you feel blessed. This meeting has become a regular schedule on my calendar. I look forward to it every Saturday evening. The conversation is about what everyone has done the past week. It’s very interesting and helps you keep up with those who may be ill or in need of prayer for other reasons. It has helped me to feel needed and wanted, which is my constant goal in life. May God’s blessings always be with this group.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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