Saturday, February 18, 2017

"The Likes Of An Inflated Cow"

            My neighbors cow eating from special cow chow. ha ha. 2-18-2018 Perryton, TX

Gorgeous day already. I can’t put off my yard work much longer. I can say this is Saturday, and I take the week-ends off when it comes to doing yard work. I have my evening scheduled. Starting at 5’oclock I will be attending the Widow, and Widower’s club. It will take some time for me to primp and doll myself up. It’s takes longer now than it used to. With less hair I have to work deliberately to cover up the bald spots. With seven closets full of cloths dating back thirty years, it takes some time for me to decide what to wear. It really takes some persuading from my aged brain to decide that I look like, “Queen For Day” After that I can go out and make a fool of myself. Oh! What fun to live the golden live of freedom.

I will try hard to keep my temper under control today. I think I am speaking out too much on the internet about the lunatics who are giving our President a fricking hard time. The world is full of these self-destroying idiots. I believe it is getting worse every day, and there will be a full-fledged civil war before it gets better. How many lives will be lost no one knows, but I fear it will be many. The time has come for people to take sides with good or evil. There will be no more riding the fence. It has been nice, just being nice, and trying to be good to everybody, but that day is over, I believe. The Word of God speaks of the “Mark of The Beast,” number 666. I have wondered all my life if what I was taught as a child would really come to pass. I do believe it now. Everyone will be required to have that number tattooed on their forehead before they can purchase food for them self or their children. I have been hearing for years that the surge in tattooing is a plan for Satan to easily persuade people to take the Mark of The Beast. I wonder where the mark will be put with some people already having their foreheads tattooed with other symbols. I have always stood against any body piercing, and I must say with the grace of God I will stand against the “Mark of The Beast.” I declare unto you a sad, sad, day is coming. We have a President who is working around the clock to stop the blood from flowing, but whatever is God’s plan will happen. We are all weak and undone, but never forget our God will never leave nor forsake us. Please join hands with Jesus and His followers today, and go where ever He leads us, even if it means the cross. Christian company is the best place to be. Drop all other religions that don’t believe in Christ. And even those who do believe in Him, but are not following Him. Like the cow in my neighbor’s yard, inflate yourself with the power of God.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

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